The Truth Is Revealed

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"Do you want to go on a date with me?" The question filled the air, met with an unbearable silence.
Dan sat in utter shock, trying to figure out if this was some sick joke or not.

Arin anxiously awaited the answer to the very real question.

"You know what? Neverm--"

"Of course!" Dan yelped, cutting Arin off. "I mean- yes. Yes, I would."

Arin looked into Dan's eyes, and smiled. He didn't know if it was a smile of anxiety or joy. At this point he was leaning more towards anxiety, seeing as Arin was now on the verge of a panic attack.

"Oh- okay good." Arin squeaked.

"Yeah, um..." The room was silent again after that. They had no clue what to do. How do you continue your day after that?

Dan, who came from a family who does NOT support gays, had the love of his life ask him on a date. Dan thought his family might understand. His father was probably the nicest man on earth. Avi was religious, but he also loved his son, and supported him no matter what.

Arin, who was not even sure he was gay, also had a "girlfriend" of sorts, still. Suzy was a kind woman. She's beautiful, funny, and caring. She would understand, but not even Arin understood. He was going out on a date with his best friend, just to see if he actually liked him and/or men. He just knew Dan was his best friend, and he would do anything for him, including going on a date with him.

"HELLO TO THE GRUMPIEST GAMERS!" Ross yelled, opening the door to the Grump Space. "I come bearing gifts." He had a large bag of chips and some sandwiches.

"Thanks, Ross!" Dan cheered, happily snatching the food from Ross's hands.

"Wow, someone is hungry." Ross joked, heading out the door.

Dan took a bite of the marshmallow fluff sandwich. He ate it happily, and handed the other sandwich to Arin. Arin reached to grab it and accidentally touched hands with Dan. He ignored it for the time being, and ate his sandwich too.


"Arin, you're gay?!" The disappointment was all too prominent in her voice. Suzy, now in shock, sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry, Suz, I--"

"Oh no. You do not get to call me that. I'm not your 'Suz' anymore." She interjected.

"Suzy, I'm sorry, I can't help it. It's just who I am."

She sat quietly until she asked one question.

"Was any of this- us- real?" She looked Arin dead in the eyes.

He stared back for a couple of seconds.

"Yes." He sighed, turning away, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Then what changed?" She pleaded.


Arin was lost in his mind, imagining what would everyone think. Would they be disgusted? Would he and Dan even work as a couple? If not, would they cease to be friends? Arin cringed at the thought.

Arin wasn't the only one who's mind was racing. Dan had loved Arin for years, he never really prepared for the thought of them going on a date. This idea was completely novel, and a tad bit scary to him.

"Should I tell Suzy?" Arin asked quietly.

Dan stopped eating, and thought heavily for a moment. He forgot about the others. What would they say? How would they react?

"We should let her know." He murmured.

"What the hell are we gonna say?" Arin sighed, placing his head in his hands.

Dan scooted closer to him, and snuggled against Arin.

"Absolutely no clue, Big Cat." Dan giggled.

Arin's lips curled into a smile and he chuckled, snuggling Dan also. Arin didn't think he should say that he's gay, because he didn't know it for sure.

"But damn." Arin thought, "Dan is so adorable, and talented... and kinda hot."

Arin blushed hard as he looked down into Dan's eyes with a determined look, which caused Dan to turn a brilliant shade of red.

"What's wrong, Arin?" Dan nervously laughed.

Arin sat up, so that he was hardly looking down on Dan. He leaned in, hesitating. Dan connected their lips, for a soft embrass.

They were kissing.

In that moment they both forgot the "What if's" of dating other men. Their hearts beat faster and faster, and faces got a deep crimson.

Arin laced his fingers in with Dan's. They weren't going to stop. Dan panted, not wanting to break the kiss, but also needing air sometime soon, but then leaned back in.

They were mid kiss when once again, the door to the Grump Space flew open.

"HEY GUYS- OH MY G--" Ross shrieked.

The two broke apart, both now staring at the ausie.

"Ross, I know this looks bad--"

Ross staggered back.

"Are- are you too-- holy s--"

"SHHH!" Dan interrupted. "Ross please don't say anything."

Ross paused, staring wide eyed.

"Dan, Arin. Please be honest right now. Are you two, gay?" Ross whispered, so no one else could hear.

"Um... yes." Dan shamefully admitted. So now Brian, Ross and Arin all knew he was gay. Only Suzy, Holly, Matt and Ryan were oblivious to this.

"Arin?" Ross asked.

"I--" Arin turned to face Dan. Silence fell for a couple of seconds until-- "Yes." Arin mumbled.

"Does Suzy know? Does anybody else know?" Ross inquired.

"Brian knows I'm gay." Dan answered, "Nobody knows the Arin is gay, and nobody knows that we like each other."

"So, are you two a thing?"

"We don't know yet." Arin said.

"How far has it gone?" Ross asked in horror.

"This was the first kiss."  Dan muttered.

"Oh my G--" Ross was interrupted.

"Please man. Don't tell anyone. We want to tell them ourselves." Dan begged, staring into Ross's eyes.

Ross stood there, not saying a single word.

"Sure." He nodded, walking back out of the Grump Space. Neither Dan nor Arin trusted him to keep it a secret.

"What the hell are we gonna do now?"

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