~Vampire Money~

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[Gerard's P.O.V.]

I look down at the smaller boy in between my legs as the scary movie played on. He gripped my leg as I rubbed his head calmly. After the movie ended I pulled (Y/n) up onto my lap "What are we gonna do now?" I look at my friends and the cutest boy on the world. "I don't know." Frank leaned back and spread his legs. "Frank stop man spreading!" Mikey groaned as his legs got pushed to the side because of Frank. "Stop me, unicorn breath." He smirked. "Whoa whoa, you two knock it off" I defuse the problem quickly. "What if we-" Ray was cut off by a police report coming threw the radio we had set up. "143, we have an armed robbery at the jewelry store down on Main street." Frank, Ray, and Mikey all get up. "We will get our things." They all say and run off.

(Y/n) looked at me and cocked his head "What is going on?" He got and I stood up too. "That was us being called to a mission. The police once report things over the radio. Nothing ever gets done about it." I sighed and grabbed my gun from a shelf. "W-whoa..." The small boy's eye widened as he watched me. "Sorry Sugar, you are not getting one of these, but you are coming along." I chuckled and put the gun in my holster. "Why? I'm going to be useless." He frowned slightly and looked down. I lifted his head up and smiled "We are Killjoys. We never leave with out a partner. If Mikey wants to go somewhere he has to bring someone with him. Safety of course"

(Y/n) nodded and nibbled his lip "Okay...I won't be in the way." He smiled nervously, which was very cute. "Don't worry, it will be over faster than you know it." The guys walked in and looked at us "Let's go." He take (Y/n)'s hand and walked out of the house with him by my side. I got into the drivers seat, (Y/n) got in the passenger seat, Mikey was behind me, Ray was behind (Y/n), and Frank was mushed in the middle. I started the car and pulled out of the drive way before speeding off quickly.

I see the cute boy next to me get stressed an nervous "Hey, it's gonna be okay. We do this all the time." I smiled a bit as I ran a red light. "O-okay.." He nodded and looked down. When we pulled up to the jewelry store the glass door was broken. "Alright...." I breath out.

"You ready, Ray?"


"How 'bout you, Frank?"

"All there, baby."

"What about you, Mikey?"

"Fuckin ready."

"I think I'm alright." I smirked and got out of the car quickly. I see everyone else, event little (Y/n) get out of the car. "Let's go. Be silent till they see us. I want this clean." I said softly as I take out my gun. I looked at the others who nodded while (Y/n) looked very scared. "Black Halo, behind me" The smaller boy went behind me while the others got behind him. I stepped threw the broken glass door slowly and hold my gun. My combat boots crush the broken glass under my feet as I walked in slowly. Soft whispers could be heard around as we looked around. (Y/n) stayed behind me as the gang and I spread out into the store and get closer to the back room. When I get to the doorway I peak in slowly and spoke it out.

There were two males spray painting something on the wall. Something about this did not feel right. It did not feel like a normal robbery. I shook off that feeling and jumped in the room with Frank. We pointed our guns at the males "Turn around! Put your hands up and drop whatever is in your hands!" I say loudly. The males dropped their spray cans and put their hands up. It was almost like they were waiting to be caught. They turned around slowly. Frank and I walked closer to them as Mikey and Ray grabbed their bags sitting on the table. They took the bags and went to put the jewels back.

"Black Halo, in my pocket their are two sets of handcuffs. Get them out please. I don't want to take eyes off these fuckers." I said with a slight growl. I heard the boy shuffle up and go into my pocket. He pulled out the handcuffs "Here, Party." He said calmly and cutely. I kissed his cheek before walking to the first thug. I grabbed his wrist roughly and hand cuff him. I then do the same to the other one. Frank, (Y/n), and I walked out and walked to a post. I grabbed rope from the car and push the robbers down. We tie them tight to the post, so the lazy ass cops can take them when they drive by in the morning.

While Frank did what ever I walked back into the store and looked at the spray paint on the walls. I looked at it and touched it. It was a symbol. It was a brain with a poorly drawn dagger threw it. I stepped back and took a picture of it on my phone. Soon after I see (Y/n) walk in. "Oh hey babe." I smiled and walked to him. "That was....wow." He chuckled and looked down. I lifted up his chin and kissed him "What can I say? We try out best." I wrapped my arm around him. "Fun! Kobra! Jet! Let's go!" I yelled as I walked out of the store with my boyfriend. They walked out and we all get in the car.

~Back at Home~

It was time for everyone to sleep. I took off my shirt as (Y/n) watched. "U-um..do you have something I could wear...?" He nibbled his lip. "Of course babe." I grabbed a shirt and handed it to him. The boy stripped down to just his boxers and slid the shirt on. It was like a dress on him, but he was so cute. "Aww come here!" I giggled and opened my arms. He smiled and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and kissed his head "Get comfy in bed, babe. I just gotta get the rest of my clothes off. (Y/n) nodded and got into the bed. He laid down and curled up in the blankets. I chuckled and also stripped down to my boxers before crawling next to him.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and kissed his head. "I love you , (Y/n)" I said softly and pulled him close to my chest. "I love you too, Gerard." He said back and yawned. "Goodnight, baby." I laid my head down and yawned too. "Goodnight..." And just like that we were both out like lights.

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