~House of Wolves~

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{Remember what (Y/n) said what was one of his kinks was?}

The next day lunch came around quite quickly. Normally it was a slow drag threw the school day, but for some reason today was moving quicker. When (Y/n) walked into the lunch room, he craned his neck to look for the gang. He sighed and shrugged. He looked around the room until he found his one friend. (Y/n) walked to the table quickly and sat across from Patrick Stump. "Patrick, where have you been! I have missed you!" He laughed and looked at his friend. Patrick smiled and laughed softly "You know me (Y/n). I got sick and was half dying." 

(Y/n) laughed again and nodded "Yeah, that seems right for you. How have you been?" He smiled and leaned on his arms. "Oh pretty good. Besides me getting sick.....I got a girlfriend." Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and his jaw dropped "Fuck. Out. Of. Here. You did not!" He laughed harder. "I did man and she is the prettiest thing! She is in a grade younger than us." The male chuckled and crossed his arms. "What's her name! You gotta tell me her name!" (Y/n) was bouncing in his seat almost. Patrick laughed softly and looked down "Hayley....Hayley Williams..." He said. "Oh! That's the girl who was caught making out with Ashley in the bathroom, right? She is pansexual."

"Yeah...so she does not mind my genderfluid ass." He laughed softly. The two talked for a bit longer till Gerard and the guys came walking into the lunch room. Gerard twist and turned his head trying to find the boy in the sea of sluts and jocks. The red head spotted his boyfriend and walked to him. Gerard slid next to (Y/n). "Babe, we gotta go to the bathroom and talk. Shit ain't good." He had a worried face. "Gee? What's wrong?" He cocked his head, confused. "Come to the bathroom and we can talk about it." He got up and pulled (Y/n) up. "Hey Stump." He nodded to the male sitting there, star-struck before dragging the younger male to the bathroom. 

Frank, Mikey, and Ray follow Gerard and (Y/n) as the red head pulls him to the bathroom. "Gerard what is going on!" (Y/n) rubbed his head as he looked at the gang. Frank locked the door as Mikey checked to make sure no one else was in there. Ray sighed "Gerard is over reacting." Gerard snapped his head at Ray "I am not over reacting! This is a huge problem! Mikey explain" Gerard looked at his little brother. Mikey sighed and rubbed his head as he walked over "Gerard and I doing our rounds around the school. Making sure everything was alright. We caught Ryan Ross in the hallway. He must have been trying to run to class with that heavy bag because he was having an asthma attack-" Mikey was cut off by his brother "Not the point of the story Mikes!" The gang leader paces up and down with his hands behind his back. No one had seen him this nervous in a long time. "Whatever, Gerard and I take him down to the nurse's office to get his inhaler. You know how the nurse's office has close view of the road?" Mikey looked at (Y/n). 

"Yeah, why?" He sighed and leaned on the wall. "We saw Chad Kroeger, his idiot brothers, and a few other knuckle heads, driving past the school, slowly. Like if they were looking for something..." Mikey shook his head and rubbed his neck. "Or someone! This is what I'm getting at! They are planning something!" Gerard stopped pacing as he raised his voice "Or they were just trying to scare us!" Ray says back. "We have been fighting with them for a long time and they have never done this before. I don't care. (Y/n), you are going home." Gerard looked at his boyfriend. "What! No! I want to stay with you and help!" The younger leaned up and looked at him. "I already called Lola. They are picking you up and bring you home. The boys and I will stay here." Gerard sighed. 

"Gerard, please. What happened to Killjoys stick together?" He looked at them. Gerard sighed and shook his head "It's impossible for Kroeger to know where we live. When you go home lock the doors, shut the lights off, close the windows and lock them, just.....be safe.." Gerard put his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders. The smaller male opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it in defeat. "Fine...fine...I love you.." He looked up at Gerard. The red head kissed him softly "I love you too...come on now...pack up your things..." He backed away a bit to let the male get this things together. 

Soon enough Lola was at the school. (Y/n) gave Gerard one last kiss and the guys a hug before running to the pink haired human's car and getting in. He buckled up and looked down for the whole drive back to the house. When Lola pulled up (Y/n) said goodbye and thank you. He got out and ran to the front door. He unlocked the door with the key that Frank had given him. When he got in he did everything that Gerard said to do. He locked the doors and windows. He closed the curtains and blinds. He turned off all the lights. 

When (Y/n) was done he went up stairs and laid in his and Gerard's bed. He put on his headphones and played Marilyn Manson's song Cry Little Sister as he laid on his laid and read his book. He was so deep into the book and music he did not see the figure coming up behind him. The man put a cloth over (Y/n) mouth and nose. The cloth had been covered in chloroform, so when he breathed in to scream he was knocked out in seconds. 


(Y/n) groaned softly as he woke up slowly. He was blindfolded and tied to a chair. He was also shirtless. He all of a sudden felt an ice cube run down his chest. "A-ah! Gerard!? S-stopped that! T-this is not funny!" He squirmed around in the stiff chair. A deep chuckle that did not sound like Gerard emitted from the darkness of the blindfold. "Aww....I thought you like that shit?" The voice said. Oh no.....that voice only belonged to one man. The man pulled the blindfold off of (Y/n)'s eyes. "Sorry...Your little Gerard is not here...just me..." He smirked showing off his gross teeth. 

Chad. Fucking. Kroeger.....Gerard was right....





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