~Honey, This Mirror Is Not Big Enough For The Both Of Us~

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[3rd Person P.O.V]

(Y/h/c) = Your hair color 

Gerard sat (Y/n) on the bed as he walked to the closet. He looked threw his clothing and hummed softly. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked craning his neck. "As much as I love you wearing those cute pastel clothes, we need to get you in more killjoy clothes. If we don't you are gonna be killed in a second." Gerard chuckled and looked at the boy. "So a make over?" He got up and walked to the red head. Gerard held up a white shirt and looked at his boyfriend "Yeah basically." He nodded and laughed "Take off your shirt and put this on." (Y/n) looked around "Now? Like in front of you?" He blushed softly. Gerard nodded "Uh, Yeah sweetheart. We are both boys and you are my boyfriend." He chuckled. "Fair" The younger boy nodded. 

(Y/n) took his shirt off slowly showing off his clean and unmarked chest. Gerard bit his lip softly and put the shirt down. He ran his hands up the boy's chest who turned into a blushing mess. "Damn boy..." Gerard mumbled softly. (Y/n) blushed more and looked at Gerard. The red head pinched (Y/n)'s nipple and smirked. "You are so fuckin hot." The younger let out a slight moan as Gerard pulled away. He handed him the shirt "Put this on while I look for more things." He smiled, almost acting like he was not just being very sexual. 

(Y/n) took the shirt and slid it over his chest. When he was done fixing it on his chest he tried to lean over Gerard to see what he was getting. "Hey! No peaking you!' The older male slapped his arm lightly. "Okay okay!" (Y/n) laughed and sat down. Gerard kept searching threw the closet till he found something that made him laugh softly "Now you may not like these, but try them on please." He leaned up and turned around. In his hands he held black leather pants. (Y/n) got up and took the pants "Okay." He nodded and turned around to undo his pants. "Hey now, turn back around." Gerard smiled softly "Nothing to be scared of." (Y/n) turned around and blushed as he undid his jeans and pulled them down slowly. 

Gerard chuckled and walked to him. "You are so pretty." He grabbed the boys crotch and smirked. "A-ah~ Gee..." (Y/n) whimpered softly. The red head kissed his neck before pulling away. "Put those on and I'll get more things." He smiled, again attacking like he was not just super sexual a second ago. (Y/n) hummed softly as Gerard turned back around and kept looking in the closet. He took his pants off all the way and put on the black leather ones his boyfriend gave him. He walked to the mirror and looked at himself. (Y/n) looked at himself at all angles and smiled. Gerard walked up behind him and grinned "You like them, Sugar?" 

(Y/n) turned around and nodded "Yeah, I like them a lot." He giggled and kissed Gerard's cheek. Gerard laughed and smiled "Okay good, I got the last things you need. Put them on." He gave the boy black fishnet gloves, a silver chain belt to go with the pants, black leather converse, and a baby blue leather jacket. Gerard turned around and smiled. "What are you doing silly?" (Y/n) giggled and put the things on the bed. "Put them on first. I want to see you all decked out. I want to see my baby looking like a bad ass." He chuckled as (Y/n) rolled his eyes playfully. He put the clothes on one by one. He laced up his shoes and tied them. He slid the gloves onto his hands. He put the belt in the loops on his pants. He last, but not least he put the jacket on his back. He fixed the collar and turned around. 

"Okay, Gee...I'm ready." (Y/n) looked down and bit and nibbled his lip. Gerard turned around and smiled wide. "Wow..." He walked to his boyfriend slowly and cupped his cheek "God you are so hot." He mumbled and rubbed his cheek. (Y/n) blushed and smiled "Thanks..." He looked down still. Gerard lifted his head up and kissed the boy deeply. The (Y/h/c) kissed the red head back just as deep. They were cut off by a knock at the door "Gerard! (Y/n)! Ray got pizza and Mikey is putting a movie on." Gerard pulled off his boyfriend and looked at the door "What movie?" Frank groaned "I don't know! Just get your asses down here!" He walked back down stairs. 

Gerard smiled "We should probably get down there before Frank eats all the pizza." He chuckled. (Y/n) nodded and smiled "Yeah we should." Gerard pecked his cheek "I'll give you a proper entrance." Gerard walked down stairs and stood at the bottom of the steps. "Dick's and pussy's meet the new and improved (Y/n) (Y/l/n)" He smiled as (Y/n) walked down the stairs slowly. When the boys saw him Ray's eyes widened, Mikey's jaw dropped, and Frank groaned softly. "Gerard, stop flaunting your boy to us." He leaned back. Gerard wrapped his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and pulled him close and kissed him deeply. The younger boy kissed Gerard back and giggled. Ray rolled his eyes "Alright, you two can butt fuck later!"

"Yeah, I don't like watching my older brother suck some boy's face off." Mikey clicked the TV on. Gerard pulled away and walked over to the couch. He sat down and spread his legs. (Y/n) sat in between his legs on the floor. Frank  kicked his feet up. Ray slapped his arm "Put your feet down!" Frank groaned and put his feet down "Okay mom." Ray rolled his eyes "Sorry you broke the last table by doing that." Frank snorted "And you bought that table from a yard sale." Mikey slapped both their arms "Shut up the movie is starting!"

"He started it!" They both say as (Y/n) was on the floor dying laughing 



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