chapter 9

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**writer p.o.v**
It's been six month since the day Max got kidnapped and tortured and met Jesse and things have been pretty quiet Jesse become one of the team Sam insisted because he still had that crazy idea in his head and he needed to find evidence he didn't tell anyone though and Dean and Max didn't mind cause he was a good kid and he was like them so he was more than welcome.
Castiel didn't turn off Max's emotions and she learned how to live with them and it wasn't that bad for her, she still fight it sometimes but less and less everyday Sam and Max grew closer and good friends which Max thought was awesome she thought he is a really good guy and that he was gorgeous too.
The team lay low and worked Sam and Dean's family business they didn't had another encounter with Balck but they were pretty sure they will see him again.
One day after a hunting trip they went back to their home Max went running Dean went in the shower and it was just Sam and Jesse, Sam decided to find out if his theory was true so he asked: Jess where are you parents? I mean you never talk about them are they ok with you staying with us?
Jesse's face turned a little nervous and then he said: amm my parents died a few months before I got kidnapped.
Sam face changed he didn't know what to think so he just asked: are you from this time? Or are you from the future?
Jesse's eyes turn green immediately and Sam said: hey you don't have to be scared you can trust me I just need to know.
Jesse calmed down and his eyes turned back to normal he looked at Sam and nodded shyly and said: my name is Jesse Winchester I'm yours and Max son from the future but you can't say anything to anyone ok!!?? Promise me! Bad things could happen to the timeline if you do!
Sam looked at him he knew he wasn't crazy and he said: you secret is safe with me! What year you came from?
Jesse: thank you! I came from 2039.
Sam: which means you were born on 2019.
Jesse nodded and came to say something but Max entered and said: hey guys.

**Max p.o.v**
Sam and Jesse both looked like they saw a ghost so I said: are you guys ok?
Sam and Jesse: yeah
I noticed they both have this wrinkle in their nose when they lie and I said: ok are you sure?
Sam and Jesse: yes.
Me: ok I'll be in the shower.
I walked to the shower meeting Dean who just walked out of his room and said: how was your run?
Me: refreshing something weird going on in the living room?
Dean: what is it?
Me: Sam and Jesse acted weird when they saw me its like they saw a ghost or something
Dean: weirder than usual?
Me: yes.
Dean: I'll see what I can find out.
Me: thanks I'm gonna go showering.
I left a few hours later everyone seem to be asleep everyone but me I sat next to the window watching the empty street when I heard foot steps behind me I turned around and saw Dean he looked at me and said: can't sleep?
I nodded and he said: wanna talk about it?
Me: I just have a big mess in my head too many emotion I mean I learned to live with them but sometimes it's....
Dean: overwhelming?
Me: yeah how about you why aren't you sleeping?
Dean face turned sad and I knew he had a nightmare and I said: how bad was it?
Dean: bad took me back to BP and my mom's death.
Me: I'm sorry.
Dean: for what?
Me: for seeing this I know how horrible it was for you.
Dean looked at me weird and I said: what?
Dean: nothing it's just weird we haven't had deep talk since Sam and Jesse came along.
Me: yeah I know I mean when it was the two of us it was easier to take care of each other now we have two more and don't get me wrong I don't mind having them here it just become scarier to think what if something will happen to them because of our past.
Dean: I know this why I haven't reached out to Sam in 5 years but we can also protect them no matter what and I have a feeling we'll meer Black soon this guy is cruel he won't rest until we're gone and he hates me he can't know I have a brother because if he does Sam as good as dead.
My eyes turned green and I said: why? What did you do to him?
Dean: he was trying to force himself on one of my unit members when she was only 16 I fought him I punched him hard so hard I nearly killed him he then swear to not rest until I'm dead.
My eyes kept being green and Dean touched my hand and said: Max it's going to be fine we can take him down.
Me: how? I don't want to kill anymore but somehow it seems like the only way to stop him.
Dean: we'll find a way and if it does come to kill him I'll do it.
I calmed down and my eyes rurned back to normal then Dean smile and said: ohhh here those big blue eyes that I love so much.
I laughed and said: I probably never told you that but you are my best friend in the entire world and I love you very very much.
Dean smiled and said: and you're my best friend and I love you too very very much.
Dean got up and came to walk away and he said: I'm gonna go try to get back to sleep you should try to get some rest too maxi.
I got up too and I nodded I hugged him and said: good night Dean
He tighten the hug and pulled me closer and said: good night max.
I pulled away when we stare at each other and then he kissed me the last time he kissed me was 4 years ago I forgot how sweet he was I kissed him back it was really passionate like all the emotions I kept got out on that kiss after we broke apart he looked at me and said: would you like to join me?
I kissed him again and teased him: maybe some other time good night.
And with that I left.

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