dinner with a twist

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[A/N: I'm aiming to post chapters with 800-1000 words, unlike my last chapter which was only 500 words. Thank you for reading!-Lily]

A day had passed, and Arin was dying to know what was Dan and Brian's shared secret. He didn't care as much about knowing who it was, he was more hurt about the fact that he was seemingly not trusted with this information. Arin told Dan everything about him and Suzy. Why couldn't Dan tell him one thing about him and this mystery girl.

"Hey, man. Are you alright?" Dan inquired looking deeply concerned.

"Uh, what? Um, I mean, yeah." Arin lied. He realized that he had spaced out in the middle of a Game Grumps episode.

"Dang it." Arin thought to himself, "I can't do this right now."

"Okayy, if you say so..." Dan mumbled. He almost sounded as if he didn't believe Arin. Arin didn't blame him. He hated lying to Dan. He never really did it, and when he did, it was really terrible.

Arin tried to focus on the game, but it seemed to be impossible. He kept losing.

"DAMN IT!!!" Arin raged, he almost threw the game controller. He yelled a few choice words in his fit of anger.

Dan laughed uncontrollably. He laughed so hard, that there was no longer sound coming out. Arin saw this and chuckled to himself. It calmed him down a bit.

"OH- OH BOY!" Dan yelped, in pain from how hard he was laughing, "ne-next time on gaHAHAHA--" he couldn't even finish his sentence when he looked over again to see the look on Arin's face. It was a cocktail of sadness, defeat and rage.

"Next time on Game Grumps" Arin said in a disappointed tone.

"I-its alright Big Cat." Dan giggled before they cut off the video.

Dan placed a hand on Arin's back, trying to calm him down.

Arin hunched his back, trying to gain composure from the humiliating loss that he just went through.

"Let's take a break." Dan said, " I'm starving anyway, let's go grab something to eat real quick."

"Like what?" Arin asked.

"Um... what about that new Chinese place not to far from here?" Dan suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Arin responded. They both got up, grabbing their wallets and a set of keys, Arin's keys. They opened the door to the Grump Space and told everyone they were headed out for a break. Everyone said their good-bye's, and the two men were off.

They both hoped into the car, Arin in the driver's seat, and Dan in the passenger side.

Arin stuck his keys in the car and started it. The radio automatically started playing, since he hadn't turned it off last time. Dan gasped as he heard the intro to an amazing 80's song... "Your Love" by The Outfield played.

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" Dan schrieked. His face glowing with glee.

Arin chuckled happily, turning the volume up higher.

They sang the lyrics together while driving to this new restaurant they had heard so much of before. Dan's voice was amazing, of course. Dan had been singing for years, and was absolutely angelic when he sang.

Arin was much of a singer. He had mainly done drawing and animation his whole life, although he was good at rapping. He rapped in plenty of his and Dan's songs for their band "Starbomb".
They were a good team. They trusted each other... well at least Arin trusted Dan.

They eventually arrived at the Chinese restaurant, which was a lot larger than expected. It had two large Koi fish ponds in front.

On their way in, they stopped to see the beautiful multicolor fish. They sat on the ground in front of it, gazing in. Dan dipped his fingers into the water, then flicked the water droplets at Arin's face. Arin flinched, and Dan giggled. Dan's laugh was absolutely adorable. Arin cracked a smile and looked down at his feet.

"Let's go inside, you dork." Arin said standing up. His hand out reached for Dan to take, to help him up. Dan tightly grabbed it, and stood up. There was an awkward couple of seconds where they shared even more awkward eye contact.

Arin couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and he didn't know why. Dan grinned and took his other hand, which he used to tuck Arin's shoulder length, auburn hair behind his ear. He could feel his face heating up.

"What is happening?" Arin's mind raced, "Why are we holding hands?"

"C'mon, why are we standing out here? Let's eat, I'm starving." Dan smiled.

They walked inside, Dan more than happy, Arin feeling deeply confused. Why is this happening? Another "why?" question the he most likely wouldn't get an answer to.

Dan led the way, still holding Arin's hand, Arin following shyly, when Dan suddenly paused. His face turned a deep crimson, grip loosening on Arin's hand.

"UH--" he nervously chuckled, "SORRY! I, UM,... didn't mean to hold your hand like that..." he panicked with embarrassment.

"OH! It's fine dude." Arin giggled. He tried to act calm, but he too was slightly embarrassed.

Dan let go of Arin's hand, and his eyes darted down. Arin quickly changed subject, not wanting to stay on that awkward note.

"Table for two?" A hostess asked when the two arrived at a podium.

"Uh, yes!" Dan answered politely.

"Right this way!" She cheered, grabbing two menus.

The restaurant had a mural on the wall of the Great Wall of China. The walls, other than that one, were a dark grey color. It was dimly lit, and a bit chilly. The mouth-watering scent of spices, chicken and fried vegetables filled the air.

The two men followed this woman, who led them to a large booth, with a red table that had painted on gold trimming. The waitress neatly placed the menus in front of them when they sat down on the comfortable booth seats. On their right was a rolled up napkin with silverware neatly tucked inside. They thanked the hostess, and she went back to the podium.

They opened their menus and decided what to get. They waited patiently to place an order, when another shorter waitress came along. She had long jet black hair and a beautiful smile.

"Any appetizers?" She asked.

Arin shot her a flirty smile, and looked at the menu again.

"Actually, yes. Can we get the eggroll plater?" He asked this in a deeper, husky voice. Arin usually did this when he flirted, and Dan caught on immediately.

"Sure thing, honey." She winked, turning and heading to the kitchen. She looked back one time and smiled at Arin. He did the same back to her. Arin turned around to see an aggravated Dan.

"What?" Arin asked "Wait, is that the girl you like?" Arin was now panicked, thinking Arin stole his chance with her.

"No." He coldly retorted.

"Then what's up? You're suddenly really angry looking."

"You know what, I'm an idiot. I don't think they like me back." He put his hands on the table, standing up, about to storm out of the restaurant.

"Dan!" Arin grabbed his hand. "Please... sit down."

Dan paused, as if to think about it. He slowly slid back down in his chair, still looking absolutely pissed.

"Talk me through what's going on." Arin begged, "I want to know why you're upset, and what does this have to do with the girl you like?"

"Arin, you are an idiot." Dan sighed in frustration.

"What?" At this point, Arin was probably more confused than any other time in his life.

"I don't like a girl." Dan shrieked. "There. I said it." He looked defeated and panicked all at the same time.

Correction. Now is the most confused Arin has ever been.

"But you said---"

" I said I like someone."

Arin's heart was racing. What does this mean? Is he--

"It doesn't have to be a girl!"

He can't be--

"I like a guy."

This means--

"I'm gay, Arin."

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