20 Dollar Nose Bleed

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"But don't let the doctor in, I wanna blow off steam and, Call me Mr. Benzedrine (Mr. Benzedrine), But don't let the doctor, don't let the doctor in. Have you ever wanted to disappear?It's not me, it's you." 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, Fall Out Boy

The crowd cheered and some were full on crying. Brendon calmly walked over and hugged his friend as much as he could despite Ryan playing guitar. He hasn't seen nor talked to him much since the split. They sang the entire song together with the rest covering backup vocals. He walked over to his daughter and pulled her into a hug as he tried wiping the tears off his cheeks.

Soon the show was over and everyone made their way back to the lounge area. Sarah had captured some amazing photos. Ryan had to head out but Brendon promised he would try to keep in touch. After that night, the rest of the tour seemed to pass in a blur. Madison Square Garden was huge like Ryleigh expected and she sat out with Dallon, Pete and Brendon in the empty arena before showtime.

Tyler and Josh joined and the group had fun goofing around especially during soundcheck. They pulled pranks on each other like coming on stage randomly during everyone else's sets. Ryleigh was sad it was over but was grateful to be home with her mom.

Sarah was doing much better now, the doctor just warned her to take it easy for a while. Her hair was almost back to her shoulders. She decided to dye it brown again. Ryleigh was able to get a week off from school for the "jet lag" when they got home. She was ahead on school work anyways. Sarah still had to talk to Brendon. Chances are that, after the chemo, she'll never be able to have kids. Emily had texted Ryleigh that her parents were out of town so Ryleigh invited her over. Brendon was able to convince the school of Emily needing to be off today. "Thanks for this, Mr. Urie,"she said as she came in. "Its no problem as long as you all don't fall behind too much on your schoolwork, Emily, but please call me Brendon,"Brendon said and Emily nodded. "I'm Sarah. You must be Emily,"Sarah introduced herself as she came down the stairs.

"Yuck, schoolwork, are you sure we have to go back?"Ryleigh said from the couch. "That's my daughter,"Brendon said and laughed. Ryleigh was laying on the couch with Bogart and Penny on her legs. She jumped up when she realized she heard her best friend at the door. The dogs went running, barking and chasing each other.

"Emily,"she squealed and hugged her best friend. "Ryleigh, I haven't seen you in like forever,"she said and laughed. They were just hanging out all afternoon, watching TV mainly.

"Hey, Ry, you wanna do a cookout?"Sarah called from the kitchen. "I mean, I guess, it's up to dad, right?"she replied back. "I don't care. It's up to you. We can have everyone over before you have to go back to school,"Brendon suggested. "Okay,"Ryleigh called. She had taken Emily upstairs as they talked all about tour and what she missed at school.

They decided to go lay on the grass for awhile so they took out a blanket and laid down, looking at the sky. It was peaceful. "Here I am, honey,"Pete called through the house. It took Ryleigh a moment to place the voice before she went running inside. Emily followed her. "Wentz Pete-za,"Ryleigh squealed and jumped up into his arms for a hug. "Ry Row,"he replied with equal enthusiasm. Everyone had taken Mikey's nickname for her.

"Its been all of like a week since I've seen you,"she said as Pete sat her down. "This is my best friend, Emily,"she informed him before the girls went to the kitchen. Ryleigh had no clue who all was coming. "Damn, I really need to remember to change the locks,"Brendon joked and hugged the older man. "You've said that everytime but here we are,"Pete replied. Sarah and the girls laughed. Brendon was in charge of grilling food which was almost done.

The group stood in the kitchen talking. "So, how many famous artists should I be expecting to meet?"Emily whispered. "Well, Pete is already here. You know mom and dad. Probably Tyler and Josh, Joe, Andy, Patrick, Gerard and maybe Mikey, Frank, and Ray though I'm not sure. Dallon, Dan, and Kenny may come,"Ryleigh whispered back. Emily nodded.

"What're you whispering about?"Brendon asked. "Probably about how I'm their favorite musician,"Pete joked. Ryleigh shrugged. Pete scoffed. "Who're you kidding? Pete, I'm her favorite because I'm her father,"Brendon said. "But if it's my favorite, what about Mikey or Dallon?"Ryleigh said contemplatingly.

"Oh, it's on,"Brendon said and picked her up. Ryleigh squealed. "Pete, help!"she yelped as Brendon made his way outside. "Nope, sorry kid but you're on your own,"Pete said and followed with Emily trailing a little ways behind. "Dad, no!"she squealed as Brendon tossed her into the pool. She came back up and moved a few loose strands of hair out of her eyes.

"Here, Ry,"Brendon said and reached down to pull her up. Sarah was outside now. Ryleigh grabbed his hand but instead of going up, she pulled Brendon in too. Pete turned and pushed Emily in. "Pete, what was that for?"Emily asked as she surfaced. "I don't know. I thought everyone was going for a swim,"Pete answered and turned to look at Sarah. Emily quickly climbed out and pushed Pete in.

Emily took off running as Pete chased her. Ryleigh and Brendon climbed out. They were walking away as Emily squealed and Ryleigh turned. Brendon pushed her in again. Sarah only laughed at the group as Emily was tossed in. The group went inside. Pete was throwing on some of Brendon's spare clothes.

Meagan was at her parents with Saint and Bronx tonight so they wouldn't be coming. Emily followed Ryleigh upstairs where thankfully Emily had packed a few days worth of clothes to stay over. Her parents were on the east coast for business. She was used to staying alone but Ryleigh offered for her to stay if she wanted. They changed out of their wet clothes and as they walked down, Ryleigh heard familiar voices.

"MOIKEY AND GEE!"she yelled and ran down the rest. She jumped off the last three steps into Mikey's arms. She hugged him tightly. "How ya doing, Ry Row?"he said with equal enthusiasm. "Great, well besides dad and Pete throwing us in the pool,"she said and nodded towards Emily. The group waited in the kitchen, talking and catching up even though it hasn't been that long.

Gerard had flown back home after the New York show along with Ryan, Mikey, Ray, Frank, Spencer, Linda, and Sarah. "There's my favorite Urie,"Josh said. "Josh,"Ryleigh gasped and jumped up to hug the tall man. Brendon feigned being hurt. "Sorry, man,"Josh said which caused Ryleigh to giggle.

Joe, Andy, and Patrick came next. Tyler came in with Jenna and she ran to hug him and Jenna as well. The group started to go outside. Ray and Frank would've had to fly in from Jersey so they weren't there. Dallon came with Breezy right before Dan and Kenny showed up. Spencer came with Linda and they were ready.

Josh handed Ryleigh her plate of food and she walked over to sit with Josh, Brendon, Tyler, Gerard, Pete, and Emily. Everyone was scattered around in lawn chairs or by the pool. Someone was playing music. Gerard explained that Lindsey had taken Bandit to her parents but that she would meet them soon. Ryleigh was already finished eating and saw Brendon and Pete exchanging a look.

"Oh, no. Run, Emily,"Ryleigh whispered. "What? Why?"she asked. Ryleigh made a small movement with her head. Too late. Pete had already grabbed Emily and was on his way to the pool. Ryleigh ran but Brendon was faster and caught his daughter easily. They threw them in at the same time.

"Dad,"Ryleigh scoffed and Emily laughed. The two girls made their way out of the pool. "Bren, you should go get them a towel,"Sarah said. "Fine,"Brendon said and returned with two towels that the girls accepted before going upstairs to change one final time. The pair made their way back outside, laughing as they plotted payback.

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