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[A/N: Sorry for making this at the beginning of every story, but this is just to say I will try to post new chapters 2 times a week, just so y'all know --Lily]

"Yo-- wait... what?" Arin was in shock. He couldn't process this. His best friend for years had never told him he was gay.

"Well, Arin. I like dudes." Dan's face was an almost painful shade a crimson from how hard he was blushing. He looked so embarrassed, Arin took so much pity on him.

"oh my- dude if had known! I'm so sorry for all those jokes on Game Grumps, I didn't mean to tease you like that." Arin apologized, his face visibly cringed from just realising how many hints Dan dropped, but Arin was too oblivious to notice.

"Are you angry?" Dan asked, on the brink of tears.

"Dude, why the hell would I be mad?"
Dan chuckled a bit, staring down at the table.

Arin's mind raced. "I'm not sure they like me back anymore" that's what Dan yelled when Arin flirted with a girl. What does this mean? Is it true? For how long? Did Brian know?

"Brian." Arin gasped as he looked Dan in the eyes. "Brian knew? He knew before I did?"
Dan darted his eyes around the room, avoiding eye contact.

"I-- I accidentally came out to him."


"Last year." Dan whimpered.

"What?" Arin asked, in utter shock.

"Well, I sent him a text meant for my parents, where I explained my situation. Brian was in shock at first, but he said he wouldn't tell anyone if I didn't want him."

Arin was upset, yet oddly understanding. He was mainly stuck on the fact Brian knew for a whole year and didn't tell anyone. Especially because Brian didn't tell Arin.

Then again, Arin might have been even more upset that Brian broke Dan's trust. Lose-lose situation. Arin couldn't be selfish right now. He had to be there for Dan.

"So... um" Arin cleared his throat, "Who is the lucky guy?"

Dan chuckled nervously.

"I was worrying you'd ask." Dan squirmed in his seat.

The same waitress came by with the egg rolls and slid them onto the table, staring at Arin charmingly.

"One egg roll plater."she smirked.

"Th-uh- thank you!" Dan stuttered.

Arin said nothing, gazing into Dan's eyes.

The waitress noticed and was quite upset. She turned on her heels and marched into the kitchen in anger.

"She was flirting with you." Dan mentioned.

"I don't care about her right now, I care about being there for someone who has always been there for me, Dan Avidan." Arin smiled.

Dan could feel his face heating up. He shyly replied a "you're too nice to me."

"Anyway, before we were interrupted, who do you like so much?" Arin smirked.

"I... um... uhh..." Dan was stuck now. How could he tell Arin? This would be one long night. First, he comes out as gay. Second, he confesses his love of many years, and (most likely) gets rejected. That would be a trainwreck.

"Doesn't this night have enough excitement?" He mustered.

"You're right. Sorry for prying." Arin was a bit embarrassed about that. He brushed it off and grabbed an eggroll. He bit it in half, crunching loudly. He made a "yum" sound.

He handed an eggroll to Dan. Dan ate it happily. He munched on it and smiled kindly at Arin.

The rest of the night went off without any problems. They ate amazing food, and talked for what seemed like hours. When they were done, they paid. Dan and Arin argued over who got to pay for dinner, but Arin won when he brought up the fact Dan just came out that night.

Arin drove home, and Dan took a nap in the car. Arin had lots of time to think. Maybe he could ask Brian with how to talk about it with Dan. He didn't want Dan to think everything was going to be different on Game Grumps, but be also didn't want to ignore it, if you were supposed to talk about it.

Eventually, Arin pulled into a driveway, his own driveway. He quietly unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. He walked around to Dan's side. He opened the door and gently shook Dan awake. The sleepy man opened his eyes slowly.

"Big Cat..." he smiled.

"Hey, buddy. Since you're so tired, I brought you to my house, so you can sleep over." Arin cooed.

"Thank you, dude." Dan said.

Arin walked Dan to his room and told him that he would be right back.

"Don't be too long!" Dan called out after him.

Arin arrived at the office. He planned on talking to Brian, then leaving. It wouldn't take too long.

He walked in the door and saw everyone in there, working and chatting. He told them that he and Dan are going home, since it was a long day.

"Oh, hey, Brian? Can I talk to you for a second?" Arin asked.

"Yeah, sure." Brian stood up from his chair, walking towards Arin.

Arin led Brian into the Grump Space, because he knew no one else would be in there. Arin closed them.

"Uh, what's this about?" Brian nervously chuckled.

"Dan told me everything." Arin said, "You know, that he's gay, and about his crush?" It was a weird half lie, seeing as Dan did say he had a crush, but didn't say who. Arin was hoping to hear Brian say the name of this mystery guy at some point in the conversation.

Brian's eyes widened.

"He did? I'm so proud of him. It must have taken a lot of courage to tell you. He must be a mess right now." Brian gushed.

"Yeah, he's sleeping at my house right now. He was so exhausted he just crashed on the the way here and I felt bad. Anyway, how do I handle it? I don't want things to be different, but I also don't want to ignore it if I'm supposed to talk with him about it."

"Yeah, he's had feelings for you for years. I'm just glad he's finally got it off his chest."

Arin went silent. After a few seconds, he managed to squeak out a few words.

"Dan has feelings for me?"

He had finally found out who the mystery man is. But what is there to do when your best friend is in love with you, and you don't like men like that? What do you say to him? There's one awkward elephant in the room...

Dan loves Arin.

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