~Party Poison~

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(Warning people die and there is violence)

Gerard and the team got into the car with saying nothing. Gerard was as still as ice as he drove down the street. His hands gripped the wheel as he drove way over the speed limit. The mile counter on the high way to the other city could not even read how fast Gerard was driving because he flew past it so fast. Frank grabbed Ray's hand nervous for his life as his leader set fire to the street. Once they got to the city; Gerard took the note out again and slowed the car down. "seven-thirty-eight King road..." He said to himself and stuffed the note back into his jacket pocket. 

The red haired male drove down the street slowly as they weaved threw the neighborhoods. Gerard knew the city pretty well, but he did not want anyone that was in Chad's gang to hear them flying down the street. Once they got to the house Gerard parked on the other side of the block, so then it was not too obvious that they were there. "Alright boys.." He sighed softly and looked down slightly. "This is our biggest job yet, but we cannot fail. There is not room for failure right now. We go in there quietly and kill anyone in our way, but don't go searching for people to kill. Our main job is find (Y/n) and kill Kroeger...but leave that last one to me.." 

None of the guys had seen Gerard like this. No one had ever heard him say that he wanted to kill someone. That meant that if they failed Gerard was going to be in pieces or worse...he was going to be the one dead. 

Gerard put his goggles over his eyes and he tied a bandana around his mouth and nose. Frank put a Frankenstein mask over his face and made sure his gun was loaded. Mikey and Ray put on motorcycle helmets over their heads. Gerard breathed out and closed his eyes before opening them once again and saying "Killjoys....let's make some noise.." 

A second after Gerard said that they all got out of the car and started to walk to the house. Gerard was in the front; getting his Glock (pistol) ready. Frank was behind him holding a shot gun in his small arms. Mikey made sure his spiked brace knuckles were in place and Ray held two small pistols; one in each hand. 

Gerard looked at the worn down house from the side and thought for a moment. The house was pretty big, but he looked old and looked like no one took care of it anymore. The paint was chipping and there was not one living thing in the front yard. "Follow me.." He said quietly. He started to lead the team past the fence gate and threw the backyard. The backyard was full of beer bottles and other partying things. Gerard saw the back door to the house and walked to it slowly; making sure to not make a sound. He looked threw the window carefully and pulled back. "There is once of them in there. He is sitting at the table with his back facing us. Mikey when we go in you punch him in the back of the head. Hard." Gerard looked at his little brother. Mikey nodded and stepped forwards. Gerard slowly opened the door, so then no one could hear. 

Mikey snuck in quietly and moved slowly to the back of the man. He winded his fist back and sent it flying to the back of his head. One down. Who knows how many more to go. Gerard and the rest walked in "Good job Mikey.." He whispered. "Let's split up. Frank with Mikey and Ray with me. Be safe." He looked at his tea- no his family. "We will, get (Y/n)" Frank whispered back. All of a sudden there was a scream from upstairs. 


(Y/n) was still tied in a chair, but now his shirt was ripped and torn opened. There were gashes and large scratches on his chest. He was shaking and shivering. They would throw cold water on the pour boy and turned the heat down. (Y/n) sat there shivering still as he was scared to look up at whoever was doing this to him. The evil male laughed and walked off; closing the door behind him. (Y/n) cried softly and mumbled the same five words to himself over and over again. "Gerard..Mikey...Ray...Frank..Help.." He said over and over again. 

He was in the middle of his weak cries when there were loud gunshots coming from not too far away. (Y/n) yelped softly and closed his eyes. He started to cry more and say his pleads for help louder. He heard two sets of foot steps coming closer and closer and that only made him more sacred. 

"H-help" He cried hard and shook more. The door slowly creaked open; letting a slice of light shine threw the room. The lighted landed on (Y/n)'s face; making him squint his eyes and flinch. The door opened all the way. "H-help..please.." He said softly looking at the two figures staring at him as they stood in the door way. One of them came running into the light and started to untie (Y/n). The boy's sight was too blurry to make out the people, but he saw bright red hair.

"Gerard.." He said weakly as all of the bindings came off his body. The older male looked up and nodded "It's me baby. Come on, let's get out of here." Gerard scooped (Y/n) in his arms bridal style and started to carry him out of the room. Ray followed Gerard out of the room. They kept looking around for people who were going to attack them. They go back down the stairs and meet up with Mikey and Frank. "Find Kroeger yet?" Gerard said before kissing (Y/n)'s head. The boy was already curled up and had his hands over his ears from pure fear. 

"No nothing. We found the rest of the guys and killed them, but nothing." Frank sighed and shook his head. "Shit.." The red head sighed his head and just sighed "Let's just go. We need to get out of here." Mikey said and Gerard nodded in agreement. The team found the front door and opened it. They were too much in a hurry to see Chad Kroeger standing in the middle of the walk way. 

Once they were all out of the house Gerard looked up and saw him. "Kroeger...nice to see your face again." He growled softly.  "Nice to see you Gerard. Seems like you rescued your boy toy. Now what?" Kroeger chuckled darkly watching Gerard hold back his rage. He placed (Y/n) down slowly and let him lean close to Mikey. "Kill you." He said dryly and held a gun up. He aimed it at Kroeger's head. Chad laughed and smirked "Hmm...I don't know about that..." He said and pulled something- wait no something from under the porch. "I have this little fella right here.." He smirked holding  a gun Pete Wentz's head. 

"Pete!!" Mikey cried out to his boyfriend and growled "Let him go! He has nothing to do with this!" He tried to step forward, but Gerard stopped him. Kroeger laughed again "I will if you give me (Y/n) back. If your brother shoots me..I shoot him.." He smirked evilly and looked at Gerard. "All up to you know, Gee. Either Pete for (Y/n) or both me and Pete dead." He said. 

Gerard said nothing. He closed his eyes tight and shook his head. 

Boom, goes a gun shoot.

But, not from Gerard's gun. Not from Chad's gun. Not from Frank or Ray's gun. Chad was hit in the chest. He fell to his knees and collapsed on the ground to show Lola in their pink car holding a gun. They smiled wide and waved. 

"Frank told me you could need some help!"

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