~Famous Last Words~

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[Gerard's P.O.V.]

Frank and I walk out of the bathroom with the spray pain cans in out hands. "What are you going to do, Gee?" Frank looks at me as we walk down the halls. 

"Don't know yet." I think about the small boy who I just pinned on the wall. 

"He's cute right?" Frank laughs a bit. 

"He is. Maybe we can show him what we do." I smirk thinking of all the mayhem we cause. 

"Or you can show him a really good time." Frank smirks looking back up at me. 

"Really, Frankie?" I lean against a locker. 

"Come on Gee! He's perfect! I have heard you talking about wanting someone like that." Frank leans next to me. "He's small, submissive, cute, a virgin, and crushes on you." Frank points out. 

"Crush? What are you 12?" I let out a short laugh and Frank wiggles his eye brows. "Well, if I was going to How? Where? When?" I roll my eyes. 

"Dude, it's Thursday. Tomorrow you can take him into your room and do it." After school today we can show him some stuff. Frank grins. 

"You really want me to get laid." I laugh a bit again. 

"I have been laid, Mikey is dating-" I cut him off quickly as I hear the name of my little brother.

"Who the fuck is dating, Mikey?!" I say loudly. 

"Peter, that emo kid." Frank snorts. 

"Really? Mikey was asking about him this morning, but back on topic." I shake my head. "I guess your plan is smart, but what will we do with the kid today?"

I sit and think for a moment . I look at Frank and we both smile "The Ruins" There is a spot by an alley way where we spray up the place. There is spray pain everywhere. It's the punk and gang hang out. Everyone who is like us goes there. Then there's the king. The king of the punks, emos, runaways, gang members, and the North Side. "Let's show 'em to Jimmy." I smirk. 

"Should we let him have a full on talk?" Frank asks me. 

"I think we should. Jimmy can be pretty.... interesting." I nod slowly. 

"You are so lucking none of his listeners are around." Frank laughs. 

"Oh shut up. Want to roll one up? I got weed in my bag?" I ask. 

"Yeah, I found a new hiding place." 

[Y/n's P.O.V.]

The school day ends and I walk out of the school building. As I walk out I see Gerard and his gang starting to stare me down. Gerard is the first one to meet me, then Frank, then Ray Toro, then his little brother Mikey Way. "Leaving so soon, Sugar?" Gerard smirks at me. 

I gulp nervously and stutter out "I-I have to get home." 

Frank laughs at my answer and fixed his leather gloves. "Oh honey, text your little mama you're going to be late of dinner. We're going to have some fun." Gerard snickers. 

"Should I go Gee? Tell Jimmy what is happening?" Frank pipes up.

Who's Jimmy? And what is happening? "Yeah, go get the Crash Queens and Motor Babies too." Gerard nods and Frank runs off. 

"W-Who is that?" I ask softly. 

"Gangs. We are the Fabulous Killjoys. We run this part of the city. There is Crash Queens who run the West Side and Motor Babies who run the East Side." Gerard says back. "Then, Saint Jimmy runs the North Side. He also has power over all of us." Gerard says again. 

"It may not look like it, but we keep the streets clean." Ray adds. 

"H-How?" I look up a bit. 

"Well, notice how every cop in this shit hole is either drunk, a dough-nut eater, or a lazy son of a bitch?" Mikey says something.

I nod slowly. "Well, few years back Saint Jimmy got 3 gangs. He split the city 4 ways. Each gang runs one part of the city. We keep the streets clean in our own way." Ray looks at me. 

"The last South Side gang got kicked out. The leader was caught raping a girl, so we got stepped up. Youngest gang yet." Gerard leans against the wall. I just nod again. "We should go now." Gerard looks away. The other members nod and Ray grabs my arm. Guess they thought I would run...I'm not that stupid. If I run they can easily catch me. We start walking. Gerard was in the front, Mikey behind him and Ray and I next to Mikey. 

As we walk farther from the main part of the city I can see more and more people who have tattoos and brightly colored hair. I look around at the spray paint walls that were getting greater and greater by every step. After about a 20 minute walk we stop. "Don't say anything unless someone speaks to you." Gerard looks back straight at me. I nod nervously. We start walking and the area is huge. Not one inch of wall was not covered in spray pain [Picture at top]. Everyone turned their heads and watches as we walk in. We walk straight forwards to spray pained steps were a old Lay-Z boy seat sat. Frank stood next to it smirking. 

We stop walking in front of the steps. My legs start to shake and a door opens and someone walks out. I get a look at them and see it is a male. He has a leather jacket on and ripped up jeans. His eyes seem to be line with eye liner. He walks up to the chair.

Gerard steps forwards "Saint Jimmy, Frank told you about the fresh meat?" He asks. 

"Yes, I'm very intrigued to meet him." Jimmy leans forwards in his seat. The leather around his body makes sounds as he moves. 

"Ray" Gerard snaps his fingers and Ray brings me up to the front. My head was down and I was too afraid to look up.

 My head was down and I was too afraid to look up

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[^Saint Jimmy^]

"So, this is him?" Jimmy says looking at Frank. 

"Yes, just him" He says back. I hear Jimmy get off the Lay-Z Boy and come down the steps. Gerard and the others back away a bit. 

"What's your name?" Jimmy comes close to me and says in a low voice. 

"(Y-Y/n)" I shudder and look slightly up.

His eyes were lined with eye liner, his leather jacket has patched all over it and this leather pants had holes in the kneels. The shirt he wore just seemed to be a ripped plain muscle t. "Frank tells me you have been around them quite a bit. Care to explain?" Jimmy says again to me. 

"W-wrong place....wrong t-time." I look up fully.

"Hmm, take him to meet the other gangs. I have shit to deal with." Jimmy backs off and leaves. Gerard grabs my arm and pulls my around.

What the fuck is happening....

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