CHAPTER 5: Peter's Birthday!!

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        I have been so busy trying to prepare for Peter's birthday party and so far things are going great. Except for that I haven't gotten much sleep lately between Sophie crying a lot at night and even though Eli has been really great at helping me out. I was still feeling exhausted and have barely had any alone time with Eli let alone with myself.

         Peter wanted a carnival/freak show themed party so we got a huge circus tent and people that you'd normally see in the circus doing stunts and tricks and everything. We even had some animals coming there too.

         Eli had taken the kids out of the house to tire them out while a couple of the guys from the pack were helping me decorate.

         "Damn girl, you look tired as hell. Why don't you go get some rest. We'll finish up here." Bobby said (one of the Beta's).

         "Thank you." Was all I could manage to say back.

         I went to head upstairs and as soon as I walked into the room, I closed the door, plopped down onto the bed and fell asleep.

          "Shhh. You must not make a sound. They'll hear us and then come and take her away." A man's voice said.

          "But she is our daughter. We can't just leave her here. I do not trust your brother." A woman replied.

         "We must do this. This is our only way to protect her. She's the future." The man says.

         I couldn't see what was happening. All I could see were two blurry figures who looked like a woman and a man who looked to both be in their mid to late thirties.

         I tried to say something but they didn't look at me or notice I was there.

        Suddenly, I hear a noise from the bedroom door opening up and slamming against the wall as then something was quickly tossed over me.

         The next things I heard were growls. Deeper and more vicious than I have ever heard before.

         Then the next thing I saw and heard were both the man and woman have bloodcurdling screams as their throats were slashed by a very tall, dark black figure.

          Where the hell was I, what was going on and who were those people?

         I knew it was a nightmare and tried pinching myself to wake up and when that didn't work, I tried closing my eyes and counting to three. Yet still, I was in the nightmare.

         Then the next thing I see is the tall and black creature type thing start walking slowly towards me and he begins to sniff all over my body while I'm still underneath what those people threw over me and it starts to give a low growl before I see its huge hand and long razor sharp claws go over the fabric covering me and as soon as he pulled it off, before I could see him, I heard Eli'a voice sounding a little faint at first and then got more and more loud.

         "Leah, wake up!" I heard Eli's voice yell while shaking me.

         I start panting and realize that I am now dripped in sweat and as soon as I look at him, all I can do is cry.

         "Oh my god Eli. I had a terrible nightmare." I cried into his chest as we wrapped our arms around each other while he tried calming me down and stroking my hair.

         "It's okay. I'm here now. What was it about?" He asks.

         "I was on the ground in a house somewhere. There was this man and woman who I couldn't see clearly but I heard them saying things. I tried talking to them but, they couldn't hear me. Then the next thing I saw was them tossing a dark colored cloth over me and then someone slammed open the bedroom door we were in and I saw a tall black figure that growled really loud and deep. Then I saw it kill those people with it's sharp claws. Then it came over towards me and did a low growl, while sniffing me and right as it was about to rip off whatever was trying to cover me up, that's when you woke me up." I look up at him. "You saved me." I tell him.

          "I will always be there to save you." He assures me with a smile and then cups my face and gives a sweet and passionate kiss.

         I clung onto him tightly and placed my head back down onto his chest where we fell asleep since the kids were already put to bed.


         When the next day came, there was no time to sleep in as Eli finished up with the final touches of the party decorations, food and everything outside, while I tried getting both Peter and Sophie dressed and ready.

         Then as soon as we walked downstairs and towards the back, Sophie was in one of my arms while Peter was holding onto my other hand and jumping up and down in excitement while repeating that it was his birthday.

         I had him close his eyes. Then right as I opened up the door to the backyard, he opened his eyes up and instantly his face lit up.

        Throughout the day things were going great and everybody seemed to be having a great time.

        Then we saw Malcolm and a few other guys come walking up the backstairs and looked like they were carrying gifts. Why the hell are they here?

         As soon as they arrived and were walking over towards us, everyone stopped everything and became silent while looking at them.

        Eli had Rick take the kids while Eli took hold of my hand as we walked towards them.

        "You have some nerve coming here." Eli says.

        "I understand. I have come to apologize for my behavior at the meetings. I guess I just wasn't ready to hear that a new Queen had already arrived. It has been a while since we have all seen one." Malcolm says and neither me or Eli fully believe him.

        "We will not stay, but we wanted to bring you all welcoming gifts. Along with a birthday gift for your son. If that is alright." He says.

       Eli and I look at each other not too sure if we should create a scene or just be the bigger people and ignore his fake apology and gestures and just get along for Peter's sake.

        "Thank you." I tell him as he hands a few of our Beta's the gifts they had brought.

        "My pleasure." He smiles.

       There is something off with his demeanor that neither me or Eli is buying, however, we want to not ruin the party.

      So we again, act like the bigger people and invite them to stay for a little bit.

       In which I only invited them to stay cause I had a reason and a plan for them staying..............

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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