chapter 15

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I felt worm there was nothing that made me feel in danger I felt at peace I slowly opened my eyes to find out I was in a small cabin for a moment I thought I was dead but I then saw the bandages on my stomach where I got shot then the door of the cabin opened and a man walked in he was about my age maybe a little older messy brown hair tall blue eyes, he looked at me and said: good to see you awake. 
I was a little confused by everything where was I who is this man so I asked him: how long was I out?
The man smiled and said: a few days.
Me: I don't understand who are you? Where am I? How did you find me? How many days was I out? And don't say few days give me a number!
He laughed and looked amused and I was getting annoyed and then he said: ok ok you have a lot of question let's start from the beginning my name is Liam Hart (O.C) I found you in the woods outside of Central City after you got shot I took you in to my small home and I took care of your wounds after that I waited for you to wake up. 
Me: How Long?
Liam: 7 days.
Me: how? why? I have to go back.
I tried to stand but I was to weak and I fell to the floor and he caught me before I hit the ground I looked at him still confused and I said: what did you give me? Why am so weak?
Liam: Max slow down with the questions ok!? I'm here to help. You weak because the person who shot you shot you with poison on the bullets cyanide to be exact. 
Everything is so confusing how the hell did he know my name I was really annoyed by now and I said: UGHH you are so confusing! how do you know my name? Who the hell are you?
After he helped me stand up I sat on the bed and he looked at me: like I said I'm here to help I'm a friend not the enemy. I have waited for you for a long time Max Grant. 
Me: ok buddy listen to me! That right there what you did does not make me calm in any freaking way! Max Grant?! I'm no Grant just Max you've got the wrong Max I need to go back to Central City because I have people who probably looking for me I need to go back. 
I stood up again and a wave of pain crossed my body DAMM IT! Liam looked relaxed and he said: you really need to relax you stiches will open if you won't stop moving so much. You can't use you powers to teleport yet cause you're too weak Max I need you to trust me and let me take care of you.
I was in too much pain to argue more so I just nodded and laid back in bed I looked at him and said: how do you know so much about me?
He smiled and said: I'll tell you soon but first you need to rest. 

**writer p.o.v**
Its been a week since Max was missing Sam still hasn't woke up Dean was going crazy worry about both of them and Jesse was sure he lost his parents again.
Barry looked for Max every where  possible but he couldn't find her once he got back to STARLABS Dean looked at him and said: well?? Anything??
Barry nodded "no" with his head and said: sorry man I searched the city and the woods around it she is not here.
Dean was frustrated and said: this is not possible! Where could she be??? She can't just vanished.
Barry: I'm sorry I'll do another round in a few a hours Cisco did you find anything that can help us?
Cisco tried anything he can from satellite to traffic cameras and vibe her and he couldn't find her he looked at them and said: I rtied everything including vibe her toothbrush and nothing it's like there is something blocking me from vibing  her. 
Dean: DAMM IT!!!

**Max p.o.v**
I woke up feeling much better my wounds seem to be almost completely healed I was able to stand up without screaming in pain which was good I was alone so I explored the cabin a little I needed some answers about who this guy might be but I came up empty no personal belongings no I.D no nothing at all as if this man doesn't exists I walked outside and I found myself surrounded with snow everything is white I saw Liam and I walked over him and I said grabbing his shirt ready to fight: where the hell am I?
Liam looked relaxed like he knew I'd come for him and he said calmly: Alaska.
I was shocked and I said: what? How?
Liam: I brought you here.
Me: how?
Liam: teleportation.
Me: who are you?
Liam looked at me thinking about his answer and said: I said before I'm a friend and I'm here to help.
I looked at him and said: ok let's say I believe you... how do you know so much about me? How can you teleport too?
Liam: wow are you always asking so many questions?
Me: I am! When I don't trust the person in front of me.
Liam: Max...... look I am not supposed to tell you who I am, not now anyways but you should really know I'm your friend and I'm here to protect you even though you don't need protection.
Me: this is going nowhere. How do I get back?
Liam: well you seem to be healed so I can take you there. Dean probably going crazy.
I was really annoyed that he seem to know all about me and I knew nothing about him as far as I know he could be one of Black pets I looked at him thinking what to say and I said: ok?!? When can we leave?
Then I saw on his hand the name B6 I looked at him and said: you B6? You from BP??
He looked at me and said: I am.
Me: what didn't you say anything?
I was quite angry at him and he said: cause it is not that important.
I looked at him not saying anything remembering meeting him back at BP when I was 15.
I just finished training when my commander came to my cell and said: soldier you have new cell mate we need results by the end of the day.
What??? I am not having sex with some idiot here. Then a young man older than me maybe 18 got into my cell and looked at me and I said: unless you wanna live don't even think about it!
He laughed and said: no offense but I really didn't think about it!
I was a bit surprised and I said: you don't?
He looked at me saying "no" with his head and said: I'm only here because they made me I'm not going to do anything just sit around with you.
Me: ok.
"What is your name?"
Me: A6 what yours?
Me: what's going to happen when they ask for the results??
B6: let me handle it you'll be fine!
I nodded and said: ok.
**End of flashback**
He called my name a few times and I said: what???
Liam: you zoned out a little.
Me: I'm fine.
Liam: ok we can leave tomorrow morning if you want.
Me: yeah that would be great thanks.
He nodded and we walked back inside the cabin I called his name and he turn around and said: yeah?
Me: I never thanked you for that day so thank you for doing that.
He smiled and said: anytime.

Learning To Love (Supernatural And The Flash Crossover) BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now