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[3rd Person P.O.V.]

Gerard got out of the car with (Y/n). Lola was able to give the two a ride home early while the other gang members had fun. "Thanks Lola.. see you soon, alright?" Gerard smiled and nodded to his friend as he kept (Y/n) close. "See you around you Hesitant Alien." Lola smiled and drove off. Gerard laughed softly at the nickname and walked (Y/n) to the door. (Y/n) had learned in the car ride home that Lola is nonbinary. Gerard unlocked the door and let his boyfriend in first and then he walked in. He locked the door and looked at (Y/n), who had his head facing his feet. 

Gerard hugged his boyfriend tight and kissed his head. (Y/n) hugged back and looked up at Gerard. The ride head kissed his forehead and rubbed his head "I'm here....you are safe...do not worry." He said in a calming voice. (Y/n) shook his head and cupped Gerard's cheek softly "I'm not worried about myself Gerard...." He stroked the male's cheek "I'm worried about you.." He said softly. Gerard's eyes widened as he kissed (Y/n) softly "I love you so much..." (Y/n) smiled softly and kissed him back "I love you so much too..." 

Gerard smiled and laughed softly. His boyfriend giggled "I need to shower. I am covered in dirt and sweat." He pulled away and started to walk to the bathroom. "I am too.." Gerard bit his lip softly "Can I join you?" He smiled and walked behind (Y/n). (Y/n) giggled and nodded "Of course, just nothing sexual okay? I'm not in the mood." He hummed and walked into the bathroom. Gerard nodded "Yeah me neither." He walked into the bathroom with him and closed the door. The two males started to strip down. Gerard starting with his shirt and (Y/n) starting with his pants. Once both of them were nude (Y/n) turned the water on and waited for it to get warm. Once it was hot enough Gerard got in, then (Y/n). They smiled as (Y/n) wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck. "Why did Lola call you Hesitant Alien?" He cocked his head as his hair and body got soaked. Gerard laughed softly and wrapped his arms around his waist. 

"See, Lola and I met in....seventh grade." He had to think for a moment to remember when and the pink haired person met. "I was very very very weird. I was just strange, you know? I did not like what other kids like, I thought acted weird, and I was just weird and when I met Lola my nickname was Alien. It was a thing kids called me. I did not really mind, but if I did I would not say anything. I was so shy." Gerard spoke. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. He could never even imagine Gerard being slightly shy. "When Lola and I were sat next together in Bio class I was so shy to even say hi. We soon learned that we loved a lot of the same things. So, because I was so shy and I was the alien of the school, Lola started calling me Hesitant Alien." Gerard smiled and giggled a bit. 

"Aww that's sweet!" (Y/n) giggled and nodded. "Oh this would be a good time to ask." Gerard hummed and (Y/n) cocked his head again "What?" the younger boy looked at the red head. "Do you have kinks?" He chuckled and smirked a bit. (Y/n) blushed and bit his lip. He nodded slowly and looked at Gerard. "Yeah...I do..."  Gerard held his chin "It's okay...I do too." He smiled and pulled away. He started to wash his hair "Tell me them" He hummed softly. 

"Uh um.." (Y/n) thought for a moment "Well I mean, I like pain...hair pulling...spanking...I love temperature play....I like being tied up...degraded...That stuff." (Y/n) shrugged and washed his body. Gerard's raised his eye brow "Temperature play? Please explain this to me?" He watched the younger male as he washed the suds out of his hair. "Well um....Temperature play is like being tied up and having someone drip hot wax on your body and then run an ice up and down your body." (Y/n) bit his lip "It does not hurt at all really. It is pleasurable." He giggled softly. 

"And how do you know it's pleasurable?" Gerard chuckled and smirked. "Uhh...funny story.." (Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck "I would buy candles and drip them on myself. I would run an ice cube or two down my chest. Then I would jack off..." He giggled a bit. Gerard laughed softly "Damn, that sounds really hot." 

The two finished up taking their shower. (Y/n) washed his hair and Gerard washed his body. When they got out, Gerard shut off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist. (Y/n) wrapped his towel around his body and brushed his teeth. The taller male did the same. Once they were done they walked to the bedroom. (Y/n) just stole one for Gerard sweat shirts and put his boxers on. Gerard on the other hand put his boxers on and laid on the bed with his hands behind his head. The blanket was half way up his body as he leaned on the headboard. 

(Y/n) jumped next to him and cuddled into Gerard's chest. Gerard laughed softly and put one arm around the boy. The smaller male yawned softly and closed his eyes "Hey Gee..?" He said softly. "Yeah babe?" Gerard replied rubbing circles into (Y/n)'s back. "Can you sing to me?" He opened his eyes a bit. He laughed softly "Who told you I could sing?" 

"Frank.." He giggled a bit. "Thank motherfucker-" He looked away and then looked back "Alright, what song?" He chuckled a bit a leaned his head a back. "I don't know...you pick.." He shrugged. "Alright then...How about one I wrote?" He bit his lip softly. "Yes!" He giggled and nuzzled Gerard's chest. 

"Okay...it's called Disenchanted..." He hummed softly and started to sing. "Well I was there on the day/They sold the cause for the queen,/And when the lights all went out/We watched our lives on the screen/I hate the ending myself,/But it started with an alright scene" Gerard sang in a beautiful voice. It was calm, but strong. He meant ever word he sang. It was easy to tell. (Y/n) started to feel his eyes get heavy. 

"It was the roar of the crowd/That gave me heartache to sing/It was a lie when they smiled/And said, you won't feel a thing/And as we ran from the cops/We laughed so hard it would sting" (Y/n) was able to keep himself awake, but only to hear the words that Gerard sang, so perfectly. "If I'm so wrong/How can you listen all night long?/Now will it matter after I'm gone?/Because you never learn a goddamn thing

Every word, every note that he sang stuck with (Y/n) and stayed with him as he kept his weak eyes open. "You're just a sad song with nothing to say/About a life long wait for a hospital stay/And if you think that I'm wrong,/This never meant nothing to ya" He kept singing in his art work of a song. 

By the end (Y/n) was asleep on Gerard's chest. Gerard smiled softly and reached over, so he could turn the bed side light off. He laid down and kept his boyfriend's head on his chest. He then spoke in a soft sweet voice. 

"Goodnight my Angel....I will protect you...."


What do you guys think of the implement of Lola? If you get it.

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