chapter 17

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It's been a month since Sam and I decided to try and I could honestly say he is one of the most amazing people I know his heart is as big as this world I never felt more sure about something like I'm sure about Sam, even though I don't need protection he protects me and makes me feel safe which is really weird and good at same time I still getting used to it but it feels good one more good thing about being with Sam is that my nightmares are pretty much gone when I sleep I have a dreamless sleep adios nightmares.
That day Barry realized how short our life is so he decided to risk it for Caitlin and he wanted her to be with him no matter qhat Caitlin of course agreed and they decided to try too so they are together for a month now like us.
Everything in Central City has been  normal....kinda..... meta humans here and there nothing too serious we helped whenever we can and team flash helped us locate Black so far no luck but I know we'll see him again we have to some how end this make him stop chasing us and make sure that under any circumstances BP won't be rising again I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it won't be happening.

**writer p.o.v**
Black went inside the building looking around satisfied he was talking on the phone saying: the place is almost ready to store them we started to send teams to capture the subjects all around the state and abroad I believe by the end of the month we'll have them all back plus the special cells is ready for A6. Yes sir she won't be able to escape this time.
Of course captur her alive the team following her know that they also know not to mess with me or else they will be sorry. Thank you sir we'll be in touch.
He hang up and kept his tour in the new BP building.
What he didn't know was that he had someone following him that someone was Liam who for the last month gathered intel about everything and immediately left the place to warn Max.
Back in Central City Barry woke up next Caitlin more happy than he ever been in a long time Caitlin looked at him and smiled like she never smiled before she waited for this moment since forever and now she could kiss him hug him cuddle with him and tell everyone that this man is taken by her and she couldn't be more happier.
With Sam and Max it's the same story she never knew how amazing she could feel just being with someone she never felt like this with anyone he made her feel safe and she loved that feeling.
But the feeling of peace was about to be over as the couples walked in STARLABS they saw Liam waiting for them in the cortex.

**Max p.o.v**
We all looked at Liam who looked worry as hell Dean walked in with Jesse Emily and Cisco who as far as I knew didn't know the truth about Caitlin yet
Then Liam said: we need to talk alone!
I looked at all of them I thought he was talking to all of us but he was only talking to me Sam looked worry and said: we"ll be waiting here.
I nodded and walked into med bay with him and said: what's up?
Liam looked unease walked back and forth and said: you're in danger.
Me: what are you talking about?
Liam still looked really uneas and said: for the past month I've been following  Black and his men gathering intel about them everything they do what their plan and it's bad Max. They rebuilt BP I've seen the building it is bigger than it was before he send teams all over the world to capture all of us who escaped when the place burned down and the ones who escape before they want us all but specially Max..... he wants you he has cells specially for you and God know what he is planning for you, you need to run and hide you need to go under the radar like underground for the next 100 years.
I stopped him and said: ok first you need to calm down! Second how the hell did you track him down?? I've been trying to locate him for the past month how did you know where to find him?
Liam lookwd irritated and said: Max is that really what's important now?
Me: yes Liam it is! Because you doing that thing again when you show up out of nowhere and talk about me being in danger and still there so much you need to explain and it drives me crazy cause you all mystery.
Me: no! Now you listen! You show up again after a month saying I'm in danger and that BP is rebuilt and they sending teams to capture all of us and once again you're not telling me everything. So you better start talking or you and me got nothing else to talk about!
He looked sad?!?......what is it with this guy??!?! So mysterious so weird he said: I'm sorry I can't tell you! Not yet but you have to believe me please.
I was conflicted I wanted to believe him and there was a part of me that believed him but the other part was followed my instincts my nature not to trust even though he saved my life I didn't know what to think or what to do I looked at him and it was written all over his face that he was honest with me UGHHH this gives me a headache I took a big breath and said: ok! I want to see it the new building and we need to tell the rest of the team Sam Dean Caitlin Barry they need to know they can help!
Liam: hold up! You want to go straight into the lions den. No I won't take you there!
Me: Liam listen to me! The only way to stop this is to stop Black.
Liam: that's where you wrong! You think Black is calling the shots!? He is not I heard him talking on the phone he is following orders giving by the one who is calling the shots and I still haven't discovered who is he yet!
Me: that's even better we can take them all out! But I need to see it!
Me: stop! Take me there or leave! I can't run and hide I did that for 5 years I don't wanna run anymore.
He looked desperate but convinced and said: ok I'll take you there just so you know I'm totally against it!
I smiled and said: yeah ok.
While I was in there with Liam Caitlin finally told Cisco the truth so it was easier to talk about the subject I walked out Sam immediately stood next to me and we told them everything and about my plan to go see the new building the first person to object was Sam who said: no! Absolutely not! This is dangerous!
Liam: thank you! Listen to your boyfriend!
I rolled my eyes and looked at Dean who said: he is right! This dangerous.... But! I believe we should check it out.
Caitlin: me too.
Barry: what???? No...Cait this too dangerous.
Caitlin: but it's not dangerous for killer frost we need to see what they planning and who is the man in charge.
Liam: are you three out of you minds? The reason we escaped is so that we could live normal human life going after him is stupid! And I'm not scared to go after them I don't have anything to lose anyways but it's stupid!
Sam and Barry in sync: I agree!
Me: guys we won't be able to live normally unless we destroy this place and take down those men besides I'm not saying go and fight them just to go check this place out! What do you guys say?
Sam held my face and kissed me and said: promise me you'll be safe! Promise to come back to me!
I kissed him and said: I promise.
Sam: good cause I can't lose you!
Barry went over Caitlin kissing her too and said: I trust you and if you need to go, go but please be careful I can't lose you Cait.
Caitlin kissed him and said: I love you mr. Allen.
Sam: Dean promise me you'll be careful too and that you just going to gather intel!
Dean: relax Sammy this exactly what we going to do!
Liam: I still totally against it!
Me: I know but we need you!
Dean: common man just like old times.
Liam managed to smile a little and said: do you really wanna open that up here?
Dean laughed and said: nope!
Liam laughed too and said: that's what I thought man.
We prepared last things that we needed included weapons just in case and we left he told us it was near Coast City so we asked Cisco to open a bridge and he opened it I looked at Sam once again smiling at him and we walked through.

**writer p.o.v**
They didn't know the surprise that waited for them.

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