CHAPTER 3: Blood Camps

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        Today, while training, I received a text from Leah. She said she found out something important about Malcolm that I needed to hear.

        So I left the rest of the training for Rick to finish up as I quickly ran back to the castle.

        When I ran inside, I found her in the 'Study' as some would call it. She looked worried.

         "What's wrong?" I asked as I walked inside the room.

         "I had somebody find out information about Malcolm. Eli, he's a horrible person." She says.

         "What do you mean? What did you find out?" I asked.

         "He runs blood camps." She says with disgust and horror.

        "What the fuck? How is he on the council then?" I ask her.

        "I don't know. The only way he can be on the council would either be because everyone knows, but they fear him. Or they don't know. Personally I'd like to believe they don't know." She says.

         "Oh my god. It's been so long since there's been blood camps. I mean, I heard stories when I was a kid but they were all shut down. How they hell has he gotten away with this?" I ask out loud though I meant to say it in my head.

          "I'm not sure, but I'm worried. Because if he is doing this and has been for a while, then a lot of the missing wolves from packs, they're being taken by him. They're being sent to his camps, then having their blood drained just enough for him to inject them all with werewolf blood. Then training them to become just as strong, if not stronger and then he might...." She stops and looks up at me with fear. "Oh my god. He's gonna start a war."

          "No baby." I assure her as I walk up towards her and cup her face. "That won't happen. Listen to me, we will make sure he doesn't get that far." I assure her.

           "But what if he does? What if he does succeed? Then you know who he will come after first." She says as she begins to let tears fall down her face.

          I hate to see her cry. My heart breaks every time. Now, however, I am filled with not just sadness but also anger and rage. No on will hurt my family. NO ONE!

          I embrace her in a tight hug as I promise her, "No one will hurt you or our family. I promise. I will make sure of it."

         I feel her hug me tighter as we stand there just holding one another and me letting her cry.


        For the next few days, I could tell that even though Leah believed me in that I would never allow our family to get hurt, I could tell she was still worried. So I had Rick and all my pack members that were here, to meet me before Leah and I went to the council meeting.

        "I've called you guys here cause we may have a problem. At the council meeting the other day, we met a guy named Malcolm. He's the Alpha/Leader for all werewolves society. He disrespected Leah..." I say that last part with so much disgust that I had to keep myself from throwing my fist into the wall. "However, she has found out information on him. She has found out that he has been running a blood camp." As soon as I say the last part, everyone gasps and looks at me surprised and yet terrified.

         "What the fuck, Alpha?!" Rick says.

         "I know." I replied. "Now Leah is terrified that he might start a war and then come after us. I don't know how or why he's on the council, however, I'm hoping I can get him to tell us today at the meeting. No matter what, we have to think up of something to ensure the safety of my family and all the wolves future. We have to try and take him down. But guys, we can't tell Leah or my mother." I tell them.

       They all nod their heads in agreement.

       "We promise." They all say in unison.

       "Thanks." I reply. "Well, I need to get ready for the meeting but we'll meet up after Peter's birthday party this weekend and come up with a plan." I tell them.

       We agree and all begin to leave.

        As Leah and I arrived at the council, we sat around the table and while Leah and others were discussing plans for improvements and everything, I tuned them out as I was focused on Malcolm who surprise surprise, was on his phone. This time, I was gonna make sure he listened.


         Which as I looked around, I saw that everyone was looking at me freaked out, including Leah.

         "My apologies." I said to everyone, including Leah.

          She just smiled at me and squeezed my hand gently to assure me it was okay while also saying, 'thank you.' As everyone else gave me the same look.

          However, Malcolm glared at me in rage and looked almost like he was going to jump over the table towards me and start a fight. Which I wouldn't mind beating his ass in front of everyone.

         Then I see him begin to smirk at me as he sets down his phone on the table.

         "My apologies, my Queen." He tells Leah. Although I don't like the way he's looking at her and I can tell she's getting uncomfortable. So I make sure he knows his place real quick as I glare at him and mind link with him to let him know that he is to NEVER look at Leah like that again. To which he just laughs out loud at my threat.

         I wanted badly to leap over and kill him, however, once again, Leah helped me calm down.

         Then for the rest of the meeting, things went a little smoother.

         Things got a lot better when we got home cause while the kids were fast asleep, since it was eight at night, Leah and I decided to head upstairs and 'released' some anger we both had pent up inside from Malcolm by fucking each other's brains out.

         It's so nice to have a mate who is just as into sex as I am.

Next chapter will be posted soon and will be Malcolm's POV! :)

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