Quarter Past Midnight (I)

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"But we're the losers on our back seats, Singing "Love Will Tear Us Apart", It's a quarter past midnight, Still avoiding tomorrow." Quarter Past Midnight, Bastille

"Oh shit, dude, is that Pete Wentz?"Ryleigh heard someone yell around her and knew her ride was here. She ran to give the man a hug and he freed one hand to wave at the gawking students before ushering her into the car. Patrick, Joe, and Andy were waiting inside. She sat between Joe and Andy, Patrick was sitting shotgun next to Pete. "So, Ry, do you want to do anything before we drop you off?"Andy asked and shared a look with Pete in the rearview mirror.

"We can get ice cream,"Pete said and braced himself. "Ice cream!"Ryleigh yelled which caused Joe, Patrick and Andy to laugh. Pete winced even though he knew it was coming. "Jeez, Ryleigh, calm down!"he said. Ryleigh started laughing. Pete took them to the ice cream place and they found a shady spot under the picnic table umberella. The were eating ice cream when the group suddenly started teasing each other.

Ryleigh flung a spoonful of her ice cream at Pete and hit him square in the forehead. The other three guys began to laugh. "Oh, Ryleigh, you've got it coming now,"Pete said and raced around to tickle her. Ryleigh couldn't help laughing. "Stop, stop, I'm sorry,"she squealed between gasps of laughter. Pete, finally satisfied, stopped and the group made their way back to the Urie's house.

Ryleigh said goodbye to the guys and made her way inside. "Mom? Dad?"she called. "I'm in here,"Sarah called from the kitchen. Ryleigh took a seat on a bar stool by the counter. "How was your first day?"Sarah asked. "It was good,"Ryleigh said. "Just good, did you make any friends?"Sarah asked. "A couple. Their names are Emily, Charlie, Adam, and Melissa,"Ryleigh said. "That's wonderful, Ry,"Sarah said. Brendon came home then.

"Dad,"Ryleigh squealed and jumped up to hug him. "Hey, Leigh,"Brendon replied and returned the hug. "Did Pete tell you what I said in math?"she asked. "Yeah, it was awesome,"Brendon said and Sarah smiled knowing as well because Pete texted her. She took a picture of the two and opened up Instagram.

The caption read:
Welcome home from the first day at school! We love you! @ryleigh_rowan_urie @brendonurie

Sarah had made dinner so they sat down at the table and ate together. Ryleigh went upstairs to do some homework and was laying in bed when she accidentally fell asleep. Brendon came upstairs to check on her and say goodnight when he saw her sleeping soundly. He moved her notebook and pens to her desk before pulling the blanket over her. Bogart climbed up and laid on her feet while Penny remained next to her. He turned off the lamp and pulled the door closed slightly before returning downstairs.

Time Jump to the day before leaving for tour

"Ryleigh,"Brendon yelled upstairs. "Yeah?"She called back from her room. "Can you come here a second?"Brendon asked. "Yeah, one sec,"She called and bounded downstairs. Sarah was laying on the couch with her feet over Brendon's legs. Sarah sat up as Ryleigh approached. Ryleigh sat between the two.

"What's up?"she asked. "We just wanted to talk to you for a minute,"Sarah said. "Sarah and I were talking and we wanted to check with you but she thinks she is going to stay home for most of this tour but if you need her then she'll come,"Brendon said as Ryleigh processed it. "Ry, I know it's your first but I just don't think I'm gonna go. You'll be home before you know it and of course, I'll come to a few shows, we can FaceTime and text,"Sarah said. "Okay,"Ryleigh said. "Just okay?"Brendon asked.

"Yeah it's cool. I mean, Tyler and Josh are coming along with Pete and the rest of Fall Out Boy, it'll be fine, Mom. Dad is gonna be there,"Ryleigh replied. "Okay then, well I would make sure you get packed. We meet the buses at 3 tomorrow morning,"Brendon said. She nodded and walked back upstairs. Her phone buzzed with a text from Pete just as she flopped on her bed. She had most of her things packed and she was nervous leaving Sarah behind but knew it would be okay. She would be home in time for Christmas and she would see her soon.

Pete-y Wentz: "Hey, Ry, ready for tour?"

Small Urie: "Sure. Creative name by the way."

Pete-y Wentz: "Just sure. What's wrong? Thanks."

Small Urie: "nothing really just anxious. Nervous. Mom isn't going. What if people don't like me or something happpens?"

Pete-y Wentz: "It's gonna be okay, kid. They'll love you!"

Small Urie: "Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow :)"

Pete-y Wentz: "see you then :) get plenty of rest Ryleigh."

Sarah came upstairs and helped her to finish packing. Ryleigh snuck a pair of Sarah's sweats and a sweatshirt into her bag. They ate dinner together. After tonight, they wouldn't be together every night. Sarah would be here while Ryleigh and Brendon were on their way to a different city every night. It made her anxious, leaving her mom behind, but she knew that with Brendon and everyone else she would be okay.

She fell asleep almost as soon as she reached her room. It was early, only nine o'clock, but she was tired and knew she would have to get up early. She threw on pajama pants and a spaghetti strap tank top underneath one of Brendon's Panic! Sweatshirts. She flopped onto the bed and fell asleep. Brendon and Sarah came up to say goodnight.

They saw she was sleeping so Sarah pulled up the covers over Ryleigh. "Goodnight, Ry,"Sarah said and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight,"Brendon said and did the same before turning out the lamp. He pulled the door shut and they made their way to their room.

Three in the morning came too quickly and Ryleigh stumbled half asleep downstairs as Brendon went upstairs to grab Ryleigh's bag. She had her backpack with her and Brendon's sat by the door. Sarah laughed a little as Ryleigh stumbled into a wall and Sarah led her to a chair where she lay her head on the table.

"Here I am, honey,"Pete shouted as he opened the door. "Dammit, I still need to change those locks,"Brendon said and caused both Pete and Sarah to laugh. "Shh,"Ryleigh said. "Ryleigh, sweetheart, we're going on tour,"Pete said gently and a little softer. "Too early,"she mumbled with her eyes still closed.

Josh and Tyler showed up then because the group of four was going to carpool to the buses and Sarah was going to drive. Dallon, Dan, Zack and Kenny were riding together. Andy, Patrick and Joe were also carpooling separately. Josh and Tyler couldn't help but giggle at the sleeping girl. She could hear them mumbling but didn't bother to move she was just so tired.

"Okay, Leigh, I'm gonna have to pick you up cause we have to get on the road,"Josh whispered in her ear as he gently picked the small girl up. Sarah opened the door and he buckled her into the backseat in between him and Tyler. Pete was in the far back and Brendon was up front with Sarah. All of their bags were in the trunk.

Brendon had grabbed Ryleigh's for her since she was still asleep. They arrived to the buses pretty early and Sarah kissed Brendon goodbye. She kissed Ryleigh's forehead. "Bye, Ry, I'm gonna miss you but I'll see you soon,"she whispered as Josh carried her onto the bus.

Brendon was loading their bags onto the bus. Dallon, Kenny, Dan and Zack were already waiting. Josh gently laid Ryleigh down on the couch in the lounge area before grabbing his luggage and joining Tyler on their own bus. Dallon, Kenny, and Dan were spread out on different chairs around the lounge area and Brendon sat with his daughter's feet over his legs on the couch. He kept the lights dim as they were on their phones and Zack made his way to the bunks where he slept again.

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