Timing is Everything

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A/N: I know in real life Suzy and Arin are married, but for the sake of this story, let's just say there still dating, and saving up for a wedding.     ---Lily ;)

"Your what now?" Suzy asked in complete and utter shock and horror.

"Does no one know how to knock these days?! First Ross and now Suzy!" Dan thought to himself. This day was just an emotional roller coaster.

Arin struggled to say something. What do you say in this situation? "Oh, hi girlfriend of many years! Turns out that I don't like you anymore because-- I dunno-- instead I want to date my best friend BECAUSE HE'S A MAN!!!"  Arin internally face palmed at the thought of that.

"Suzy, I'm gay, and so is Arin." Dan puffed out his chest, and bravely answered, "I've been closeted for years, and it sucked. What also sucked was the fact I loved Arin since the day I met him, and I felt so guilty because of it. I felt guilty, because I thought that I shouldn't be thinking about Arin like that. I mean, you two had been dating for years, and- duh- that obviously made him straight. So, I sat to the side. Well, today he figured out, that he's gay too, and that he also likes me. I honestly feel like a home wrecking prick right now, but please try to understand that we'd never want to hurt you like that."

Dan, after saying this, lost his new found confidence. The pair looked at each other, a tiny bit scared. What the hell is happening right now? How is this going to go down?

"I've always had a feeling you two were gay." Suzy answered, tearing up.

"What?" Arin asked, probably the most confused he's ever been.

"I'm not mad about you guys being gay. In just upset that this now means I have to break up with Arin." Suzy solemnly realised.

"Suz--" Arin tried to say.

"And it's not like we've been saving up for a wedding for years and, lived together for years and planned on living together for the rest of our lives." Suzy started getting upset. Her eyes were filled with a cocktail of anger, sadness and betrayal.

"Suz, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you--"

"What, so you thought I was just going to be like 'Oh, great. The love of my life is leaving me for ANOTHER MAN!' " Suzy sobbed, running out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"God, why are our lives so dramatic." Dan begged, burying his face into a near by pillow.

"I have no clue." Arin sighed, rubbing circles into Dan's back.


Ross was now walking back into the building, since he decided to grab some lunch after he called Barry. Just as he approached the door, it flew wide open without him even touching it. He looked up to see a sobbing Suzy exiting the building.

"Suz, are you ok--"

She pushed him aside, not even waiting for him the finish the question, and not bothering to answer.

"Oh God, did she hear me on the phone?" Panicking, the thought crossed Ross's mind.

He hurriedly ran into the Grump Space to see two destressed men.

"Hey, guys. I ran into Suzy--"

"Yeah, she overheard." Arin sighed.

  Ross's already pale skin got even whiter. 

"Holy crap, guys. I'm so sorry." Ross choked out. The ausie misinterpreted what they said as "Suzy overheard you, and confronted us." If Ross didn't already feel like garbage for telling Barry, he certainly feels like it now.

"It's okay. We had to tell her some time." Dan mumbled. Sitting up, Dan set down the pillow he was snuggling, and instead buried his face in the crook of Arin's neck. Arin could feel himself turning red at this.

"Are you gonna tell the others?" Ross painfully asked. He felt so much guilt in the pit of his stomach.

"Probably. Maybe even today. If we don't tell them, then maybe Suzy would tell everyone about us being gay." Arin guessed. He was right. What was keeping her from not doing it?

Dan picked his head up and looked into Arin's eyes.

"Are you sure about this, Big Cat?"

Dan really didn't want to say anything. Well, he felt he owed it to Brian to tell him first. After all, Brian was Dan's go-to friend... especially when it was trying to win over Arin.

"Well I think it would suck if  they all found out from Ross or Suzy." Arin mumbled.

"I think we should tell Brian first." Dan voiced his opinion.

"What ever you want, babe." Arin tried a new pet name.

Dan's faces turned such a bright red that he could feel his ears and cheeks burning because if it.

"Let's do it." Said Dan, "Let's tell everyone we're gay.

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