Harry Potter AUs (chapter 150, let's celebrate!!!)

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Happy AUs:

- Sirius (and Remus) raise Harry AU

- Harry meets the Malfoys at King's Cross on the first day of school AU

- McGonagall raises Harry at Hogwarts AU

- Snape isn't a dick and he raises Harry in lieu of his godfather AU (big big big AU)

- Draco is sorted into Gryffindor AU

- Neville is the Chosen One AU

- the Weasleys get to raise Harry (as they were good friends of the Potters) AU

- the Malfoys raise Harry but they're not as arrogant AU

- a Muggle family gets to raise Harry (and I may add, he befriends Hermione way before going to Hogwarts)

(unele sunt luate de pe Tumblr, Instagram, altele sunt originale)

Possibly dark, but cool AUs:

- the Trio is in Slytherin AU

- the twins are in Slytherin AU

- Harry gets sorted in Slytherin AU

- Hermione's a pure-blood AU

- the Weasleys act like pure-bloods AU

- Harry gets revenge on the Dursleys for eighteen years of hell AU

- Harry finally snaps and confronts Dumbledore (possibly killing him? Hurting him really bad, but no one figures it out except Draco, who is told) AU (parca as scrie asta, sincer; am si o idee formandu-se in capul meu...)

- Harry is a Death Eater eventually AU

- Draco turns the Trio when they are brought to the Manor AU

- Sirius changes completely and really kills Peter in the third book AU (I'd read the hell out of that)

- Sirius kills Peter and is imprisoned for something he actually did AU

- Sirius gets sorted in Slytherin and spends his life as a Death Eater AU (still gets in Azkaban, but later on)

(multe implica Slytherin!Harry/Sirius, but hey, not my fault)

Sad AUs:

- Harry actually goes with "James" AU (asta e luat de pe Instagram - desi cred ca original e de pe Tumblr -, la care am si eu o contributie. Va dati seama si fara sa spun cat de tare ii doare pe ceilalti sa-l auda pe Harry corectandu-i cu "E James, de fapt" - dar Sirius a fost cel mai ranit. S-a obisnuit sa-i spuna "Potter" lui James inainte sa-l cunoasca. Apoi, in tren, asa i se adreseaza, out of habit; James il corecteaza cu un zambet: "E James, de fapt". Aproape 20 de ani mai tarziu, in the Shrieking Shack, i se adreseaza finului sau cu "Harry". Baiatul zambeste usor: "E James, de fapt." Si am primit vreo 2 replies de genul "I didn't need my heart anyway" si eu doar :D)

- Harry ends up alone in an orphanage AU

- Percy gets killed as well trying to help Fred AU

- McGonagall is killed in the Battle AU

- Hermione is captured instead of being taken to the Manor with the boys AU

- Remus goes insane after Sirius is imprisoned AU

- Petunia goes insane after Lily is killed AU (de fapt, nu e chiar asa departe de adevar; poate de asta il trata pe Harry asa de prost)

(si cam atat, va las mai usor, sa nu va vada cineva ca plangeti)

Just some Harry Potter thingsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum