CHAPTER 6: The After Party.....

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        I was trying to be the bigger person throughout the rest of the birthday party and trying my best not to create a scene. Although without Leah there to calm me, I may have blown up.

        Things were very uncomfortable between us all. The entire vibe throughout the rest of the party was uncomfortable.

        Then after everyone left and we thanked them all for coming, I headed downstairs with Leah after we got finished tucking our kids into bed and helped Leah begin to clean up.

          "That was so much fun." She smiles at me.

          "It was. I was really glad everyone could make it. Although I had no idea Peter had so many friends." I chuckled.

          "Just like his daddy." She winks and smiles at me.

          I return the smile as I finish up putting trash into the trash bag I had in my hand.

          As we walk inside, I can't help myself from feeling anger beginning to build deep inside of me as I walk around and can still smell those werewolves scents.

          "Unbelievable." I mouth out louder than I expected to.

         "What?" Leah asks me.

         "You don't smell it?" I ask irritated.

         She begins smelling the air. Then she grabs some air freshener and begins spraying it all in the air. But of course, that doesn't work.

         "There." She says calmly.

         "Do you really think that's going to take it away?!" I ask more irritated. which I don't know where all this sudden irritation towards her is coming from.

          "Well I don't know what you want me to do." She says.

          "Get rid of it. I mean the only reason they were even here was because of you." I snap at her.

          "Fuck you! I didn't invite them. Besides, me and you decided it would be better if we were the bigger people in not making a scene at Peter's birthday by letting them stay." She fires towards me.

          "Oh, so it's my fault?!" I snap at her again while dropping the trash bag.

          "I never said that! Calm the hell down before you wake up our kids." She says to me.

          "Well then what are you saying?!" I asked.

         "Figure it out yourself, asshole!" She snaps at me and drops everything in her hands onto the table and storms into the house and upstairs into our bedroom.

         What the hell just happened? Why were we even arguing? Where did all this rage and anger come from?

         I don't finish up. I have the guys finish cleaning everything up and start heading upstairs into our room where I hear a sniffling Leah and see her sitting on the bed.

        After walking in and closing the door behind me I begin walking up towards her and sit next to her on the bed.

        "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." I begin to apologize.

        "It's okay. I'm sorry too. I don't know what came over me either. I just....suddenly felt so much anger and hatred towards you all of a sudden." She tells me.

        "Yeah, me too." I tell her.

        "I'm sorry that I also let Malcolm and his crew stay. I just, I don't know. I guess I was trying to be the bigger person and was worried of something happening between you and Malcolm or something and I didn't want anything or anyone to ruin Peter's birthday." She says.

          "I know baby. You did the right thing. And don't worry, my pack and I will find out about Malcolm and we'll make sure everything and everyone is okay." I assure her.

         "Okay." She says.

         "I love you." I tell her as I look into her eyes.

        "I love you too." She smiles at me and we give each other a passionate long kiss before falling asleep.


       In the middle of the night when I woke up, I couldn't get back to sleep. So I thought I would take the opportunity and head out to the back where I saw my Delta, Rick.

        "Hey Alpha. Couldn't sleep?" He asks me.

        "Nah." I replied.  "I have a favor to ask of you." I began.

        "Sure." He replies.

        "Not here. I need for you to meet me in the study in ten minutes." I tell him.

        "Sure." He replies as he looks at me worried.

        I then turn around and start heading to the steady to start thinking about how I'm going to approach this idea I've been having now for a while and how he will react to it.

        Then after I heard the door creak opened a little bit and then close and lock behind Rick, I see him standing at the door, still looking at me worried.

         "What is it?" He asks.

         "Right now, I need for you to first hear me out. Then I want you to think of the fact that I am not your Alpha, but more of your best friend. I want you to think of that before you answer." I tell him.

           "Okay." He says.

           I take in a deep breath and then let it out before I continue.

           "As we all know, Malcolm is the leader of all the werewolves that exist. He's been running blood camps for years. And when he came to Peter's birthday party yesterday, Leah was being the nice Leah. But we don't trust him. I know he has something he is planning, although I don't know what. But I also know that we don't trust him or his pack. I know that what I am about to say sounds crazy but I've been..." I stop myself for a moment to try and think if I should say something or not. But then quickly remind myself this is my best friend Rick, I can trust him.

          "I've been having these dreams for the past week of Malcolm and Leah as a little girl. Then the other night, Leah tells me about a dream she was having and has had a couple times since then about...." I stopped as I heard Rick tell me.

           "The werewolf trying to kill her." He finishes.

         "How do you know?" I asked him.

         "Because I had the same kind of dreams before." He tells me and I'm confused.

        "What do you mean?" I ask him.

        "Trust me. You're gonna want to sit down for this." He says.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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