Uma Thurman

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"I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle. Oh, oh, keep ya like an oath, May nothin’ but death do us part." Uma Thurman, Fall Out Boy

It was around ten in the morning when she woke up. She was a little disoriented for a moment as more than one male voice was speaking, Brendon's included. She wasn't sure why she had woken. "Hey, Leigh, glad you're awake,"Brendon said. She nodded and sat up. "Guys, this is Ryleigh. Ryleigh, this is Dan, Kenny, and Dallon,"Brendon introduced the group. Zack was still asleep. "Uh, hey,"Ryleigh said sounding slightly tired.

Ryleigh walked out to the kitchen area and found a box of cereal. She poured it and tried not to spill the milk as she poured it. Brendon came out to join her a moment later followed by the rest of the band. Before long, any nervousness she felt around the band dissipated. They had her laughing and she felt as though they genuinely cared.

"So, should we plan out a set list?"Brendon asked as Ryleigh finished up. Ryleigh sat down next to Brendon and leaned on his shoulder. He put his arm around his daughter as the guys tried to figure out what they were gonna play. They knew that Sins, This Is Gospel, Miss Jackson, and Girls/Girls/Boys were definitely on it. They decided to wing the rest of it for now and play truth or dare.

"How bad can truth or dare be on a bus?"Dallon asked. "Well, the person can eat anything even if it's totally gross,"Ryleigh said and giggled. "Thanks,"Dallon said sarcastically and tickled the small girl as she received high fives from the other three. "Okay, Dallon, truth or dare?"Ryleigh asked. "Hmm, dare,"he said nervously. "I dare you to go put shaving cream on Zack's face and then wake him,"she said. "Really, Ryleigh? I thought I was your favorite,"he said as he found the shaving cream and went into the bunk area.

"What the hell, Dallon?"Zack roared angrily as a laughing Dallon came out. The rest of the group laughed as Zack came out behind him with shaving cream all over. Ryleigh high fived Dallon. "That wasn't so bad,"he said and prompted a glare from Zack which sent them laughing again.

They arrived at the venue a few hours later and she jumped off the bus as soon as they stopped. She ran to hug both Tyler and Josh before jumping up on Pete, making him carry her inside. This caused the other men of Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At The Disco to laugh. They found their respective dressing rooms and as Brendon went to change, Ryleigh realized she left her phone charger on the bus.

Her phone was on ten percent so she left it and went to go get her charger from the bus. She made it out to the bus when it started raining. She ran back to the stage door and realized she left her backstage pass inside and couldn't call anyone because her phone was there as well. She decided to approach the security guard.

"Excuse me, sir,"Ryleigh said softly. "What do you want? This is for band members only, go back where you belong,"the guard snapped. "You don't understand. I'm Ryleigh Rowan Urie, Brendon's daughter. I forgot my pass, go get one of the guys. They'll tell you,"she said, desperate to get out of the rain. "Yeah, right. Now go before I have to kick you out,"the guard said.

"Hold up,"a voice said out of the darkness. As two approached, Ryleigh knew they looked familiar but couldn't place him anywhere. She had not met this man yet.

"You're Brendon's kid, right?"one asked. Ryleigh nodded, terrified. "Let her in. She's with me. I really don't think you want to try kicking us out, do you?"one of the men asked and showed his driver's license.

The guard gave them a dirty look and looked really unhappy but opened the door. They stepped into the corridor before he changed his mind. After the door slammed shut, she took a moment to try to figure out who she was with. "I can't believe that worked,"guy number one breathed out. Ryleigh looked up then, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust because it was bright in there.

"I'm Gerard Way,"the man said and put out his hand. "I'm Mikey,"the other guy said. "I'm Ryleigh,"she said and took their offered hand. "I know, Pete had told me you shared a name with my daughter. Wanna tell me why you were outside in a downpour? Awesome middle name by the way,"Mikey said with a smile. "Thank you. As for that, I needed my phone charger and I left it on the bus. I got back and realized my pass was in the dressing room,"she said. "You should keep that on you always especially since you're young enough to be mistaken as a fan,"Gerard said. "Let's go find, Brendon,"he added after a minute and the trio made their way down the hall.

