CHAPTER 17: I Want My Luna

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         It's been close to a month now since I she was taken from me and I still can't find her. Then to make things worse, her mind-link was off. 

         I could feel my heart breaking every single day while my strength was fading away at the same time. 

         She's more than just my mate, it's deeper than that. She's the mother of my children, the reason I smile, she's my happiness, my strength, my weakness, my everything. Without her, my life just doesn't make any sense. She has accepted me for who I am while at the same time believing in making me a better man than I thought I could ever be. 

         Now, I'm not saying I'm giving up or losing hope. However, it's hard to be strong when the one thing that has helped make you the great person you've become is gone. 

         I can't eat or sleep because I'm afraid to. I've had nothing but nightmares about her being tortured or worse and every time in the dream I get close enough to save her, I immediately am thrown back hard and then I see her as the one thing she never wanted to be......a monster. 

        I was in the study, looking at a few papers that I needed to sign as the king and while reading the first one, I heard Rick call out for me from the living room. 

       I quickly got up and right as I ran to where he was, I smelled a foul odor in the air. It smelled of mud and wet dog?

       I stopped when I saw my men holding a frightened man down on his knees with their hands digging into his shoulders, making him wince in pain as they squeezed harder in the wound one of them had inflicted upon him. 

       He was all beaten up and had blood all over him along with a few cuts and bruises. 

       "Who's this?" I asked. 

       "This is the DOCTOR who injected our Luna. He is responsible for her being kidnapped and he ALSO has information that you most certainly want to know." Rick says through gritted teeth. 

        I'm furious. I can feel my rage build up in front of me as my hands start making a ball of fists. It's taking everything in me not to kill him right now and cut his fucking head off. But, I must get the information first. 

        "Talk!" I demand through gritted teeth. 

        "King Alpha said TALK!" one of my guys tells the man while digging their nails into the man's shoulder, again making him wince more. 

        "It's too late." He chuckles breathlessly. 

        "WHAT?! SPEAK UP, YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I demanded again, only in more of a growl.

        He looks up at me with a grin. "I said, it's too late. Her transformation will be complete the night after tomorrow and once the final stage is complete, she will be under Malcolm's command and you will be the first one she comes after." He begins to chuckle then starts choking on blood in his mouth and coughing some up on the floor. 

        I walk over and kneel down in front of him and pull his hair harshly so he looks up at me. 

       "Tell me where and when this will take place!" I demanded. 

       He doesn't say anything, instead, he spits blood in my face. "Fuck you!" He says. 

       I hear everyone gasp in shock that he just did that. Rick hands me a handkerchief he had in his pocket and as I start cleaning off the blood, I stand up and then give him one final look before my rage took over me completely and I began to growl while my claws came out and I took one quick swipe towards him and off his head came off and rolled onto the floor. 

        I watched it roll all the way to the front door and began panting. Then I looked at everyone with my eyes dark red. They haven't seen me like this in a long time and knew what this meant. This meant that if they weren't gonna be with me in trying to get their Luna back then they'd better stay the hell out of my way. 

         "We will leave the first thing in the morning, before dawn. Anyone who doesn't want to come with me, tell me now." I tell them. 

         Everyone looks fearful and without hesitation, they all said in unison they would go. 

         Then right as I was about to get ready to leave towards upstairs, we all hear a cellphone going off and start looking at our own until we quickly realized it was coming from the now beheaded and deceased guys' body.

         I walk over, kneel down and grab the phone from his pocket. When I looked down at the phone, I saw the name.......Malcolm. 

        I really wanted to break the phone in my bare hands but instead, after looking at Rick and seeing him give me a look that told me I needed to be calm down. 

        As soon as I clicked the 'Answer' button and put the phone up to my ear, I heard him begin to speak right away. 

        "Hello Eli." Malcolm greets me.

       "Where is she?" I asked while clenching my jaw. 

       "She's doing fine. In fact, her body has responded to the serum so well that I believe very soon she will be fully transformed and after the initiation in a couple of days, she will no longer remember you and she will be MINE!" Malcolm chuckles at the end. 

        Before I was able to say anything, he hung up and I just threw the phone against the wall having it shatter into millions of pieces while growling and punching a few holes in the walls. 

        "Hey. Calm down." Rick says as he grabs my arms and tries to stop me from losing myself entirely. 

        "I'm gonna fucking kill him. I'm gonna rip off his head and burn his body!" I begin yelling and crying out before falling down onto my knees and starting to break down to cry. 

        Rick kneels down beside me. 

       "What did he say?" He asks. 

       "He says that after the initiation the day after tomorrow, she won't even remember me and she'll then be......." I stop myself from choking up anymore before continuing. "He said she'd be his." I finish through gritted teeth. 

       I hear gasps from everyone and then Rick places his hand on my back. 

      "I promise that we will get her back very soon and trust me, she won't forget you. She's your mate." He reminds me. 

        I'm so glad that he was here, in fact that all my pack was here to be here for me and to help me get our Luna back. 

        To be honest, this was the first time I have ever cried in front of them all. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :):)

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