~The World Is Ugly~

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[3rd Person]

Gerard and (Y/n) got woken up by the red head's alarm going off. (Y/n) whined and curled up "I don't wanna go to school!" He kept his eyes shut. Gerard got up and stretched "Come on, baby. We have to" He rubbed his own head of messy red hair. (Y/n) groaned and leaned up "Ugh fine." He yawned and stood up. The two got dressed, (Y/n) barrowed some of Gerard's clothes. He took his boyfriend's Smashing Pumpkins shirt and he wore his own ripped skinny jeans with his own belt and black hoodie. (Y/n) looked up at Gerard when they were done changing "Why do you have those special outfits and don't wear them to school? Like your blue jacket and stuff." He sat on the bed. "Because what we wear is very easy to spot out. Only we have those jackets and those clothes. If a kid from school sees us coming out of a crime scene and then they see us at school with the same clothes we are fucked. We can't have the fuckheads at the school knowing who we are." Gerard zipped up his pants. "Ohhhh I see." (Y/n) giggled a bit. 

Gerard chuckled and kissed (Y/n)'s head before pulling him up. The red head walked the younger upstairs. Ray was making coffee and Mikey and Frank were talking about who knows what. Gerard picked his boyfriend up and set him on the counter "Do you like coffee, babe?" He smiled. "Yes yes yes yes!" The youngest nodded quickly. Gerard and Ray laughed. The red head got two mugs and Ray poured some coffee into them. Gerard got the creamer and the sugar out and placed them next to (Y/n), with the mugs. "Make your coffee how you like it." He smiled. (Y/n) shook his head and picked up the coffee and sipped it. "Damn boy! You can drink it black! All of us are wimps." Ray laughed and sipped his own coffee. "I grew up doing it. My mom would not buy coffee creamer and sugar, so I just got used to it this way." He giggled softly. 

The group  talked till they all got in the car. They all sat where sat the night before. Gerard started the car and pulled out of the driver way. He started to drive to their school. "Hey, why do you guys go to school? I mean doing what you guys do, you don't need to go to school." (Y/n) looked up at Gerard and watched him. "Well, a lot of crimes are done by kids still in school. If we can be one step ahead of them we can stop them." Gerard kept looking at the road "Also, we don't get paid for this shit. We do this because we love our city. We don't want to see it burn down. We stay in school, so then we can have jobs that will get us good money. We have been trying to do music." He hummed and chuckled a bit. (Y/n)'s eyes light up "You four! Doing music! I have to hear it sometime!" He giggled and smiled. Gerard laughed and parked in front of the school "Maybe after school if nothing happens." 

The group got out and Gerard held (Y/n)'s hand. The shorter male smiled wide and giggled. (Y/n) fixed his black messenger bag with his free hand before the gang walked to the entrance. They all talked and laughed as they walked to the door. When they all enter and get into the main hallway Gerard stopped and turned (Y/n). "Alright, go to your homeroom. I will see you later in the day during a class or two and lunch." He cupped the boy's cheek and brushed his hair out of his eyes. (Y/n) nodded and smiled softly "Okay, I love you." Gerard smiled back and pecked the smaller's lips "I love you too." He let got of him "Now run off, you. I don't want you being late to class." He chuckled and slapped (Y/n)'s ass. "Hey!" He blushed and slapped Gerard's arm before running off to his homeroom.

[Small Time Skip] 

(Y/n) was in the bathroom when they bell rang for everyone to be in their classes. He looked up and zipped up his pants when he was done pissing. He washed his hands and picked his books up. There were not too many books, just two small text books and a free time book. He rushed out of the bathroom and walked down the empty halls to his class. As he rushed down the halls he did not see the two kids who always pick on him, Chris and Ricky. Chris smirked seeing (Y/n) rushing down the halls with the books in his arms. When the boy passed, Chris being much taller, grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulder and pinned him to a locker. "Well, Well, Well, Look who we found, Ricky." He smirked as Ricky slinked up behind Chris. "Looks like a little fag, Chris." Ricky snorted and watched (Y/n) whimpered and squirm in fear. "G-Get off me!" He whimpered and Chris just slapped the books out of his hands "No," He smirked as the books fell to the ground. Ricky picked up the free reading book "Ew Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda." Ricky threw the book behind him. Chris chuckled darkly "We saw you kissing Way this morning. Just because you are with Gerard who is probably your night in faggot armor we are not going to stop." 

(Y/n) closed his eyes and kept trying to push Chris off him "L-Let me go!!" He yelped again. "Shut up, it will make this easier." Ricky snickered and watched Chris wind up his fist to punch the boy. "What the fuck do you think you are doing!" Gerard growled with Frank and Mikey behind him. Ricky backed away a bit seeing the three strut down the hall. Chris let (Y/n) go, the smaller boy quickly picked up all of his books and ran behind Gerard, Frank, and Mikey. Gerard stood face to face with Chris. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Gerard growled. "Sorry, Ricky and I just wanted to have some fun." He smirked a bit. Gerard fake chuckled "Ah I see, fun. Okay I get it-" He punched Chris in the stomach hard and went to his ear. "I don't ever want to see you with (Y/n) again, got it?" He growled. Chris whimpered and gripped his stomach as he nodded. Ricky stood back with wide eyes. "Good, same goes for you." He pointed to Ricky and pushed Chris away. The bullies get themselves together before running away. 

Gerard turned around and hugged (Y/n) tight "I'm so sorry baby." He kissed his head. "It's okay" He hugged Gerard back and closed his eyes. "Okay, now come on. School is gonna end in an hour. Let's just go. Ray thinks he found a lead on something." Gerard pulled away a bit. (Y/n) nodded and smiled a bit "Okay, I love you." He held his books tight to his chest. Gerard kissed his head again "I love you too~"


1. Yes Chris and Ricky are sweet hearts they would never do that. I love Motionless in White 

2. I want to do smut in the next chapter, that okay? Comment your thoughts.

3. Did anyone get my Love Simon reference? Comment if you did.

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