Barely Hanging On (Hostage)

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"Walls I built are caving in. Saw a face that show'd no fear.Now everything has disappeared. Everyone has disappeared . Feels like I'm barely hangin' on. Without a place to run. Feels like I'm losing someone. I'm barely. I'm barely hangin' on. Captive mind release the blame. Dreaming of live inner games. Without me times moving on. Leaving nowhere to belong I have no where to belong. Hostage I am held hostage." Barely Hanging On (Hostage), Kris Orlowski ft. Sarah Siskind

I climbed in the car and slammed the door shut as Frank opened his and climbed in. I saw him wince again. "I mean it, I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what I was thinking,"he whispered. I started to drive. We stayed silent. We were a block from the hospital. "Please forgive me. I can't stand you being mad at me,"he whispered.

I stopped at the stoplight and looked over at him. His eyes were red rimmed and full of tears. He looked so broken and dejected. "I'm sorry. I'm being an ass. I forgive you, Frankie,"I trailed off after I whispered it. I wasn't sure he heard me. I knew he regretted it then and I instantly felt bad. "Gee,"he said. It was then I realized how much I had missed him and the way things had been. I pulled in the parking space next to Mikey's. The stars were out and the moon shining bright.

I climbed out. Frank followed suit. Under the light of the stars and moon, we stood in the parking lot hugging for a few minutes before deciding it was time to go in. We went in the elevator and up to the fourth floor. There was a lot of mumbling coming from the waiting room. Pete, Patrick, Tyler, Josh, Dallon, Dan, Kenny, and Zack were all here now. Mikey saw us first and walked over to me.

"Any news?"I asked. Frank couldn't make eye contact. I know he still feels responsible and there isn't a damn thing I could say to make it better. "Not yet. Probably within the next hour, we'll know something more. It's all a waiting game,"he said. I nodded and we joined the others. It was 9 o'clock when the doctor, Parker, returned.

"Urie?"she called quietly with a small, sympathetic, tired smile. We all stood and walked over behind Brendon and Sarah whose eyes were also red rimmed. Sarah clung to his arm. "Ryleigh has made it through surgery. It was long but we're certain she'll make a full recovery, we were able to stop the bleeding. We aren't sure the full extent of the damage until she wakes up, when she wakes up,"Parker said.

"What do you mean when she wakes up?"Brendon asked. "Ryleigh is currently in a coma. We did all we could. We are sure she'll wake up, it's just a matter of when. You were very lucky. She's a fighter. We believe the worst is over, we're out of the woods,"Parker said sadly. Brendon nodded. "You can see her now if you'll like,"Parker said. We nodded and she led us down a corridor to the ICU ward.

We froze momentarily outside the glass doors, not sure what to do. There were dark circles under her eyes and her hair was shaved short on one side with a large white bandage around her head that had a little bit of blood leaking through it. She was hooked up to many machines, one of them being a tube down her throat, breathing for her.

"Damn,"I whispered under my breath and hoped no one heard. We were so lucky she didn't die. Hopefully she won't now. She's made it this far, I know she still can but I hope it doesn't come to that. I turned around just in enough time to catch Frank's sleeve as he ran down the corridor. I ran after him. The others were unsure what to do as Brendon and Sarah entered her room silently. Sarah curled into his chest as the sobs broke free. I hopped in an elevator. Frank was just running out the doors when I caught up.

"Frank!"I called in the parking lot. He stopped and turned around. The tears were running down his face. "What? How can you want to be near me? I did this. I caused this to happen,"he cried and ran his hands through his hair. "No, Frank. You had nothing to do with this. You're my best friend. I can't lose you, too. Not now, not ever,"I yelled back.

He fell to his knees on the curb as he covered his face and sobbed. It was such a broken sound, it hurt. I ran to his side and pulled him to me as he cried. I rubbed my hand over the back of his head. "Shh. It's okay, it's okay. Do you hear me? It's all gonna be alright,"I said gently but firmly. He clung to me until he was all cried out. I was spent emotionally and mentally. It had been a trying day.

After awhile, we went back upstairs. Dan and Kenny left after promising to come back tomorrow. Patrick was trying to distract Pete who is uncomfortable in hospitals after his incident in 2006. Tyler and Josh were sitting on the floor, against the wall. Zack took post outside.

Dallon sat in a chair next to her bed. Brendon and Sarah were on the other side, holding her hand. Mikey took a seat on the small couch. Frank and I squeezed in next to him. There wasn't much to do. I fell asleep in between my brother and Frank, my head on Frank's shoulder.

I didn't know what to do. I felt responsible for this. If I had just kept everything in then she wouldn't have ran. It's all my fault. Gerard won't let me because he refuses to believe it but it's the damn truth. It's all my fault. I couldn't deal with the news and beer seemed like my friend. It could help me forget and get me away from here.

I ran and Gerard was the one who found me drunk. I'm not sure how but he did. I knew it was wrong, I shouldn't have done this but I did. He was angry. We were all hanging by a thread, not knowing if she was alive or dead. I was just another damn problem to worry over. Seeing her, lying in that bed, so helpless. It broke something in me. Gerard caught me again before I could do something idiotic. I just wanted to die. If anything else happens to her, if she dies from this or doesn't wake up, they'll all know it's my fault. Gerard fell asleep on my shoulder when we finally went into her room.

I don't know where I am. Everything is dark. It's been this way awhile. I'm being held hostage in my own body. I can't do anything. I can't see. I can hear. I hear everything from the people talking to me and the people singing to me. They sound oddly comforting like Brendon Urie or Gerard Way or Patrick Stump or Tyler Joseph. Their music has helped me get through everything with my mom and dad. They must have taken the beating too far this time, that's why I'm hallucinating my favorite musicians and unable to wake up. What is happening to me?

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