CHAPTER 1: My Family

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The branches and twigs were cracking beneath my feet as I was running extremely fast, trying to catch up to the scent.

I had lost it a few rimes but finally, I knew I was getting closer now, seeing as to how the scent was becoming stronger and stronger.

Then I stopped as soon as I hear a sound of rustling coming from around me in the bushes.

Then out of nowhere, I feel something jump onto my back, knocking me down.

"Got ya!" My Luna's wolf says to me as she's on top of me and starts looking into my eyes before starting to rub her nose with mine and getting off me.

"Yeah yeah." My inner wolf replies to her while getting up in all fours. "You cheated." I tell her.

"Riiight." She replies.

"We better get back love, before Peter wakes up." I tell her.

"Alright. Last one home makes breakfast." She says.

"You're on." I tell her.

We both then begin running back towards the castle.

When we arrived, we had some clothes on that we had left out near the entrance of the woods so that we could change in them really quick before going inside.

"Do you realize how hard it is for me to not just take you right now?" I tell her after we have gotten into our human forms again and have finished getting dressed.

I wrap her in my arms and pull her closer.

"Oh yeah? Then why don't you?" She smiles at me.

We both begin kissing each other until we hear, "Ewww gross. Mom...Dad..." We hear Peter, our son, tell us.

"That's why." I smile at her.

"Hey little man." I say to Peter as I turn and pick him and start tickling his stomach.

"Why do you have to kiss mommy like that?" He asks me.

Both Leah and I look at each other with a smile.

"Because when you love someone, you can't help but show them how much you love them. Love is more than just saying you do, you also have to show it too." I tell him.

"Oh. Well I love you and mommy." He says.

"And we love you too little man." Leah tells him while placing a kiss on the top of his head.

We walk into the castle and towards the kitchen where even though I technically won, I still made breakfast.

After making breakfast and as we all sit down at the table to eat, I look around and immediately smile as I see that I am the luckiest man alive. It's not so much cause I am a king and living in a castle so much as the fact that I am the husband to an amazing woman and the father to amazing kids.

Oh, right, I forgot to mention to you, Leah and I had another baby, who is three years old and is a big daddy's girl. Yeah, she has me wrapped around her finger. Just like our son and Leah.

I never thought I would ever be at where I am right now, however. I am.

Things have happened so quickly and we have all been so busy trying to do what royals do and I gotta say, it is A LOT of work.

However, I'm not complaining. Seeing as to how also, both Leah and I are head of the wolf council and have so far been doing really good in keeping the peace between us and humans as well as witches, werewolves and vampires.

Life is great right now. Busy, but great. Rick and I began a couple of years ago, a training program for Alphas and seeing as to how I was and always will be one of the most feared Alpha's and toughest, ones that would like to join my pack have been.asking for me to train them. In which I do for free and am happy to see what most of them are capable of.

Leah has been really busy, more than I have, with being the Queen and being the one in charge, really.

I know what you might be thinking, I'm the King and I should be doing all the royalty stuff. Well, I hate to break it to you. But it's different in our world and with our kind being royal.

Since she was born into royalty, then she must be the one who is in charge. However, I do control and help lead the pack still with the fighting and she still is the Luna and does what all she needs to do as a Luna but she also has everything else on top of that. She is an amazing woman.

After breakfast was over with, I took Peter upstairs to get dressed for the day, as I was planning on taking him down to the field to have him watch me and the guys from the pack, train. Today's training involved mind over matter.

Rick was living with us as well as the rest of the pack and were all great uncles to Peter and were nice in helping Leah and I out with Peter when needed. Though for the most part, we were the ones taking care of him.

I had thought it was great for Peter to watch us to see what he had to look forward too soon enough.

Although, it took some time for me to convince Leah it was safe for him to watch and that nothing would happen to him. Yep! Life is great. I have no complaints.

Sorry that it's short but I hope you guys liked it. I do know that you guys might really like this story after you see what all happens. I hope you all enjoy and I will be posting a new chapter soon! :)

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