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Trigger Warning (Self-Harm/Suicide/ Violence ) *stay safe

"What doesn't kill you makes you wish you were dead, Got a hole in my soul growin' deeper and deeper, And I can't take, One more moment of this silence, the loneliness is hauntin' me, And the weight of the world's gettin' harder to hold up. It comes in waves, I close my eyes, Hold my breath and let it bury me, I'm not okay and it's not alright, Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again? Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down? Save me from myself, don't let me drown. Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown. Who will make me fight? Drag me out alive?. Save me from myself, don't let me drown, What doesn't destroy you leaves you broken instead, Got a hole in my soul growin' deeper and deeper, And I can't take. One more moment of this silence, the loneliness is hauntin' me. And the weight of the world's gettin' harder to hold up." Drown, Bring Me The Horizon

"What?"I asked in surprise. "I know how we can get Ryleigh back,"Mikey said. Gerard took a seat across from me and Mikey across from Pete. "The reason that the court turned in her favor was mainly because she had two of her close friends on the jury. Technically, if it's a bias, meaning she cheated the system by talking to them beforehand and paying them to vote for her. Since she did that, the court is supposed to return Ryleigh to you immediately,"Mikey explained. I couldn't believe it. The answer was right under our damn noses. Pete looked skeptical.

"He's right,"Gerard added. I nodded. "How did you find this out?"Pete asked. "Yeah, how?"I asked and raised an eyebrow. I never would've suspected that. Mikey and Gerard exchanged a look."That is not anything for you to concern yourselves with. Just think, she's coming back home in time for Christmas,"Mikey spoke. I shrugged as Pete looked to me. "Get some rest, we'll go first thing tomorrow morning,"Gerard said and they left. Pete made his way to the guest room as I followed Sarah to our room. I wanted to text Ryleigh but knew it was better I didn't until after I had news tomorrow.

I opened the door and prayed she wasn't home. "Where the hell were you? I was worried sick!"she screamed at me. I shrugged as she came closer. I could smell some alcohol on her breath. "What's the matter?"a male voice asked, coming out of her room. "How could you break an innocent boy's nose?"she yelled. I flinched. She slapped me. I was stunned. The man was coming over as well. Between the two of them, they took turns beating me. It went from one slap to ten hard punches in seconds. I felt something crack in my chest, I think they broke some ribs.

"Stop hitting me!"I screamed. My eye was swelling shut. I tasted blood on my lips. "Go to your room!"she screamed. I tried to suppress the tears but failed. I pushed my earbuds in as Northern Downpour began to play. It made me cry harder. "I wanna go home!"I screamed. "Get over it, you bitch,"Carrie screamed and beat me again and again. I fell. She was satisfied and her male friend followed her to her room. I stood and went into my bathroom. I locked the door and looked in the mirror at my busted lip and black, swollen eye. I pulled out the blade.

"Now or never,"I think. I squeeze my eyes shut as I make deep lines across my wrists. The blood is running into a pool on the floor. My phone rings but I can barely hear it as I focus on the blood. I'm getting dizzy now. I forgot to text Frank. Too late now, they can move on with their lives without me. I hear a loud bang as if the front door is shoved open. The world slowly fades to black as I fall to the ground.

I sat there, waiting. Her text never came. I was getting impatient. It's been thirty minutes since she went up. She wouldn't have forgotten. I have a bad feeling in my stomach. Something's wrong. I get up. I try calling her but it rings through to voicemail. I don't think anymore, I just run into the building. I was going to ask the door man but heard screaming. I take off running down the hall while the door man watches me curiously. I knock and knock but no one answers. I kick the door in. Carrie stumbles out of her room.

"What the hell are you doing here?"she asks, obviously drunk. "Who is it, babe?"a man calls. "No one,"she calls. "Where's Ryleigh?"I yell at her. She shrugs and points at a door before going into her room and slamming the door.

I enter her bedroom but don't see her. Oh god. There's a closed door. I jiggle the handle. Locked. "Ryleigh! Ryleigh!"I shout over and over. "Oh god,"I say quietly, my voice getting choked up. No reply. I get out my phone and dial 911. I inform them of the situation and that I think she's harmed. They say they're sending an ambulance. I kick the door open. Laying on the floor, in a pool of blood, is Ryleigh. "Oh god, please, no, please,"I cry. "Ryleigh, stay alive, be alive, please,"I sob out as the tears fall. I grab her wrist and start applying pressure in an attempt to slow the bleeding. She's lost so much blood already. I think she's breathing. "Stay with me,"I whisper as tears cascade down my cheeks.

A few minutes later, I heard Carrie shouting as the medics arrived. "What do you mean? There's no one here,"she shouted. "Ma'am, we received a call from your apartment that a young girl needed help. If you're going to continue getting in the way and not help us then we will have to arrest you,"a medic snapped. She huffed. "In there. She's fine,"Carrie snarled. I was still crying as a medic took her from me. She was still alive for now. "Sir, you're going to have to come with us. I have some questions for you,"one of the medics said. I sniffed and nodded. He helped me to stand. Her blood was all over my pants and shirt. Carrie and the man glared at me as we left and cops forced them out in handcuffs behind us.

"Can you give us any and all information you have?"the medic asked as we climbed into the back and the door slammed shut behind us. We started the race against time to the hospital. Every second was valuable now. I looked up and then told him everything that I knew. He listened intently and wrote some things down on his clipboard. She would have to face a trial for child abuse. After all, not all of Ryleigh's injuries were self inflicted.

They rushed her out and I followed her until they wouldn't let me anymore. A nurse led me to the waiting room. I went to the bathroom and scrubbed to get the blood off my hands. I didn't know what else to do so I called Gerard. It rang three times before he answered. It was late at night there as it was almost three in the morning here.

"Frank Anthony Thomas Iero, there had better be a good fucking reason why you're calling me at one in the fucking morning,"he whisper yelled, half asleep. At that, this evenings events caught up to me. I let out a quiet sob. He woke up more at this. "Frank, what's wrong?"he asked. "R---Ry---Ryleigh,"I sobbed out. "What? Frank, what happened to Ryleigh?"he asked, worry lacing his voice. I had to calm down. "S---sh---she---she,"I said and cried a little harder. "Frank, you gotta breathe for me then you can explain, okay? Deep breath in,"he said.

After a few minutes, my crying ceased and I could explain. "She tried to kill herself,"I said. He sucked a breath in. It was like a punch to the gut. "Is she---?"he broke off, not wanting to say the words and make them real. "I dunno,"I said and started to cry again.

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