The group of bands was hanging out in a backstage lounge area. Dan was sitting at a back table on his phone. The men of Fall Out Boy were standing around and chatting with the other members of Panic! At The Disco as they entered. They looked up as Ryleigh entered. She realized she must look horrendous from the rain. She was shivering, it was freezing.  Brendon walked in a moment after them. He looked really confused.

"Hey, long time no see, Brendon. I found the small Urie outside and was wondering if I may keep her through the show?"Gerard said. Brendon nodded as she got confused looks. "I left both my pass and phone in here on an adventure to the bus. I may have gotten stuck outside,"she said awkwardly. "Rookie mistake,"Dan teased and Dallon laughed as he high fived Dan. The group laughed for a minute.

Josh slid off the sweatshirt he was wearing. They were about to perform anyways. "Here, put this on, kid, you look like you're freezing,"he said. Ryleigh nodded and gratefully took the sweatshirt. It was warm and smelled like Josh. "Thank you,"she said as they received the cue to go onstage. She hugged him and Tyler quick as they made their way out. There were Tv's on with sound that showed the concert.

They sounded amazing but knew it would be better if she were on the side stage. She would at another venue though. Her, Mikey, and Gerard sat down and talked in between songs. She really enjoyed their company. He talked about old tours that he did with his band but didn't pressure her to talk about her past life. She was grateful.

The memories were painful and she didn't remember a time she was really happy there. They did take her to the side stage for Girls/Girls/Boys where she was handed a flag and told to run it across the stage. Before too long, the show was over and they made their way to the bus. Gerard had to go back home to Bandit and Lindsey while Mikey returned to Rowan and Kristin.

He hugged her goodbye and promised they would meet again soon. She went to her bunk and fell asleep instantly. The next three shows passed quickly. Each was absolutely breathtaking to Ryleigh and she wished she could play too. She was thinking about asking Brendon sometime but wanted to wait for the right time which was probably when they weren't on tour.

One morning about a month into the tour, Brendon entered the bus after a food run. They were in Vegas. "Bass players really suck ass and dick,"he yelled as Dallon followed him on. "Sorry, dude, I didn't plan on having my kid break his arm and get a concussion,"Dallon said. "We need you, Pete cannot play Sins, he always messes up just because he can,"Brendon complained and fell dramatically onto the couch next to Ryleigh.

Her face lit up a bit, she loved Dallon sure but maybe she could cover. Her emotions conflicted as she knew she couldn't. She had all of a day because it was a bus day. It wasn't enough time, was it? "Oh, please, if it was Ryleigh who did something stupid you'd be out of here in a heartbeat,"Dallon argued and Brendon considered this point.

"But still,"Brendon tried to argue and knew it was a lost cause. "I would like to believe if I did something dumb that you would too, Dall,"she cut in. "That depends if there was wifi and food,"he teased and she scoffed. "I'm joking, of course I would, you're like another kid to me,"he said and she relaxed a little. "Good, you better,"she said sassily. "Like father, like daughter,"he mumbled and she glared at him. All of a sudden, Dallon's face lit up as he looked at Ryleigh. She looked back.

"What?"Brendon asked as the two exchanged a look. "Ryleigh, can play,"Dallon blurted and the three looked at each other in surprise. "Surely, you aren't serious. We have a day, Dallon. What if she doesn't want to? Is that enough time?"Brendon asked. "I will,"she blurted out and shocked herself. "I mean, I want to if it's cool with you,"she said shyly.

Brendon walked to the bunks area and pulled out one of his old basses. Dallon grabbed the small amp and plugged it in. He sat next to her with his arms around her shoulders, showing her how to hold the instrument.

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