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Zaria Pov:
"My girlfriend bout to come over so imma need y'all to stay chill," Quincy said while on his phone.
"GIRLFRIEND?????," me and and ManMan yelled.
The doorbell ringed. I ran to the door before Quincy did.
I opened it and Gasped.
30 minutes later:
I was sitting here mad as fuck. This nigga was just eating this pussy a day ago so what happened, I thought to myself. This bitch was talkin my ears off.
"So then we got our nails and feet done," the bitch said putting her hand in Quincy face.
"She look like man," ManMan whispered in my ear while we laughed.
"What was that," she said mean mugging us.
"Nothing," ManMan said smirking. My nigga.
"Wanna go to the store," I said lookin a ManMan. He nodded.
"I'm gone get ready to go, I got things to handle," the bitch said getting up and walkin outside while Quincy followed her.
Me and ManMan put on our shoes then went outside. I noticed Quincy was looking at me so I started to make my ass move more.

 I noticed Quincy was looking at me so I started to make my ass move more

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"EXCUSEEE MEEEE," the bitch said snapping her fingers in Quincy face. He quickly turned back and looked at her.
I smirked. Since he got a girl then imma get a nigga. Simple.
Me and ManMan got in Quincy car since I took his keys.
10 minutes later:
I pulled up to Walmart. We got out in went in.
"Ok so u can get 2 things of anything you want," I said looking down at ManMan.
"YAAAYYY," he screamed then started running. I ran after him then he stopped at the noise.
A bitch was breathing hard and shit. I was trynna catch my breath as I looked up I saw this fine ass boy.

 I was trynna catch my breath as I looked up I saw this fine ass boy

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I started coughing hella loud. Phew. He was too cute. He looked up and turned my direction.
"You coo ma," he said patting my back.
"Yea I'm good," I said fixing my hair a little.
"Ok I picked my toys out," ManMan said walking up to me jumping up and down.
"This yo kid," the fine nigga said. I shook my head.
"This my roommate Nephew ," I said rubbing ManMan head. His hair really soft, I thought to myself.
"My name Zion what's yours," he said while looking at me smiling. I started blushing.
"Mines Zaria," I said shaking his hand. Some little girl came and wrapped her arms around Zion leg.
"Daddy I'm rweady to gwo," the little girl said. Oh nooo.
I don't want a dude with a kid. I pouted and grabbed ManMan arm then walked away. I heard Zion call my name which made me walk faster.
30 minutes later:
After I bought ManMan stuff I drove back home and we went in the house. I closed and locked the door.
I sat on the couch where Quincy was at while ManMan played with his toys on the floor.
"I broke up with that girl, I forgot her name," Quincy said turning his way to me and rubbing his head.
I tried so hard not to smile. But I wanted to make him jealous.
"I dont care I already got a new nigga," I said looking at the tv.
"The fuck you just say," he said raising his voice.
Authors Note:
I KNOWWWWW I took so long to update but I deadass didn't have no ideas but now I do 😛❣️
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