CHAPTER 14: Temporary Solution.....

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        It's been a week since we had said goodbye to our kids and friends who we had take them and their kid somewhere safe and far from here until after we found a way to cure Leah. 

       Even though we would daily Skype with our kids, it was not the same as holding them and seeing them in person but at least it was something. 

       I know that it hadn't only affected me but also it affected Leah as well. I knew this would be hard for her also when it came to not being able to hold our children and give them a kiss goodnight, but I reminded her that this was only temporary. 

        As soon as the kids left, Leah, Rick, my Pack and I wasted no time in trying to figure out what to do to fix all of this. 

        Leah and I had even looked through the hideout again in the woods where we found the journal before. We tore up the place practically to see if there was anything that we might have missed somehow or something, anything. However, nothing else was found. 

        I tried tracking down the doctor that had injected her with the serum but he was nowhere to be found. Nobody here knew who he was, which I know wasn't true but needed to move on and right away, I had most of my pack spread out and try to find and demolish whatever blood camps that they could find and to try and find Malcolm whom apparently, a few days ago, went missing without a trace. 

        I normally would have joined my guys to help out at the blood camps, but I really needed to stay with Leah. She seemed to be getting worse each day. She became more and more aggressive each day as well as her transformation. Her transformation times were getting to become quicker and quicker. 

        She at first suggested to be locked up in one of the rooms with her chained up while she transformed and that way she wasn't able to hurt anyone of us and then to let her out in the morning. Of course, I said no. I mean, really, how would you feel if the one who owns your heart is asking for you to chain them up? Maybe some of you could do it without hesitation, but I can't. 

        Rick luckily had known a few people that have throughout the past couple centuries, have found a way in coming up with a type of serum that can be injected into those who are in the early stages of becoming a werewolf. Which is what she is in. So of course, that's what we did. Rick bought more than enough to give her until we found a cure. We just needed to inject her once before sundown and then she'd be fine all night. 

       The only thing of course it doesn't do, is completely fight the 'infection' I have come to call it. It's just a temporary solution to hold off on anything going wrong while trying to find the cure. 

        Don't get me wrong, not all werewolves are bad. They are just like us and like all the other creatures as well. It's just they tend to be more aggressive and more of a monster than most. 

        After Rick handed me the bag full of the injection shots, I quickly headed upstairs and right away, noticed Leah was sitting on the bed with her knees up to her chest, crying. 

        "What's wrong?" I asked her.

       "I was just thinking. What if we never find a cure?" She says while wiping a few tears from her eyes. 

        "Baby, we're gonna find a cure. I know for sure that there is one." I assure her although deep down, I'm not even really sure if there is one. However, I have heard from my mother when I was younger that there are some, they're just hard to find. 

        "But what if there isn't? We need to prepare for that. I need to prepare for that." She says. 

       I set the bag down onto the bed, sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her and have her rest her head on my shoulder as I hold her. 

        "Baby, I promise, that we will find one. No matter what the cost or risks I have to take to find it, I WILL find it." I tell her as I try not to choke up on my words. 

        I hear her sniffle a little bit before sitting up and looking at me and smiling. 

       "I love you so much." She tells me. 

       "I love you too." I tell her. 

       She looks over at the bag on the bed and looks at me confused.

        "What's in there?" She asks me.
        "It's a serum that Rick got for you." I begin to tell her.

        "A serum? Like antidote?" She asks.

        "Not exactly. It temporarily keeps you from transforming into the werewolf. However it also will make it more difficult to allow you to turn into your normal wolf form also. But again this is temporary. We will have to give you this shot everyday until we find the cure." I began to tell her.

         "Any side effects?" She asks me.

        "Not that I'm aware of. But, no matter what, even if there are, it'll be okay, cause I'll be right here beside you still." I assure her as I take hold of her hand. "I do though, prefer this over chaining you up."

         "I know." She smiles at me with a look of gratefulness. "So....Can I take it now?" She asks me.

         "Yeah." I smile in reply.

         I take out one of the shots and give it on the outside of her arm.

         Now, we wait to see her reaction to it and to make sure that her body doesn't reject it.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)


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