Fall Away

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"But I don't want your way, I want mine, I'm dying and trying, But believe me I'm fine, But I'm lying, I'm so very far from fine. And I, I can feel the pull begin, I feel my conscience wearing thin, And my skin, It will start to break up and fall apart. I don't wanna fall, fall away, I don't wanna fall, fall away
I'll keep the lights on in this place, 'Cause I don't wanna fall, fall away." Fall Away, Twenty One Pilots

Brendon rushed forward as he saw her balance fall away. Everyone was holding their breath as she was beginning to fall. Brendon reached out in just enough time to grab her wrist. He kept her from falling. Her high was gone now. The slip sobered her up. She reached up to grab Brendon's hand as he pulled her up. Josh and Tyler ran forward to help.

Once she was up, Ryleigh and Brendon both collapsed on the deck. Ryleigh was sitting in his lap and they were holding each other tightly. Both were shaking, Ryleigh was cold and Brendon in shock. Josh pulled off his hoodie and helped Brendon slide it over her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, dad. I'm so so sorry,"she kept mumbling over and over again. "Shh, Ry, it's okay, you're okay,"he whispered. Pete was trying to remember how to breathe. His phone still clenched in his hand, next to his ear. "Pete? Pete?"Gerard kept repeating. "Uh yeah, she's okay. Brendon caught her, she's alive,"Pete spoke quickly. "Oh thank God,"Gerard said as Lindsey rubbed his arm and breathed out a sigh of relief.

Gerard had tears running down his cheeks from the three minutes they waited to hear if she was okay. Lindsey was close to it. "What the actual fuck just happened? I heard her talking and then there was a scream,"Gerard asked.

"She went to come down and she slipped. She would've fallen and died if Brendon hadn't sprinted to her. He caught her wrist and pulled her up with Tyler and Josh. They're sitting on the roof,"Pete informed him. "Please keep me informed, I'm going to have to go. Keep her safe, Wentz, I'm counting on you,"Gerard said. "Sure will,"Pete replied and the call ended.

Pete walked calmly over to the two, his legs were no longer shaking, and whispered to Brendon that they should head back. He nodded. "I'm so sorry. I love you, dad,"Ryleigh said and began to pass out in his arms. "I love you, too, Ry. Everything is okay now, it's going to be alright. Get some rest,"he said softly and held her close. He kissed the top of her head. "Should we take her to the hospital?"Tyler asked. No one answered because no one was sure what to do after what just happened.

He was trying to reassure himself as much as her. Josh offered to carry her back because Brendon didn't look too steady but he refused. He didn't want to let her go ever again. He gathered her into his arms, bridal style, and slowly stood. Together, the group made their way to the elevator. Now that they weren't in a rush, they welcomed it instead of the thousands of stairs. Brendon looked tired now, everything had drained away. He was drained.

All of the built up adrenaline was gone now. He felt numb and knew it was just the shock. The group met them as soon as they exited. Ryleigh's arms were around her dad's neck, she was unconscious. Dallon pulled him into a side hug and Josh took Ryleigh from him. He was in a daze now.

"Brendon, Brendon, are you okay?"Joe yelled, shaking his shoulders, and appeared in his now fuzzy vision. "Brendon, are you okay?"Tyler yelled. He couldn't reply. Pete knew it was coming before the rest of them.

"Oh shit, Brendon,"Pete said. Brendon bent over and puked. Pete rubbed his back and not even a second later, Brendon's knees gave out. Pete caught him just as he was about to hit the ground unconscious.

"A little help,"Pete yelled. Joe, Andy and Patrick had already made it onto the bus. Tyler turned around as he was entering and came running back. Josh was getting Ryleigh on the bus, Zack right behind. Kenny and Dan were already on. Dallon was close to the bus but also came back.

Together, between the three of them, they carried Brendon back. Dallon had his feet while Tyler and Pete each put an arm under his shoulders. "Oh, fuck,"Zack said as they entered. Pete nodded as they climbed up the few steps with Brendon still in between them. There was no way they were getting him to the bunks where Pete knew Ryleigh was.

Josh was crying again, Pete could hear him from where he put Ryleigh in her bunk. They laid Brendon down on the lounge couch. Pete hated to leave him like this but he had to get on his own bus to get to the next venue. "You'll be alright, man,"Pete whispered to Brendon and stood up fully. He walked to the bunk area. "How's she doing?"he asked Josh.

Josh nodded and sniffled. "She's still out, they have space so I think I may stay here tonight to make sure she's okay,"he said. Pete nodded in reply and patted Josh's back before making his way out.

"Tyler, I think Josh is staying here tonight, I'll stay on your bus with you I just have to grab my clothes,"Pete said quietly. Tyler nodded, he surely didn't want to be alone after that. He was emotionally drained as was everyone else. He informed Zack of what was happening and said he would text as soon as they were ready so they could leave. They wouldn't be too early to the next venue, Pete thought, they were half an hour late leaving. He walked onto the bus.

"What the hell happened?"Patrick asked. "You were with us and then you weren't,"Joe said. "Brendon passed out, Dallon and Tyler helped me carry him back,"Pete replied. "Also, I apologize but you all have each other, I'm okay but Josh is staying on Panic's bus tonight. I don't want Tyler staying alone and I know he doesn't want to be alone right now either so I'm going on their bus. I'm okay,"Pete assured them. He knew they were worried after the 2005 incident.

He grabbed a backpack with some clothes in it and made his way on to the bus where Tyler was. Pete was hoping that no press was around to see the incident but he hasn't seen anything so he thinks they're in the all clear. That's the last thing that they needed right now. Pete pulled out his phone and drafted a message to Zack that he sent.

Pete: "Hey, I'm all good to go whenever you all are ready. Let me know how Brendon is when he comes to. Ryleigh as well"

Zack: "sure thing, man"

He was drained and ready to sleep. He knew Tyler couldn't quite yet so he tried to stay awake with him but eventually fell asleep on the couch while Tyler sat on a chair. Pete woke a few hours later to his phone buzzing. He had a blanket over him and the lights were off. Tyler must've went to bed. He pulled his phone out. It was just after seven in the morning eastern time. Their next show was in New York. They would head there and go north before they returned to the south.

Zack: "Brendon just came to. He's okay, kind of a mess worrying about Ryleigh but Josh has stayed in all night with her. She hasn't gotten up yet but probably will soon. She will be alright. I'll text you more when I have it"

Pete: "thanks dude."

He knew that there was no way he was going to sleep now. He was worrying about Ryleigh surely she would've woken by now. He was hoping she was okay. He opened up a new message, knowing clearly what he needed to do to help her. It's what they did for him after his incident.

A/N: Hey y'all! Thanks so much especially to those who have read this far, I appreciate you. Much Love!


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