~Party at the End of the World~

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On the way back to the house; Gerard let Frank drive and Ray sit in the front with him. Gerard held (Y/n) close to his chest and kissed his head as they drove down the street back home. Mikey was next to Gerard as he stroked his boyfriend's hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. Lola was behind them as they followed the group home. (Y/n) looked up at Gerard and held his hand tight "Will...will it happen ever again?" He said in a soft weak voice. "Never, darling,... never." Gerard kissed his forehead and (Y/n) closed his eyes again. 

Once they pulled into the drive way Frank shut the car off and everyone got out. Gerard held his lover in his arms as they walked to the door. Lola parked behind their car and them, Mikey, and Pete got out of the bright pink car. Ray unlocked the door to the house and walked in. Frank was after him, then Gerard with (Y/n), after him was Mikey with Pete, and lastly Lola who shut and locked the door. "We can celebrate our victory tomorrow. We need to get some rest and think about what just happened. Lola you okay with sleeping on the couch?" Gerard looked at his pink haired friend. They nodded and smiled "Yeah, that's cool." Lola nodded and took their coat off "I'll help you." Ray nodded and walked into the living room with Lola to get the couch set up. "I'm going to shower and relax" Frank walked to the bathroom and shut the door. Mikey looked at Pete who he was holding close to his chest "Pete and I are going to head to my room and talk. Maybe what a movie.." Mikey said calmly and took his boyfriend up stairs. Gerard looked at the boy in his arms and sighed softly "Let's clean you up hon..okay?" He kissed (Y/n)'s head before walking to his bed room. 

Gerard laid (Y/n) down and stroked his head softly "I'm so sorry.." He said softly and looked down. (Y/n) opened his eyes slowly "It's okay Gerard, you did not want this to happen" He rested his hand on Gerard's "I love you" he said softly. Gerard smiles sadly and chuckles a bit "I love you too. Take shirt off; I have to clean you up before those cuts get infected." He grabbed a bowl with soapy water in with a small towel in it that he had grabbed before he had sat down in front of the boy. (Y/n) nodded and took his shirt off slowly. There were bruises scattered around his chest along with a few cuts. "Those animals..." Gerard said and shook his head "This might sting a bit.." He picked up the towel and squeezed the water out of it. (Y/n) laid back as the red hair male slowly patted his wounds down. The younger male jumped a bit at the stinging feeling. Gerard stroked his head and kept cleaning him. 

As the night went on Gerard finished cleaning (Y/n)'s wounds. When they were done they both changed into PJs and laid in bed together. Gerard snaked his arm around the younger male's waist and held him close. "Hey Gee..." (Y/n) said and laid his head on Gerard's chest. "Yeah, sugar?" The red head replied "Can you sing to me.." he said softly and closed his eyes. "What song lovey?" Gerard smiled and chuckled softly. "You pick.." (Y/n) yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Hmm, okay I think I know one it's called All the Angels.." Gerard started sing with his angel voice. "And then she threw her jacket on, and stormed off down the hall, they got the call, and picked him up at 4am, and tore off down the road, and all the angels say oooh, oooh, you are all to blame, 'cause all the angels say oooh, oooh you are all to blame"

(Y/n) started to get lost in the other male's voice as his singing painted a picture in his head for him to dream of. The song painted a beautiful sun set over a city sky line; polluted by the smoke and fog of the city. "She went alone, and went to the emergency, and parked her car in the dark, they told her please, he only has but minutes more, you might just say goodbye, 'cause all the angels say oooh, oooh, you are all to blame, 'cause all the angels say oooh, oooh, you are all the same"  Gerard kept singing as he played with his boyfriend's hair. 

More of the picture came to (Y/n)'s head. The sight was beautiful, but then so dark. The smoke and evil that came up from the city hid the sky from his eyes, but it still looked beautiful. The cars from the city made the picture gave the image movement and life. "And if you maybe figure it out, would you still explain?, and if she said she was sorry now, would you still complain? And if you open up your heart, and stay so far away, but you are all the same, and if you maybe find a better way, to love me then, you are all to blame, 'cause all the angels say oooh, oooh, you are all to blame, 'cause all the angels say oooh, oooh, you are all to blame...." By the time Gerard way done with the song (Y/n) was curled up sleeping living the picture the song had painted. 

Gerard smiled softly and clicked the bedside lamp off quietly before cuddling the boy on his chest. He closed his eyes and started to drift off into a deep sleep. Everyone was sleeping by the time Gerard was fully asleep. Pete was nuzzled into Mikey's neck as they both had each other's legs laced together. Ray was on the other couch in the living room because he felt bad for leaving Lola all alone as they slept. Frank was a sleeping devil-angel. He looked adorable as he slept, but if someone were to wake him up they would be dead meat. 

And that's how their night ended. There was no better way to end it. 


Sorry updates are late! Anyways if you wanna help me pick out somethings for my other story (Adopted by Chris Motionless) then hit me up. Please I can't pick on what to do.

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