CHAPTER 12: Not My Wife

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        For the next week, I noticed a change in Leah's demeanor. At first I thought she had the flu or that it was her time of the month. Which she thought it was that at first, however, we ruled that out when she wasn't bleeding. Although she did have the painful cramps and then had nausea on top of it. Her head was pounding and she hasn't been able to get out of bed. 

       To make things worse, she had fits of anger out of nowhere. She told me that she was having issues sleeping, so I finally called the house doctor to come and check her out and he took some blood and told us that she may have the flu or something of that sort but that he was going to check the blood work and get back to us within a week or so. 

       I was worried and even terrified a little bit with just thinking that she could be sick or in pain and there's nothing I could do. I just hope everything is okay because I don't know what I would do if anything were to help her. 

       I was taking care of the kids and I attended the council meetings without her and I noticed that Malcolm wasn't there very much. In which on one hand, I was happy to not see him. Then on the other hand, because I already couldn't trust him, I began thinking about what he might be up to. 

       When I got home, it seemed that our friends took out our kids with theirs for a while. So I thought I would check in on Leah. 

       Although, while walking upstairs and walking down the hallway towards our bedroom, I could hear her inside, growling deeper and louder than I have ever heard her. She sounded almost like she was coughing some things up and then as I began running faster towards the room, I burst through the door real hard and saw her down on her knees, screaming in pain, holding her stomach and then as I look down at her hands, I noticed that they weren't like her normal wolf paws. These were longer, her nails were sharper and longer and......oh my god. I suddenly began thinking that it looked like a werewolf's paw?

        "Baby?" I ask cautiously and nervously while slowly approaching her. 

        She looks up at me and her eyes are not the beautiful green eyes her wolf has. These are red eyes. 

        She growls at me and stands up real fast before jumping towards me and tries to claw at my face. Luckily I was able to hit her hard enough to knock her out.

        I hated doing that but I couldn't help it. It was a fast reflex if you will. Although right now I need to figure out what the hell is going on ad what's happening to my wife. 

       I pick her up and lay her down on the bed before leaving and locking her inside of our bedroom as I see go back to her human form. 

       It took me hours after what just happened and found the book that had the experiments with her parents and what Malcolm tried doing with them. Maybe he injected her with it as well. But then that doesn't make any sense. She would have turned already. I need to find Rick and we need to figure out what the hell is going on. 

        Although in the meantime, I need to figure out how I'm going to keep Leah from finding out what I'm doing and how to keep our kids and everyone else safe as well as making sure this doesn't get out. 

       I immediately contact Rick and luckily he was close by and got to the house within less than half an hour. 

       "What's going on?" Rick asks me as he runs into the Study. 

       "I don't even know what I'm about to say but, it's about Leah." I begin to tell him. 

       "What's going on? Is she still sick?" He asks me. 

       "You could say that." I said. "I saw something today, that wasn't my wife." I tell him while not even believing myself.

        "What do you mean?" He asks confused. 

       "I think.....I think she might be becoming a werewolf." I say while struggling to get out the words. 

       There was silence between the both of us and we looked at each other in disbelief of what I just said. 

       "How do you know?" he asks me. 

        "Like I said, I saw something today that wasn't my wife. Her eyes were red and she had claws." I stopped myself as I felt a huge lump in my throat begin to form and choke me up a little bit. 

        "Wow, can only imagine what it'd be like in the bedroom huh?" He jokes as he winks. 

        "Shut up." I laugh. 

       "Okay, so what do we do?" He asks. 

        "I'm not sure. However, we can't let Leah know what we're doing or anyone really. At least no one other than a few guys in the pack seeing as to how we will need to have some of them help us out. But they need to make sure they don't say anything to anyone about this." I tell him. 

        "Of course not. But don't you think Leah should know about the possibility of what she may become?" He asks. 

        "I don't know. I'm afraid that if she finds out, then she'll be upset to the point where she might leave, fearing that she might hurt one of us or something. I mean, when she found out about what really happened to her parents and everything, she was devastated and pissed off. However, I feel I should have more evidence before I tell her." I explain to him. 

        Then I look up and see the door open up and see an exhausted Leah, standing in the doorway. 

         "Baby? How did you get out?" I asked not even thinking. 

        "I have a key." She replies. "Why was the door locked though?"

        I forgot that there was an extra key in the room. Cause our bedroom door is one where the only way to lock it and unlock it inside the room is with a key. 

        "Because...." I said. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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