chapter 7

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I woke up tied up to a chair and my head is pounding then I heard a voice saying: good you're up welcome back A6.
I lift my head to see the person who was talking and I had no idea who it was a man who looked about 40 grey hair black eyes evil face (original character) I looked at the man and then around me and I saw another person tied up to a chair it was a man younger than me maybe 3 ,4 years messy brown hair big blue eyes (O.C)
Kind of familiar but I couldn't put my finger from where he was trying to get lose from the chains but he couldn't he looked at me like he knew who I was then turn his head down the evil man looked at me and I said: who the hell are you??
The man laughed and said: A6 please I'm offended you don't remember me?
Me: First of all jackass my name is Max second I think I would remember such an ugly face.
He laughed again and said: such a shame my name is Black Jonson I'm one of the high ranked doctors of BP.
Me: News flash idiot BP is no longer exists so get over yourself
He came close to me and said: maybe so but it won't stop me.
Me: stop you from what??
Black: find out what makes you, YOU!
This time I laughed and said: yeah good luck with that.
Black then took a knife and cut my arm that son of a bitch it hurt like hell but then something weird happen the cut was gone healed in seconds, Black looked curios and said: you see I know you kind is healing fast but this is extraordinary how long you know about it?
Me: well let's see....first time I see it so can't help you.
He then cut my arm again and it healed again I looked at him I could feel my eyes change color to purple and he look at me and said: marvelous purple what does purple mean A6??
Me: just be glad it's purple and not red cause when the red eyes will show up and trust I'm pretty close to change them to red and when they do I'll be able to get free and then I'll kill you and every other person who gets in my way got it?
Then he cuts me again and again that even though I heal it took everything in my powers not to scream in pain that eventually I passed out.

**meanwhile ....**
Sam and Dean work up around 10 they saw Max was gone so Dean asked: did anything happen after I went to sleep?
Sam looked at him and said: no we're talked for awhile and I went to sleep.
Dean looked worried and said: this weird this isn't like her.
Sam: call her!
Dean: Max doesn't have a phone she doesn't trust technology very much.
Sam: ok make sense so what do we do? Maybe she went for a run?
Dean: maybe lets go.
Sam and Dean went to running track try to figure out where is Max they split up to cover bigger ground and met and the same point but no luck Dean looked very worried and so does Sam, Sam looked at his brother and said: what do you think it mean?
Dean: I really don't want to think about it cause I have a pretty bad feeling.
Sam: what if we ask Cass?
Dean: we could.
There was a wave of breeze and Cass showed up he heard what they said and he was willing to look for her as well so in the meantime Sam and Dean driving with the car looking for her anywhere possible while they were driving Sam fell asleep and had a weird dream what he didn't know was that Max had the same dream and it was her way to call for help.

**Max p.o.v**
I was in a kitchen making coffee when I felt arms wrapped around my waist and someone kissing my cheek if felt good worm those arms were loving and I loved the feeling I turn around to face the man I love and he said: did I scared you?
I smiled and said: just a little coffee is ready.
Sam: how about we skip coffe.
Me: yeah? What do you have in mind?
He then smile and kissed me the kiss got deeper and passionate by the second he lift me up so I could sit on the counter and I started to unbutton his shirt and he did the same he then lead us to the bedroom he pushed me to the bed when he said: I love you.
I looked at him and said: I love you too but you need to wake up Sammy.
He looked confused and said: what?
Me: you need to wake up and find me before it's too late I don't know where I am but the person who took me is from BP I never saw him when I was there but I believe Dean would remember if he know someone like him his name is Black Jonson hurry Sammy please.
I woke up screaming: Samm!

**Writer p.o.v
Sam woke up screaming: Maxx
It took Sam a minute to realize it was a dream and Dean stopped the car looking at him asking: what's wrong? What did you see?
Sam didn't know what to tell his brother so he just said: I had a dream about Max.
Dean: ok what happened there?
Sam thought about what he is going to say and said: nothing much we talked and then she said I need wake up and we need to find her before it's too late She said she doesn't know where she is being held but the person who took her his name is ...
Dean: what his name Saamm?
Sam: wait it's blurry something black
Dean: Black Jonson?
Sam: yes yes that's him!!
Dean face turned to fear and anger and he said: this so so very bad we need to find her now!

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