CHAPTER 2: First Council Meeting

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        Life has been real busy since we moved and had our son. Then it got even busier when we had our daughter, Sophie. She is definitely daddy's little girl and has him wrapped around her finger.

        Today was an important day. Today was my first day at the Wolf Council and was the first time I would meet them all from both sides of the wolf family. However, except for the Elders. They are in Ireland at the moment, where they normally are and I will be visiting them shortly.

         There are two types of wolves. There are the ones, like mine and Eli's that humans would refer to as huge dogs. Then there are werewolves. Those who can stand on two legs with longer claws and teeth. Just like the ones you hear about in the movies.

        They are the most known wolves that are have, we'll say, 'anger' issues.

        Luckily, Eli will be right next to me, which makes me feel relieved.

        As soon as we pulled up, it was an old gothic renaissance castle. Smaller than most but still beautiful.

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         Eli and I began walking up towards the double heavy doors in the front that was guarded by two big men who you could tell had to have been Alpha's or part of the packs.

         They both bow their heads towards us and open the doors.

         As soon as we walked in, you could the decor was still gothic renaissance, but again, very beautiful.

         A young woman approached us who had long red hair, long blood red pointed fingernails, was wearing a green floor length flowing/fitting dress with dark red lipstick and thick eyeliner.

         "Welcome, Luna and Alpha. Please follow me." She greets us with a bow and then turns around and we begin to follow her with me and Eli walking hand in hand.

         I was a nervous wreck although on our way over here, Eli reminded me to not show them weakness. Demand the respect I deserve.

         Which I did and it did help when he kissed me on the cheek once we got to two tall and wide-heavy-mahogany-dark- wooded doors that lead into the huge room that was filled with many already.

         As soon as she opened the doors up, we saw everyone's eyes look at me and were all standing, around the huge round table.

         I could hear many of them start to judge me with their whispers and while reading their minds.

         As soon as Eli and I sat next to one another at the head of the table, I suddenly felt a rush of confidence run through me.

         "We shall sit now." I told them while trying to sound as formal and fancy as I could. Thinking that's how they talk.

         As soon as we all sat, they looked at me and we were sitting there in silence for a moment as I tried hard to remember in what I was trained for when it comes to the council.

        Luckily, again, Eli mind links me and tells me that now I may start the meeting.

        "So, I would like to first of all, like to get introductions over with. As you might already know, I'm Leah and......." I stop as someone interrupted me.

         "We know who you are." He interrupts me and I can tell Eli wants to kill him for being rude and disrespectful. However, I tell him it's okay.

         The man that interrupted me, he was the leader of all Werewolves. He sounded like he didn't want to be here and was irritated.

         I looked at him as everyone kind of held their breaths in shock. Even the Elders.

         "I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

        "Name's Malcolm. Leader of the werewolves." He says with a matter-of-fact look.

        "Well, Malcolm, as Luna and leader of all societies that involve the wolf family, I am the Queen. And you will learn to be respectful, especially here at the Council. Not just towards me, but everyone else as well. I am the one who gives orders around here. You can either be part of the family or the enemy and do believe me when I say that being my enemy, means you will be having to look over your shoulders and living in fear for the rest of your life. Do not ever take my kindness for weakness. All in all, I am someone you do not want to be enemies with, understood?" I asked.

          "Yes." I heard him mumble under his breath.

         "What was that?" I asked.

         "I said, Yes." He tells me with a glare and disgust. Then goes back to ignoring me.

        I then look around the table at everyone.

        "Anyone else wish to question my abilities or have a problem with me being their Queen?" I asked.

        "No Luna." Everyone said in unison.

        "Good. Now let's continue." I tell them all.

       Overall, the meeting went really good up until the very end.

        Then once it was over, people came up introducing themselves and all seemed really nice.

        That Malcolm guy I wasn't too sure about. He made me feel uneasy and I could hear his thoughts throughout the meeting and made me feel that he was someone to watch for.

        Eli and I spoke about Malcolm on the way back to the house.

        "What is it my love?" Eli asks me.

        "That Malcolm guy." I began.

        "I know sweetie. But don't worry about him. He has always been an asshole to everybody." He assures me with a smile and kissing the back of my hand as he raises it to his lips.

         "I know. It's just...." I say.

         "Just don't worry about it sweetie." He smiles at me again and I decide to drop the topic for now. However, I will need to have some background check on him through one of the people I met that can do things like that.

         If I am to be Queen of all, then I need to  protect them and of there is some bad ones within the society, I must then take care of it before it becomes too late.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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