CHAPTER 4: Malcolm's POV

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         After the meeting was over, I headed back to my place where all my 'students' are at.

        As soon as I walked into the house, the place looked empty. Then I heard some cheering going on outside in the backyard.

       Right as soon as I walked outside, I noticed everyone was standing in a circle cheering on most likely a fight.

       It was my Delta, Zak. He was fighting one of the Beta's that he has an issue with.

       I don't have time for this so I go and break it up.

       "ENNOOOOUGH!!!" I growled.

       Everyone stopped and looked at me in fear.

       "Alpha." They all said in unison as they bowed their heads.

       "Inside! Now! We need to have a meeting!" I tell them as I turn and head back inside.

        I wait inside the huge living room area I have, for them to meet me at.

        They all quickly come piling in and all stand around as I begin.

        "Today, as you all know, we had our second meeting with the new Queen. She might be more of an issue than we thought. Her Alpha, Eli, seems to have trained her very well. Both mentally and physically. However, I do have a plan. She doesn't seem to remember anything which just means that her uncle did his job in not telling her how her parents really died. However, because her Alpha had rescued her from her uncle, she is not as weak as she should be. So, Zak. I need for you and a couple of the guys to inject her with the serum that will help her remember a little quicker. Cause from the looks of it all, it wont be too long before she has everyone siding with her and ruining all the camps and everything we have worked so hard for." I say.

         "Alpha?" Zak asks.

         "Yes?" I asked him.

         "How is this serum going to help her remember? Why can'r we just inject her with phase three and that way she turns quicker and start taking over sooner?" He asks me.

         "Because Zak, I'm not sure in how she will react to phase two and we don't want to kill her. We want her alive. Remember, she is not to be harmed since we need her for the end of all of this." I remind him.

         "Okay." He says.

         "Also, we have another problem. She has children. You are to never harm any of them or do anything with them unless absolutely necessary. We only will use them as a last resort." I tell them all.

        "Yes Alpha." They all say in unison and bow their heads.

         "Now go and wait for further instructions." I tell them.

         They all disperse and begin heading towards their posts and start preparing for when I give them their next orders.

         I head upstairs to my room and lock my door behind me before I plop myself onto my bed and start thinking about my plan and how brilliant as well as being long overdue, will be played out.

        Since the beginning of time, wolves like their kind have made us look like fools. To us werewolves, they are merely our dogs or pets if you will, sometimes servants.

       Werewolves were always meant to be the rulers of all but that came to an end when Leah's great great grandparents decided to change all that.

        In fact, Werewolves were feared far more than anything and anyone. That is, up until movies, books, myths and urban legends were told. Then we became just another fictional creature.

         That all is gonna change soon. We will bring back terror to humans and everyone else. The way it used to be and the way it should be.

         The only problem now that I would have standing in my way is Alpha Eli. I will give him the fact that he really is a strong Alpha and has a very strong pack.

          I at first thought that maybe I could use him instead of Leah, however, I know it will be much more fun to use her and easier to get the results I need.

          While deep into my thoughts, I snap out of them as I hear a knock on my door.

          "What?!" I growled.

          "Sir, I just found our way into possibly tricking Leah and Eli into liking us." Zak says.

          "What is it?" I asked.

          "They're having a birthday party for their son this weekend. We can bring them a gift. One for their son and the other for their daughter and for Leah and Eli. It would be our best bet." He suggests.

          Interesting, I thought. I guess we're going to a kid's birthday party this weekend.

         This should be fun..........

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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