CHAPTER 15: Where's My Luna?!?

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        It's been a couple of weeks since I have been taking the shots and for the first few days, I felt a little weird. However, it got a little better quickly. 

         Eli has been gone for the past week and left Rick here to watch out for me while he had gone with the rest of the pack to try and find out more information on a few leads he has been told of where Malcolm and his pack are at. 

         I missed him already but I knew I was okay cause I can take care of myself. Throughout the day, I tried my best to keep myself busy and after I was finished talking to both the kids and Eli, Rick and I were in the living room watching some TV for a little bit before I became tired and first had Rick give me my shot before I headed upstairs to go to bed. 

        When I walked into the bedroom, I stopped as soon as I saw the bathroom door open and out walked Malcolm. 

        "Good evening, Leah." He says.

       "Malcolm?! How the hell did you get in here?!" I asked while taking a step back. 

       "Your weak human guards. Where are all the others from your pack?" He asks with a grin and while walking towards me. 

       "They are out for a run. They'll be back any moment." I tell him while backing up a little more until I hit the dresser. 

       "Do not be afraid, my queen. I would never hurt you." He says to me. 

       "Like you never would hurt my parents? Or how you sent that doctor to inject me with your werewolf serum that would turn me into a monster?!" I exclaimed. 

       "Your parents had made it too easy. They were weak and you were supposed to turn many years ago. But you were sent to your uncle to be taken care of. Which I must say, he did a very good job in making sure you did not turn. Sure, it delayed the plans I had for you. However, now, because of the doctor, you will become the strongest werewolf ever, with me as your Alpha and together we will rule the world." He tells me as he begins taking a couple of slow steps towards me. 

         "I will never allow that! I would rather kill myself than to ever give into that." I say.

        "Oh, but you will. In fact, very soon, you will see exactly what you were always meant to be." He grins. 

       "A Monster? Hell no! Besides, I have been fighting it with an injection everyday that delays the transformations." I tell him. 

       "You really believe that? Are you sure that it really does that?" He asks me and I'm starting to think that maybe he is trying to trick me and trying to get into my head a little bit. However, it won't work. 

       "Fuck you!" I tell him as I throw a somewhat heavy jewelry box towards him that he seems to unfortunately duck from before quickly turning around to try and run out the room. Except as soon as I got to the door and started opening it up, he grabbed my hair from behind and yanked me back. 

        I tried screaming and fighting back and was struggling for a little bit until I finally got the chance to turn around and punch him in the face. 

        As soon as he stumbled back a little bit, grabbing his nose and yelling in pain, I made a run for it downstairs and tried to call out for Rick when all of a sudden, as I try running into the living room to see if he's there, I stop when I see him lying on the floor on his stomach with blood coming out the back of his head. 

       I drop down to my knees and I try shaking him a little bit to wake him up as I can see he's still breathing. I then begin to mind-link with Eli. But he doesn't answer before a black sack is placed over my head and the next thing everything goes black.



        I was getting done after finally finding the so called doctor and just as I thought he would, he denied knowing anything about Malcolm and how he never injected Leah with anything. 

        After a while of trying to give me a run around kind of answers, I finally snapped after he told me that very soon, she will become her true self. That's when I snapped his neck and killed him with one of my hands. 

        The rest of my pack had seemed to have been successful in making sure the blood camps were shut down or destroyed. 

         Right after I mentioned to meet me back at the castle so that we can figure what to do about Malcolm, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head but not before hearing my Luna call to me through mind-link. 

           She was in trouble. So I quickly began running as fast as I could back towards the castle. Although I was hours away. So I immediately shredded my clothes and took off in my wolf form. 

           As soon as I got to the castle, I stopped when I saw Rick mumbling and looking to try and get up from off the floor slowly. 

          "What happened?" I asked him as I tried helping him up and sitting him down on the couch while he held the back of his head in pain and where I noticed there was a little blood at. 

         "He took her." He says. 

        "Who took her?" I asked although I already knew. 

       "Malcolm." He says as he winces in pain. 

      "FUCK!!!!!" I yelled. 

        I never should have left her. I am a terrible Alpha. Oh my god, we need to get her back, NOW. So I mind-linked with the rest of the pack to get ready to fight a big one. Because we were going to need to get our Luna back. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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