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      [A/N: this is not Softwing's story, we're sharing an account with her supervision... so hello! -- Lily]

  Arin was nervous. So very nervous. He'd never really felt like this towards anyone before, but being with them made everything different.

   "Damn, I'm such a hopeless idiot," Arin muttered under his breath, pressing the back of his hands against his eyes, "Why do I even try."

    Arin sighed, thinking about his crush for years, and thinking of the origin of the "new", well newer, Game Grumps.

--years earlier--

   "I think I'm gonna leave the show, Arin" Jon sighed, twiddling his thumbs.

   Arin said nothing, he knew this was going to happen at some point. They appeared happy on camera, but when Jon and Arin weren't filming, the room seemed empty.

   "... okay..." Arin murmured. He knew this was coming, still didn't mean it didn't hurt.

   "I'm sorry, Arin. I... just don't want to do this anymore. It's tiring. It's not fun anymore. I still want to be friends and hang out, but, this isn't fun." Jon explained. He put his hand on Arin's shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled.

--current time--

    Arin's could hear the distant voice of his best friend/ co-host, Dan, singing the words to almost forgotten 80's music. Dan was so upbeat and happy, all the time. Arin wondered how he could always be like that, or at least appear that way. Arin looked over his shoulder upon hearing the door to the Grump Space opening.

    "Hellooo!!!" Dan cheered waving to Arin.
    Arin smiled brightly.

    "Hey, Dan! You seem happy, what's up?" Arin asked grinning.

    Usually, if Dan was this happy, it meant he got a pretty girl's number, or went on a date the night before.

    "Ohhh, nothinggg." Dan giggled, waltzing up to the couch and sitting next to Arin.

"Tell me, please." Arin begged, beating his eyelashes over dramatically, and staring into Dan's dark brown eyes.

    Dan giggled again, taking one hand and brushing his shoulder length, dark brown "Jewfro" (as he called it) behind his ear. His face was covered in stubble, which he knew made him look even more attractive. His smile beamed, showing his perfect white teeth.

    "It's just, uh... I think somebody I've liked for years finally likes me back."

    "Oh~~" Arin charmed, wiggling his thick eye brows up and down, "Do I know this girl?"

    Dan's smile faded a bit, but it looked like he caught himself, and forced himself to smile again.

    "Actually, yes. You do know them."

    Arin was confused about his weird behavior, but brushed it off as him being nervous to talk about it.

    "Does anyone else know?" Arin questioned.

    "Well, Brian does. Don't go asking him about it, though. Please, you are my best friend, and I need to know I trust you." He said sternly, staring into my eyes.

    "I promise I wont." I replied, "you can trust me dude."

    The only problem is, this just made Arin more curious. What was so important or so secretive that Dan couldn't tell Arin, his bestfriend, but he could tell Brian. Arin knew Dan and Brian were also good friends, but Arin thought he and Dan could tell each other anything.

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