Hello, Old Friend

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[A/N: it is currently like 1 in the morning, and I'm hyped up on Taekook (gay kpop) fan fics and something embarrassing happened in the story so I needed a break (and some holy water) so here I am. Enjoy! --Lily ; )

Arin took a while to get to the apartment, but when he arrived, he saw Dan, facing opposite of the doorway and staring at the wall.

Immediately, the room became tense and silent.

Arin closed the door behind him, and stood their awkwardly, not wanting to say a word.

After a few unbearable seconds Dan spoke up in a cold, unloving voice.

"All... All of your stuff is in boxes in the bedroom." Dan glanced back for a split second, not even making eye contact with the younger man.

Arin's gaze shot to the floor as he cleared his throat, replying a pitiful, "uh... thanks..." Again staying still for a few more moments before he turned and stomped towards the room.

At the loud THUD of Arin's foot hitting the floor, Dan flinched and almost yelped.

"God, what is wrong with me?" He thought to himself.

Arin emerged from the room, carrying two large boxes, taking them outside. He began repeating the question. Until it was all gone.

"Dan, I--"

"Good bye, Arin." Dan raised his shaky voice a bit, trying to sound strong. Arin knew Dan was hurt, broken inside.

"I'm sorry it came to this. I never--"

"GOOD. BYE. ARIN." Dan sobbed.

"Are you crying? Dan talk to me, I-I'm concerned for you--"


Silence fell. A shy and weeping Dan balled his fists and stared at the ground, facing away from an equally hurt Arin. The sounds of sniffles and several futile attempts to cover up the sounds of sobs and hic-ups filled the room. Dan's frizzy hair jerked up and down in timing with his unsteady, shallow breathing.

Arin felt a ball of guilt in the pits of his stomach grow. He caused this. What if they could of worked things out? What if it wasn't time for this all to fall apart. He had so much to tell Dan.

Arin wanted to tell Dan that his voice was perfect. His crazy hair? Amazing. His "strange" facial features? Beautiful. He aura? The calmest and most peaceful he had ever experienced. His laughter? Addicting. All the sweet things Dan said to him? The most uplifting stuff Arin had ever experienced.

Arin opened his mouth again, but was cut off by a now quiet, cry out.


This sent Arin to Rock bottom. Arin hung his head low, turning to leave the room, and most importantly... Leigh Daniel Avidan.

The man Arin dreamed of marrying and growing old with. The man he wanted to adopt kids with. The man who was his best friend. The man who meant anything and everything to Arin.

He paused again. Looking back for one second, he had to get this long message across to Dan, but there was no time, what would he say? There was nothing to say in the situation was there?


"I still love you."

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