The Kids From Yesterday (I)

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"Well now, this could be the last of all the rides we take. So, hold on tight and don't look back. We don't care about the message or the rules they make,
I'll find you when the sun goes black." The Kids From Yesterday, My Chemical Romance

Ryleigh and Frank decided to go right outside the back door. They knew someone would end up coming outside and if nothing else then they'd be pretty protected. Pete and Patrick were coming close to the door. They could hear them talking quietly. Ryleigh nodded to Frank who nodded back. They both leaned forward and nailed their targets.

"Ryleigh, why me?"Pete asked. She shrugged. It was kind of fun, better than crying all night. "Love ya, Pete-za but I gotta keep my head in the game,"she said. A nerf bullet sailed past her head. "Oh, shit! Frank, little help!"she said. Frank leaned out as Ryleigh ducked. Andy was the one after her that time. Frank didn't miss. "Thanks, Frankie,"she said.

She saw a shadow pass over her face and knew someone was coming around the house. She turned and hit Ray then Joe as both were together. "Sorry,"she called out as Frank laughed. "I can't believe you got your asses kicked by a girl,"he laughed and Ryleigh smiled at him. She looked over Frank's shoulder and saw a shadow. She raised her gun. Frank looked at her confused. She motioned for him to be quiet and shot. Gerard was the one around that corner.

"Dammit! What the fuck, Ry Row?"Gerard yelled. She shrugged as a bullet sailed by her head and narrowly missed her and Frank. They dropped down. It came from over by the pool. Frank shot twice. "Awh,"a female voice said loudly. Looking over she saw Meagan. "Sorry, Meg,"Ryleigh called as Frank put his hand over her mouth. He pulled it away a moment later and gestured for her to be quiet. "Frank, what the hell?"Ryleigh whispered. He pointed and didn't hesitate to shoot. Brendon was out.

Over his shoulder, Ryleigh saw Sarah peeking out. She was out as well. That left Tyler, Josh, Jenna, Ryleigh, and Frank. Brendon had gotten Kenny and Dallon out. Ray and Joe had gotten Dan and Spencer. Everyone who was out was waiting outside. She nodded to Frank as they stood.

Together, the two made their way cautiously inside. Ryleigh pointed at the end of the couch where she saw Josh's converse peeking out. He was laying on the floor. Frank went towards the side closest to the front door while Ryleigh went by Josh's foot. "AH! Ryleigh!"he screamed in surprise. Josh was out now too.

Ryleigh and Frank creeped around the house and entered the kitchen. Suddenly, a nerf bullet sailed right by Frank's head. They ducked down and crawled over to hide behind the kitchen island. Tyler and Jenna made their way in and looked confused as to where they disappeared to. Tyler turned around and in that split second, Frank nailed his leg. Ryleigh took her cue to shoot and got Jenna out. They looked shocked and then before Frank could even think about what that meant, Ryleigh turned and got Frank out. She jumped up.

"Sorry, Frankie,"she said and hugged him. "Don't sweat it, kid, it had to happen sometime between us two. You were a great partner though,"Frank said and hugged her back. Everyone was outside. It was just after three in the morning now. Ryleigh was kind of tired but she didn't want to sleep for the fear that her past would haunt her dreams. She kind of wanted to swim but knew she would have time later on.

Brendon and Patrick walked into the studio and returned with a couple acoustics. The group sat around outside, in various chairs or on the grass. They started out with 20 Dollar Nose Bleed then Northern Downpour before Ryleigh fell asleep leaning against Gerard. Mikey was the one who noticed and picked her up before following Tyler up to her room. They pulled her door closed.

Penny and Bogart jumped up on the bed and laid by her feet. Everybody figured out rooms or places in the house where they would sleep until the trial. There were five other rooms upstairs with Ryleigh's and four more downstairs.

It was just after five when Ryleigh screamed. She was right. Her past haunted her in the form of nightmares. She thought she would finally escape part of it but she didn't. She had to relive the whole thing again. Gerard, Mikey, Tyler, and Josh were the first ones to get there. They didn't want to wake Brendon if they didn't have to because they knew he wouldn't be sleeping much otherwise. Frank and Dallon were there a few minutes after them.

Tyler and Gerard ran over to her. Josh was still half asleep as he stumbled in. Mikey was fumbling with his glasses. "Shhh, Ryleigh, it's okay,"Tyler soothed as Gerard pulled her into his lap. "Turn the light on,"she cried out as she sobbed into his chest.

Frank, Mikey, Dallon, and Josh weren't quite sure what to do in this situation. Tyler looked up at them and they decided that two people were enough. They wanted to help but they didn't want to humiliate her. Tyler sat next to Gerard and rubbed her back. She was shaking so hard. In an attempt to calm her down, Gerard started to sing The Kids From Yesterday softly. Tyler joined in. She slowly began to calm down. The shaking and crying ceased after a few minutes.

"Ryleigh, can you tell us what's the matter?"Tyler asked gently. She shook her head no. "Ry, honey, what's wrong? You can tell us, let us help,"Gerard whispered. She sucked in a deep breath. "I had a bad dream,"she mumbled. Gerard nodded and waited for her to continue. The shaking was starting again and Tyler rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her.

"My mother had won and she took me far away from all of you. It didn't take much for her to beat me up and my father returned,"she mumbled. "He---he tried to do something to me and my mom helped him. They beat me up and he drugged me with something. Everytime I would near consciousness she would drug me and he---he would do stuff with me,"she said quietly, barely speaking in a whisper as the tears welled again. Gerard pulled her close.

"Ryleigh, honey, it was a dream. You're okay, you're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, we won't let it,"he said as Tyler nodded. "I don't think I can go back to sleep now,"she whispered. Gerard looked up and met Tyler's eyes. They nodded slightly. "Throw on some other clothes and we will be back in five minutes,"Gerard said and stood to walk out of the room. Tyler followed him after giving the smaller girl a brief but tight hug.

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