chapter 13

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The hours seem to suddenly past fast cause before we knew it we had only 3 hours to find them I felt helpless standing and do nothing that was not me I walked back and forth Cisco tried to locate the place and vibe them all at the same time.
"Common Cisco tell me you have something" I yelled at him Barry who told us he was the flash ran around to scan the city I couldn't take it anymore sitting like that Cisco looked at me and said: I know you upset ok but yell at me every five minute won't help me find them faster, do you happen to have an item belong to Sam?
Then Dean said: actually I do.
Caitlin and me at the same time: you do?
Dean: yes I do.
He takes off the necklace he always wore and said: Sam gave it to me when we were kids maybe it could help find them.
Cisco: yeah thanks see!? He helps.
I gave Cisco the death look and my eyes turned purple he yelled with high voice saying: what're eyes are purple.
Me: just be glad it's not red.
Dean: ok someone needs a break common!
Dean pulled me with him and walked outside my eyes still purple and he said: what's going on? Besides the obvious. And don't say nothing cause I know you?
Me: I'm worried.
Dean: worried? Max you almost rip Cisco's head off.
Me: well then he shouldn't of pissed me off.
Dean: you were botheting him every 5 minutes.
Me: so you agrees with him?
Dean took a big breath and said: ok let's just relax your eyes still purple and you pissed which is normal but you need to relax maxi.
I was annoyed by what he said doesn't he care that's his brother who is been taking by this crazy son of bitch I didn't have the powers to deal with him right now so I walked away and he said: where are you going?
Me: look for them.
As I walked away Cisco came running and said: we found them.
I turned around and we ran to the cortex Barry said: I'll be in 10.
Me: no way! Im coming too!
Caitlin who turned to killer frost said: me too.
Barry: guys common this dangerous.
Me: trust I'm dangerous.
My eyes turned red and I said: now more then before.
He gave up and looked at frost and said: maybe you'll listen to me and stay.
Frost: not gonna happen lover boy me and Caity are going too.
Barry: why do I bother. Fine but listen to me promise me you'll keep Caitlin safe!
Frost: don't worry Barry I promise.
Barry: ok. Cisco open a bridge.
Dean: Max becareful.
I nodded and went with Barry and frosr we located them fast almost too easy that's when I saw the bomb I yelled to Cisco to open the bridge back and Barry carried Sam who was unconscious they all went inside and as I walked through the bridge the bomb went off lucky us Cisco closed before it had the chance to hurt anyone.
Frost turned back to Caitlin who right away started to check Sam who was
unconscious I looked at him calling his name trying to get him to wake up but nothing he looked so peaceful so beautiful it hurt me to see him so vulnerable I went to wait outside med bay so Cait could work on him then I felt a hand on my shoulder I saw Jesse with tears in his eyes and he said: I'm sorry mom I'm so sorry he saved me this is why he is like that he saved both of us I'm so sorry.
Up to this moment I didn't actually realized that this boy was my son from the future I looked at him he looked broken I felt tears in my eyes for the first time and I just hugged and said: it's ok it's not your fault it's ok baby everything will be fine.
I don't know what came over me I just had to comfort him we stayed like that for what seem like forever when Caitlin came and I said: well what's wrong with him?
Caitlin looked worried and realived at the same time and said: well couple of cut and bruises which I took care off he has fractured ribs and a slight concussion but he should make a full recovery his vitals are good blood pressure a little low considering his conditions heart rate normal he should be fine.
Me: why hasn't he woke up?
Cait: I anesthetize him to give his body time to rest and to take care of his wounds, a couple of hours he would wake up. Hang in there Max everything is going to be fine. I'm heading home why don't I take Jesse with me to stay with us tonight?
Jesse nodded no and said: no I'm fine I want to stay here.
Me: Jess go with Cait you need to rest honey.
Jesse: I'm fine really! I'm healing fast.
Me: I know but still. I'll stay here with him go be with Emily eat something shower ok?
Jesse: ok.
He hugs one last time then he said: I love you mom.
I looked at him and said: I love you too son.
He walked away with Caitlin and I stayed with Sam and Dean that when I say: you know staring from aside it's creepy and unlike you.
He laughed a little and said: yeah you right I just loved watching you two together.
I smiled and said: thanks I think..... go back to the hotel Dean I'll stay with him.
Dean: you sure?
Me: yes.
Dean: ok.
He walked away and then turned to me and said: you know I finally realized something.
Me: yeah what's that?
Dean: you are in love with Sam!
I laughed a little and said: pfff... Don't be ridiculous I may have my feelings all over the place but love!? I'm incapable of feeling love.
Dean: you can deny it all you want but I know you we're best friends I know every little thing about you even when you were with your emotion off you felt stuff but THIS right now with Sam Maxi this love and I couldn't be more happy that the person who taught you how to love is none other than my brother and I'm glad cause you finally learned how to love.
He kissed my forehead saying: good night maxi.
And he left leaving me speechless.

Learning To Love (Supernatural And The Flash Crossover) BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now