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"H-how the fuck did you do this!" (Y/n) was lost on words and that was all he could get out of his mouth. Chad chuckled and shrugged  "It was quite easy. We watched Gerard send you out of that school and then we followed your friend home using back roads." Chad got up "Oh and I know all of your kinks. You kept your tumblr page up with all of your info." He smirked and rubbed (Y/n)'s head and punched him in the stomach. (Y/n) cried out and flung his body forwards. "W-what are you gonna do to me?" He cried. The villain smirked "Beat you up a bit. Call you a faggot and wait for your little Gee Gee to come and get your sorry ass." He laughed and walked out of the room. He slammed the door shut, leaving (Y/n) in the dark. He cried softly and closed his eyes tight. "W-where are you G-gee...." 


"I'm telling you, Gee! Batman is just a man in a suit. He is not that special!" Ray said as he got out of the car with the rest of the gang. "He is a genius, he is strong, he has connections. He is super special." Gerard walked to the door and unlocked in. He was the first one to walk in. Then Mikey, then Frank, and then Ray. "Babe we are home!" Gerard called and took his jacket off. "Babe!" He yelled again not hearing his boyfriend's reply. "He is probably sleeping. Go check." Frank said and took his shoes off. 

Gerard nodded and walked up stairs. He walked into his and (Y/n)'s bed room. He smiled seeing the lump under all of the blankets. He walked over and went to pull the blankets down a bit to kiss his partner. When he went to go do so he found a pile of pillows and not his boyfriend. There was a note in the mess of pillows. Gerard picked up the small piece of paper with nervous fingers. He opened the folded paper and read it. 

"We have him. You know who we are. Come get your sweet little boyfriend back"

~C. K"

Gerard crumpled the paper in his hand. He looked at the open window and threw his bag on the floor. He fell to his knees and screamed. He gripped his hair and growled "NO!!!!" Frank and Mikey ran up stairs hearing the sounds "Whoa! Gerard! What's going on!" Mikey ran to his brother's side.  "They have him!" Gerard got up and wiped his eyes. "They have him!" He started to gather all of the weapons in his room. Guns, knifes, and whatnot. "Who! Who!" Mikey looked at the crazed red head. Gerard handed Mikey the note and sat on the bed. His hands were shaking as he gripped his hair. Mikey read the note and looked at his brother. Gerard looked up slowly with teary eyes "I need him back..." He said softly. 

Mikey nodded and put the note down. He knelt in front of Gerard "We are gonna get him back...we just need a good plan and time." Mikey put his hand on his brother's shoulder. Gerard got up and growled "We don't have time! Those assholes could be doing anything to him right now!" He went into his closet and dragged a foot locker out. The blonde sighed and crossed his arms "And what do you propose we do? Go in there gun blazing?" He looked at his brother. The older brother opened the locker open and pulled out guns. Pistols to shot guns. "No, I say we sneak in. Kill who gets in our way and put an end to this asshole's rain." He got up and put the guns on the bed. "Tell the others to get ready...we are going into war.." Gerard looked at Mikey. Mikey nodded and walked out of the room. He told Ray and Frank what was going on and they all started to get ready.


(Y/n) sat in the chair with his head hanging low blood dripped from his nose and there was a rag tied around his mouth because they got annoyed that he was sobbing. The door slowly creaked open and (Y/n) lifted his head up slowly. He squinted his eyes to see Chad Kroger standing there. He whimpered and looked back down. Chad walked to him "You know, now it is just the waiting game. Just waiting for Gerard to come and save you." he knelt down to the boy that was tied up "or..maybe he won't come. Maybe he does not to waist his time on some weak little worm like you." He started to stroke (Y/n)'s cheek with his hand. (Y/n) snapped his hand away and closed his eyes. he whimpered a bit and tried to move I body away more. 

Chad growled and grabbed (Y/n)'s hair, causing the boy to yelp and whimper. "You listen to me you little shit, he is not going to come for you and if he does we will shoot him down right in front of you, so then you can watch your pretty little boyfriend bleed out everywhere...and then you...well you will belong to us then..." Chad got up an slapped (Y/n)'s roughly before walking out again. (Y/n) started to cry softly again. "Gerard...Gerard..." He mumbled and cried hard. 


Gerard paced around in the kitchen while everyone gathered up their things. "We need a plan, Gerard." Mikey said walking in. "The plan is that we go in. Kill who get's in our way, Kill Chad, and get (Y/n)." Gerard talked in a stressed voice. "Easy as that." He said and looked at his brother. "What if it does not work. What if one of us get's killed. We are going into another city and we don't have Jimmy's-" Gerard cut his brother off. "What Jimmy thinks does not matter right now!!" He yelled. "Someone from out team has been kidnapped by Chad fucking Kroger. Someone who has not hurt a soul. Someone who I love....has been taken and I need to get him back..." Gerard looked at Mikey. Mikey sighed and rubbed his neck "Alright...for everyone's sake I hope this works..."

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