CHAPTER 7: A Dream......

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        A few weeks have passed by since Peter's birthday and for the last few meetings, oddly enough, Malcolm hasn't been showing up for the meetings and instead, he has had Zak, his right hand man come in his place.

        I was told that Malcolm had been out on some business but would return shortly. Although I didn't believe that entirely, but whatever.

        Then today, was the first meeting I have been to where Eli hadn't come with me. Apparently there was an accident with one of the wolves he was training that he had to stay and tend to. Which was fine.

        After the meeting, everyone seemed to come up to me before leaving and were telling me how great of a job I was doing as their new queen and how happy and excited they were I was here.

         Then after everybody left and as I was getting ready to leave, I saw Zak was still here. Although, he was staring at me with lust in his eyes while still sitting in his chair.

           "Zak?! I thought you left." I commented to try and hide my discomfort.

           "Sorry. I guess I just kind of got caught up in daydreaming." He smirks at me as he picks up his IPAD and stylus and begins walking up towards me.

           "Sorry if I'm that boring." I try and joke.

          Then right as I finish packing my things into my purse and grab my purse to start turning and walking away, I feel him stop me by grabbing my wrist.

           "Please. Forgive me my Queen. You're not boring. I just have a bad habit of daydreaming. Please don't tell Malcolm." He asks.

           "Fine." I tell him as I quickly then jerk my hand from his grasp. "We both better be going." I say and start walking out.

           "Yeah." He says and follows right beside me.

           We end up not saying anything else as we get outside and the guard at the door, locks the doors behind us.

            "Well, have a good night." I tell him before getting into my car and driving back towards the castle.

           While driving away, I look in the rear view mirror and see Zak still standing on the gravel ground, watching me drive away.

           I have no words to describe the encounter I just had with Zak but all I can say is that it was uncomfortable and made me feel an unease feeling.

          Once I got home, I noticed it was really late and that I had missed dinner. So as soon as I checked in on the kids after they were already asleep, I made my way down into the kitchen where I saw Eli cooking up some leftovers for us both, seeing as to how he just got home too, it looked like.

          He looks up at me and smiles.

          "Just got home too?" He asks.

          "Yeah. You?" I asked him with a smile and while kissing him.

           "Yep. You hungry?" He asked.

          "Yes. Starving." I tell him.

          "Good." He chuckles and then pours me some wine and has me sit across from the kitchen counter, watching him cook while I drink some wine.

           "How was your day?" I asked him.

          "It was alright. One of the new wolves got hurt but, nothing a week won't heal." He smirks.

          "Good." I replied while taking another sip of wine.

          "How was the meeting?" He asked me.

          "It was okay. Just another boring meeting." I replied.

         "Nothing interesting happened?" He asks me and I am right away, quickly debating if rather or not I should tell him about Zak, seeing as to how I don't want to ruin this moment we're sharing right now.

          "No. Just the same old boring stuff." I smiled and winked at him.

          "Hmm." He says as he finishes up with cooking.

          As soon as he's done, he brings a big plate of Egg Plant Parmesan over and pours us both some more wine before sitting down next to me and us feeding each other some food a couple of bites before feeding ourselves.

          "Have you heard from your mom?" I asked him.

          His mom moved in with us as soon as we moved into the castle. However, a month afterwards, she said she had some business to take care of and m we have rarely seen her for the past almost year now.

           "No. I mean, I tried calling her at her house but nothing." He says.

           I know that he's worried about her and we both wished she could've been here for Peter's birthday but, we just had no idea where she was and had no way of communicating with her at the moment.

          We aren't sure in why she shut down the mind linking with us but, for some reason she has.

          "We'll find her, don't worry." I assure him with a smile and we give each other a quick kiss on the lips before we finish eating and head upstairs to watch a movie before we fall asleep.

          Later that night, I had a dream that had Eli's mother in it. I'm not exactly sure why she was coming to me in my dream but she looked beautiful although the setting was dreary.

          There was heavy fog all around our feet as we walked towards each other across  a meadow while she came walking out of the forest.
         "Oh my god. Where have you been? We have been searching for you for a long time." I began to say.

         She smiles at me then holds up her hand for me to stop.

         "I don't have much time. Whatever you do, please, know that I am doing all of this for all of you. There is so much to say that I do not have enough time to explain. But believe me when I tell you to no matter what, you have to be careful. You are all in danger. As well as the council and all of our kinds." She begins.

         "We know about Malcolm and the werewolves." I begin to tell her.

          "Yes, he is the threat. But there is far more to this than you know. You must understand that throughout the years you have suffered under the abuse from your uncle, he also failed to tell you the truth about how your parents died and how you were left on his doorstep." She says.

           "W-what? I-I don't understand what you're saying....." I began to reply but she stopped me again and quickly looked beyond her as we both heard growls.

            "There isn't time. You will find out everything soon enough. Just go into the back of the woods, behind the castle, about two miles in, there will be a tree that's trunk has a specific marking on it  open the door and follow the steps underneath and there you will your answers. Now please. Go and take care of my son and your family. I love you all very much." She smiles and then quickly turns to run away back into the woods as I am left standing there with the growls in the distance getting closer and louder. Until I close my eyes tightly and force myself to wake up.

          I sat up abruptly, sweating and panting. What did that dream mean? Is she....dead?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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