CHAPTER 19: Eli VS Leah

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It was finally time to go and get back my Luna.

Before my Pack and I left, I walked out back and looked at them all.

"I appreciate you all doing this in order to get our Luna back. Now I want to go over one last time that you need to all remember that she is still your Luna and no matter if she has turned already, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT kill or harm her in any way. Although as far as the rest of his pack goes, do WHATEVER is necessary." I remind them.

"Yes Alpha." They said in unison.

We all then immediately shifted into our wolf forms and began running towards where the initiation ceremony was taking place. I just hope I'm not too late.

Rick had found me someone, a witch actually, who has created a way to reverse the effects of werewolves when wolves, not humans, transform.

However, the catch to all of that was that it only worked within the first 24 hours of shifting completely into a werewolf.

It sounds easy but here's the thing, I have taken down many werewolves and even their Alpha's but this would be more difficult seeing as to how with this particular serum, it is more aggressive and makes you stronger.


As soon as we got closer to the spot, I vaguely was able to smell her scent. It was fading. In which meant that there was little time left to save her and change her back into a wolf.

Then we all stopped abruptly and stood in place for a moment after we heard a loud growl.

Shit! I thought. The transformation is complete.

My Pack and I continue to run again and continue with our plan on attacking them by coming at them full force.

Which that is exactly what we did as soon as I saw the image getting closer of seeing all these werewolves, including Malcolm but no Leah. In which just fueled me up more with anger and rage at what he has done to her.

I want to go at him first, which is exactly what I do as I leap out and land on top of him after knocking him into the ground and start snapping my jaw close towards his neck, already biting down hard while all the rest of my pack and his start going at each other.

Malcolm kicks me off of him, sending me flying several feet away and landing on my back but not hurting.

He then stands up tall, claws, sharp canines and all as we both stare at one another, growling and showing our sharp canine's to each other in a threatening manner.

"Well, well. It's good for you to have showed up. Didn't think you would." Malcolm's inner werewolf mind links me.

Where is she?!" I demanded.

"Oh don't you worry, she'll be joining us shortly." He chuckles.

"You're fucking dead!" I threaten him.

"YOUR blood will be shed first, Eli." He says.

We then begin running towards one another at full speed and as soon as we get close enough, he reaches out and digs his nails into my shoulders really deep as I yelp in pain but then bring my paw up and claw at his face, causing him to have deep cuts.

He yelps in pain and lets go of me quickly while giving me a chance to retaliate by biting down hard onto his leg which causes him to fall down onto his back for just a brief few seconds before trying to stand.

I jump onto him again, pinning him down onto the ground and both of us snapping our sharp teeth to one another.

Right as I begin thinking I'm gonna win by clawing deep at his chest and then biting him hard onto his neck, which I do end up biting him on his side and as I spit out his chunk of skin, I let him bleed out. I immediately feel my neck grabbed by two big claws that feel just as big as Malcolm's and then tossed several feet away, causing me to hit a tree trunk hard enough to make me yelp out in excruciating pain from hitting so hard and with so much force that the impact on the trunk caused it to almost snap entirely.

While I'm trying to get up, I immediately feel the pain on my side to where I know my ribs have got to be bruised and it causes me to fall to the ground and hard to get up.

Then as I look up, I see a dark and very tall, muscular werewolf form with long sharp nails, long canine's that are being showed in a threatening manner and has red eyes that read...hunger. oh my god, Leah?

She continues to growl at me as I no longer see my Luna, Queen or mother of my children. I see a monster.

I try and get up and to try and see if I could mind link with her but unfortunately am not able to connect.

The next thing I feel is her lifting me up with one hand and staring into my eyes while she's growling and looking as though she wants to kill me.

Suddenly, I try one last time to mind link with her and rather it works or not, I still tell her, "I love you. This is my fault that you've become a monster. I have failed as your Alpha, husband and father of our kids. I'm so sorry Leah."

Then right as I see everything quickly getting darker and more blurry, I soon find myself coughing and gasping for air as I have just been dropped onto the floor.

When I look back to see her, I notice she's several feet away, being hurt by one of our pack members.

It's when I hear a loud and high yelp of pain coming from her, I immediately run over and throw the wolf off of her.

"NO!!" I mind link with him.

I then for the first time, take a look around and see what looks like a battlefield. Nothing but bloodied, beaten and even some lifeless bodies from both my Pack and Malcolm's. Although all that matters is that Malcolm is dead.

I quickly shift back into my human form and see her lying on the cold dirty ground, slowly shifting back into her human form.

Both of us are bloodied, beaten badly, sore and physically exhausted from fighting that I place her head onto my lap and look down at her while gently caressing the side of her face.

"Baby...." She weakly says.

"Shhh. Don't talk baby. Don't move neither. I promise that everything will be okay." I start to tell her although with the condition it looks like she's in is more critical than mine at the moment, I'm not so sure anymore.

"It's not your fault." She begins to tell me again, weak. "I love you so much." She tiredly smiles.

"I love you too." I start to sob.

"Alpha?" I hear Rick say. "Let me take her back to the castle." He finishes as he kneels down, hands me some clothes to put on along with covering her up before then picking her up bridal style to carry.

"I can do it." I tell him as I wipe away a tear and try to get up only to fall back down from the pain I am feeling worse of now.

"I'll take her, you're hurt. One of the guys are gonna help you meet us back at the castle." Rick assures me.

I just nod in agreement while wincing from the pain as I see Rick start to run off, carrying my Luna.

'Please, let her be okay.' I said to myself as I begin to remember her close her eyes and hopefully, just pass out, right before Rick picked her up.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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