I Miss You

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Zaria Pov:

I decided that I was going to stay over Lele house until I get myself situated. It's been 3 weeks since I've been over here.

She didn't mind and her momma didn't mind since u practically family to them. I started seeing Glizzy more often. I guess they finally made it official.

"Alright Lele I'm bout to go to the store real quick," I yelled up the stairs.
"Ok, and make sure u bring me some Oreos," she yelled back.

I nodded as if she can see me and left. As I drove to the store I thought about Quincy. Im not going to lie I miss him but he shouldn't have cheated on me.
I pulled up to the grocery store and got out the car. I walked in while checking my messages on my phone.
I got me a buggie and started looking around for what I needed.

I sighed. This gave me memories of when I first met Quincy. Wit his ugly ass.
As I turned a corner I saw Jamal.
"Hey Jamal," I said walking up to him. "Hey mamas," he said hugging me.
"Why you haven't me answering my texts," he asked before I can speak again.

I coughed and scratched my head. I haven't really been on my phone. I was too busy thinking about Quincy.
"I'm sorry I've been kinda busy," I said while looking around. I didn't want to look him in the face.
"It's ok," he said and hugged me again then left.
After I paid for the food I decided to drive back to where I lived at. Just to see how everything is looking.

As I unlocked the door I seen that it was pitch dark.
I hurried and closed the door and hit the switch. The place looked horrible.
"QUINCY," I yelled going yo the stairs.
"Zaria,"I heard someone say in Quincy room.
I ran in his room and saw Quincy on the floor with his hand on his head. I went up to him and sat by him.

"What's wro- ," I was about to say but was cut off when he hugged me.
"I missed you so much," Quincy said while his voice cracked.
"I'm so sorry baby I was so stupid," he said while still hugging me.

It was kinda awkward. I didn't know what to do in these type of situations.

I patted his back as I heard sniffles coming from him. "Maybe he is sorry," I thought to myself.

"It's ok," I said while hugging him back.
He smelled horrible. He probably didn't shower for days. He smelt like ass.

I told him to take a shower as I cleaned up the house. Wow he must really missed me.

When I was done cleaning I heard him come down the stairs.

"You ok now," I asked as he walked up to me. He nodded and hugged me.
"I'm ok as long as I got you," he whispered in my ear.
"I think I lo-

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What did yall do for Christmas ?👀

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