CHAPTER 18: The Final Stage......

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          After spending what seemed like forever in this hell hole and after all the torturing and painful transformations of when I turned into a werewolf, it wasn't until this morning that I realized there was still one more step to finalize my transformation and then that would be it.

          I would no longer be able to see Eli without wanting to kill him and will soon forget all about him, my kids and anyone else I know and love.

         My mind linking with Eli has been gone for so long that I can't talk to him anymore.

         These chains that Malcolm has had me in this entire time are extremely strong and have kept me chained even as I transformed.

          My inner wolf has left me. I haven't spoken to her since after the fifth day right after my mind link ability was gone.

          I couldn't believe I had allowed for this to happen.

          I have not seen daylight since I've been here and the only time I was able to look out a window was only when one of the asshole guards had opened the shade to let the brightness of the full moon at night to seep through and help me transform.

          I've tried numerous times to even try and contact the Moon Goddess but no such luck.

          I guess this was my fate all along. To become a monster. Although my mind has not yet changed cause tonight when they are about to complete the final stage, I will be sure that I kill myself. Which I haven't thought of how yet other than I might leap off the cliff we'll be by. I know the spot he's told all his pack about.

          I'm scared, no, not even scared but petrified, horrified if you will. Not that it was Eli's fault but he hasn't found me. I know that he has tried though, I can feel it in what's left of my heart.

          Our love for one another is beyond strong.

           I snap back to reality as I hear the heavy doors open and in walks a few of Malcolm's men along with Malcolm who stands in the doorway with his arms crossed across his chest as he smirks at me while his men come and unlatch the chains, although still keeping them on my wrists and right after they take my ankles out of those restraints that were also chained to the wall, I take that opportunity in doing a roundhouse kick to one and then throw my chains connected to my cuffs and throw it over one of the other mans neck and wrapping it around him a couple of times as he tries to grab it and take it off while gasping for air, I next notice over my shoulder that one of the other guys is charging towards me and I stop him by kicking him straight in the adams' apple and  right as soon as I was getting ready to finish off this guy I had my chains around before moving onto Malcolm, I felt a sharp pain in my lower back as electric volts pierce through my body causing me to shake and drop down to my knees before the next thing I see is Malcolm walk up towards me as I lay on the ground in pain and the last thing I see is his shoe coming right at my head before everything went black.


        When I woke up, I slowly opened my eyes as I felt cold wind hitting against my body.

        Once I completely opened my eyes, I noticed both my wrists were tied together above my head and hanging from one of the tree branches while both my ankles were tied with rope that were tied against the trunk of the tree.

         "I bet you thought that little stunt you had pulled earlier was pretty smart, huh?" He asks.

          "I th-thought it w-was h-hilarious." I stuttered from the coldness with a smile.

           He then walked up to me and slapped my face hard enough to make me spit blood out.

           "In a few moments you will soon be under my commands and doing as I tell you." He says.

           I don't say anything. Instead, I just spit whatever blood I have in my mouth and onto his face.

           One of his men come and hand Malcolm a handkerchief to wipe his face off as I can hear his disgust from the mumbling he's doing.

           Then the next thing I notice is everyone, including Malcolm and then myself a brief moment later, looking up at the full moon as the clouds part ways, letting the full moon stare right back at us all.

           Suddenly, I feel the all too familiar burning sensation, right before the cracking of my bones. Shit, I thought to myself, he must've injected me with the last serum that I needed to complete this transformation while being unconscious.

           I feel as my bones begin to crack and my canines beginning to come out while the burning still runs through my body, causing me to scream out in agonizing pain. Fuck me this is worth than both the child births put together and far more painful than me turning into a regular wolf.

           Then out of nowhere, I hear the loudest growling roar, almost like a lion's come out and echo through the woods only to notice, it's me.

           I feel myself collapse onto the hard ground as I then start to get up until I am standing on my hind legs while Malcolm and his pack have already shifted into their werewolves.

           Leah is gone. I am no longer a regular wolf. I am a werewolf and I'm hungry.

          I then smell an amazing delicious smell coming closer while hearing many running.

         Oh good, I think to myself.....Food!

Next chapter will be posted later and oh my gosh guys, it's the fight and who do you think is gonna win, Eli or Leah?

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