Sick Boy Soldier

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"I knew a sick boy soldier, Who laughed at life. Slept soundly, Through the darkness. And whistled to the night, He comes from a town of normal. Which he is ashamed, People will remember him kindly. But no one remembers his name, It gets cold in the winter sometimes I get lost when the feeling ain’t right. And mother can’t sleep at night, She gets lost in the feeling. But her feeling ain’t right, No no no no no no no no. The feeling ain’t right, Oh carry on. The ships and sails are gone, This place is falling down. Lord it’s crumbling, It’s crumbling to the ground. Oh carry on, The pirates and sailors have gone. This ship is sinking now." Sick BOY Soldier, Palaye Royale

Mikey threw his door open right after throwing his car in park. He opened my door and I gathered her into my arms with tears in my eyes. We ran inside and Mikey was able to flag down a nurse. "We need help over here,"I cried out and a few nurses and doctors ran a gurney over. I placed her small, unconscious form down gently and they rolled her away. Mikey squeezed my shoulder. I'm the older brother, I should be comforting him. I should be squeezing his shoulder. I'm always grateful for him. I hope he knows this wasn't his fault and I wonder how he's so calm. He's a master at the poker face.

"Why don't you find a chair? I'm gonna move my car,"he said quietly. I nodded and tried to keep myself composed as I walked over to the waiting area and flopped down into a faux leather chair. I stared at the ceiling as I waited for his return. I hope Brendon got here soon. I wondered whether or not I should make a group chat or if I should wait. I need to let Frank know. He'll be even more upset if he doesn't know and it doesn't come from me.

Mikey came and sat next to me a few minutes later. We watched as Brendon, Frank, and Sarah came running in from the parking lot. It had just started to pour, they were soaked. The rain was fine by me, it suited my mood well. They almost went running to the front desk until Sarah spotted us and started to pull the two men behind her. I stood and hugged Sarah, Brendon, and then Frank. The tears were starting to fall. "Oh my god, are you okay? Is she okay?"Frank asked starting to panic as he watched me cry. I didn't cry like this too often. I nodded.

He looked concerned and didn't question me further. "Have you heard any news?"Brendon asked as he sat next to Mikey. "No. We haven't been here too long though. They'll let us know, everything is fine,"Mikey said then whispered so low that I think only I heard him, "it has to be."

I tried not to think the worse as I looked at the clock again and watched it tick. We've been here for two hours now and there's been no news. The police officers they sent for statements and an explanation left an hour ago after we repeated everything we knew over and over.

They didn't look happy but I don't think that they are revoking custody.  My leg was bouncing up and down. It was my thinking process, the thing keeping me from an anxiety attack right here. Up. Down. Up. Down. "I'm going to see what's going on,"Brendon said and stood with Sarah close behind. They walked over to the desk. I watched as their faces fell a little and a nurse gestured somewhere behind her. They pointed to us. She nodded.

Brendon waved us over and Sarah grabbed his hand. The nurse led us upstairs to a different waiting room that was more secluded. She sent us a pity look as she walked down the corridor to the elevator. It was practically so silent that you could've heard a pin drop. I couldn't take the silence. It was driving me crazy. I was back to bouncing my leg up and down. Nobody told us yet what was going on.

"C'mon,"A male voice said. I looked up from staring at the floor to see Mikey. His hand was leaning down toward me to help me up. "Where?"I asked. "To get some coffee and take a break,"Mikey said. I nodded and took his hand. He helped me up. "Frankie, you coming?"I asked. He nodded and stood to walk beside me. We started walking down the corridor to an elevator.

"I talked to Brendon and Sarah. A nurse is coming by soon with some information for us. I figured some coffee would do us good. We'll be here awhile,"Mikey said as we entered the elevator. Then we went back into silence. What was there to say? Frank blamed himself, we couldn't do anything, and we were worried beyond belief that this was truly the end.

We fixed up coffees for ourselves, Brendon, and Sarah before returning wordlessly to the elevator. We handed the coffee over just as a young aged doctor in purple scrubs with light blond hair came over to us. "Urie?"she asked. Brendon and Sarah stood. I was leaning against the wall, I couldn't sit still and was tired of sitting in silence. I walked over to them as Mikey and Frank stood to stand behind them. The doctor nodded at us then began.

"So, as I'm sure you know Ryleigh passed out in the car after a major headache. We were told by the report you gave us and the police that she was brutally attacked by a man on the street after dark last night. You said you thought she should come to a hospital but she refused. Is this correct? I don't know if this situation would've been much different if you had,"she stated kindly. The officers were not so kind, they kept trying to accuse us of abuse. She had kind eyes and was a nice person as far as I could tell.

"Yes,"I whispered hoarsely. I haven't spoke much in the last few hours and my voice was raw from crying. She nodded. "She's currently in surgery. I'll let you know when she's out,"the doctor offered. "Thank you but what exactly is she in surgery for?"Brendon asked. The rest of us were too afraid.

"Ryleigh has suffered from a brain bleed. We aren't quite sure of the full extent of the damage until they're done and the anesthetic wears off,"the doctor said. "Thank you so much---"Sarah spoke up, searching for the nurse's name. She squeezed her husband's hand. His red rimmed eyes were filling with tears again. Frank's face had fell. "Parker. Parker Annesley. I'm Ryleigh's assigned doctor. I'll update you as soon as I can but I better get back to it,"she said. "Parker,"Sarah whispered as Parker departed. Her eyes were welling with tears, too.

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