Let It All Go

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"I've been sleepless at night. 'Cause I don't know how I feel. I've been waiting on you. Just to say something real. There's a light on the road. And I think you know. Morning is coming. And I have to go. I don't know why, I don't know why. We need to break so hard.
I don't know why we break so hard. But if we're strong enough. To let it in, in, in. We strong enough. To let it go, oho, oho. Let it all go, let it all go. Let it all out now. If I look back to the start now. I know, I see everything true. There's still a fire in me heart, my darling. But I'm not burning for you. We started it wrong. And I think you know. We waited too long. Now I have to go. I don't know why, I don't know why. We need to break so hard. I don't know why we break so hard. But if we're strong enough. To let it in, in, in. We're strong enough. To let it go, oho, oho. Let it all go, let it all go. Let it all out now. Let it all go, let it all go. Let it all out now. Who says, who says?Who says, who says? Who says truth is beauty after all? And who says love should break us when we fall?" Let It All Go, Birdy and Rhodes

Frank started to sneak down the corridor away from us. I saw him and decided to follow him. He went to a secluded corner where nobody could see or hear and started to cry. "Frank?"I questioned quietly and gently. He jumped and looked up at me. "Gee?"he croaked out, voice hoarse. "What's wrong?"I asked.

Apparently, it was the wrong question and he started to cry again. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as he cried on my shoulder, wetting the front of my shirt. "It's all my fault,"he whispered as the tears and sobs subsided. "No, no, Frank,"I said firmly but still quiet as I pulled back to look at him.

His eyes were red rimmed from the tears. "I'm sorry,"he whispered and trailed. "No, this is not your fault. None of it, do you hear me, Frank Anthony Thomas Iero?"I whisper yelled at him. I felt bad but he needed to listen and get this through his head. He nodded. "But if she dies, this is all on me. If I wouldn't have said anything, she wouldn't have heard and ran. We wouldn't be here right now,"he snapped and began walking away from me.

I grabbed for his hand. He pulled out of my grasp. "Where are you going?"I called. "Away,"he said and then he was in an elevator and gone. Oh, God, what the hell did I just do?

I figured he went outside for a smoke to calm himself down so I was going to let him cool off. I returned to the waiting room. Three hours passed, no word from the nurse or Frank. All we knew was Ryleigh was still in surgery and Frank was somewhere unreachable to us all. He wouldn't answer his phone.

Sarah was curled up asleep on Brendon's shoulder. I was sitting with my head in my hands, worried about both Frank and Ryleigh. Mikey rubbed my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, you know,"he said. My younger brother always knew just what to say. I nodded. My eyes were just as red rimmed as Frank's were earlier. I felt my phone buzz and looked at it. Frank sent out a tweet. I read it quick. He was most definitely drunk. I found his location and told Mikey.

"Just go. I'll call you if we get any news. Pick him up before he ends up hurt or hurting someone else,"Mikey said. With that, I took off running down the corridor and down the millions of flights of stairs. I didn't have time to wait for an elevator. Mikey was relaying what was happening to Brendon. I started running down the sidewalk as soon as I got outside. I found the bar fairly easily without being recognized. It was crowded.

I looked around and found Frank slumped against the bar, drink in hand. I walked over to him as calm as I could manage and took the beer bottle away.

"Hey, dude, what's your problem? Get your own damn beer,"he slurred. Frank took a good second to look at me. "Gerard, I'm sooo glad to see you,"he slurred and slung his arm around my shoulder. He was definitely drunk. The bartender shot me a worried glance.

"I got it,"I said, placing money on the counter and leading Frank outside. "Where are we going?"he slurred. "Back to my house. You can't come back to the hospital yet. We really don't have time for this,"I said and hailed a cab. I got Frank inside and told the driver the address.

I frantically texted Lindsey. She opened the door as soon as we got there. Without Bandit seeing, I got Frank upstairs and into the shower. I turned the water on cold and grabbed him some of my spare clothes. I took off his shirt, and pants. I stepped out to let him do the underwear then returned to help with the black shirt and jeans.

After that was over, I helped him over to the bed where he passed out. I sat on the leather sofa. Lindsey came and found me. "Gee, what's going on?"she asked worried. With a long sigh, I told her everything. She nodded, she didn't have words either. She went to check on Bandit. My phone buzzed. It was Mikey. "Hello?"I asked.

"Hey, the doctor just came by. She's still in surgery for a couple of hours. There was a serious brain bleed, it was worse than they thought. They aren't sure of the complete damage until she wakes up,"he said. "Oh,"I said. "How's Frank?"he whispered into the phone.

"Currently, passed out. I've never seen him like that before it was scary. As soon as he wakes up sober, I'll be back at the hospital,"I said. "Alright. I'll see you soon,"he said. "See ya,"I said. "She's going to be okay,"I heard Mikey whisper into the phone before the line disconnected.

I fell asleep on the leather sofa. When I woke up, Frank wasn't on the bed. I started to close my eyes again. Wait, Frank isn't on the bed! I jumped up. He wasn't in here at all. Oh, please, let him be sober. I threw on a black sweat jacket and walked downstairs. Frank was sitting on the couch with Bandit, watching some cartoon.

I glared at him. Bandit looked up and I quickly changed it. "Daddy!"she squealed and ran to hug my legs. "Hey, Lady B,"I said and returned the hug. "Uncle Frankie, look who it is,"she yelled. Frank looked up at me. I icily stared. He winced. I wasn't sure if it was the look I gave him or the hangover.

He stood as Lindsey called for Bandit from the kitchen and she went running. I grabbed my phone and charger then my keys. "Gee, I'm so sorry,"he said and broke off. "I don't want to hear it,"I said icily and opened the door. He locked it as he followed me out.

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