Happy Birthday

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As the weeks passed Emil started to make even more money as now his clients were using toys, ropes and whips on him. Vargas charged for all of those items per hour added to the charge of just using Emil for sex per hour but he doubled the prices per hour if any deep marks or cuts were made on Emil. It was Saturday night and Emil was sitting in his room at the brothel. This time though he was forced into a maids dress, as that was what the client had requested. Mr.Vargas laughed at Emil in the costume "and here I thought you couldn't look anymore like a pathetic whore". Emil look down and the dirty wooden floor, in embarrassment. It wasn't wearing the dress, or being called a pathetic whore, that make Emil feel embarrassed. It was the fact that such a man who sold people's bodies for sexual pleasure was above him. "Why am I even in this?" He asked quietly. Usually his boss wouldn't go out of his way to make special requests and doing anything special to "his whores". He chuckled and forced Emil to look at him by grabbing his chin "well some young boys, probably around your age or a year older came in to request for a slut like you in a maid dress. It's  their brothers birthday and since they were so young and stupid I was able to double the price on you. Now you better make this kid feel good. Better to hook them on prostitutes early so they'll keep coming back for more. Hell you might even know the bastard". With that he let go of Emil and walked out. He prayed he didn't know who he was having sex with. Sure he went to a small high school but he was a sophomore and didn't hang out with many juniors if the man he was having sex with was even a year older than him so the chances were low. Though Emil still felt his stomach churn in worry. He felt the hour tick by slowly, there was no clock in the small room so he only had to rely on counting or looking out the very tiny window he had and trying to look at the clock at the university. It was so far away though so he could barley make out the time. So Emil just sat on the bed and waited. Then the old wooden door creaked open and one of last people he would've ever wanted to see had just stepped in. It was his friend Leon, he was the same age as Emil and they were both in the same friend group. They both liked talking to each other and both considered each other a good friend. Leon even knew about his family's financial problems. Emil was lost for words and looked down hoping he wouldn't recognize him. "Emil?" Leon said surprised that Emil is in such a place like this, in such a costume. He repeated himself "Emil? Is that you? This is just a joke, right?" He mostly believed it to be a joke that his brothers were pulling on him but a small part of him was telling him it wasn't. "I-I work here...I have been for months" Emil finally replied after minutes of awkward silence. "Back up, what do you mean? This is a brothel, you sell your body?! That's not a job" Leon said walking closer to his friend. Emil felt shame and just looked away not being able to face his close friend. "...it pays so it is a job". Leon was mad that Emil hadn't told him things had gotten so bad at home he had to resort to selling his body for money. "So men and women basically just rape you and you get half the cut of money?!". Emil slowly nodded "look, if you want a different prostitute Mr.Vargas would give-" Leon quickly cut him off "you mean your pimp?". Emil's eyes started tearing up "look I had to sell my body to him! All the money I make goes to my brothers bank account! The fighting has basically stopped at home!". Leon looked at the usually emotionless boy who was now looking so desperate. "How long" he asked. Emil wiped away his tears "w-what?". "How long have you kept this from your friends and family? How long have you been raped and stayed silent about it?". Emil shivered "it'll be seven months in two weeks. I started in February". "Wait so for the entire summer break, and half of last school year this is what you've been doing?". Emil nodded "don't think this doesn't hurt, I get shot up with drugs, and whipped and chocked, but I can't complain because this is the fastest way to make money". Leon quickly pulled him into a hug. "I could've helped you, my family can help you. My older brother would've hired you at our restaurant if he knew..." Emil shook his head "I need more than minimum wage...Leon you can't tell anybody though. My brother would sue Mr.Vargas and he'd probably hire the mafia or whatever to beat and rape my entire family". Leon thought for a moment "I can't just let you get abused while I sit back. I won't tell but I'm going to find a way to get you out of here". Emil looked away "thank you...now do you want what your brothers paid for. Mr.Vargas will be mad if I didn't satisfy a costumer". Leon was taken back "wait like have sex with you? Like I know I came here to do it but my brothers said I had to since they paid so much but I don't know if I can". Emil closed his eyes in shame and got on the floor on his knees. Knowing the consequences of not pleasing a costumer scared him enough to do this with his close friend, "close your eyes and pretend I'm a girl, it'll be over soon" with that Emil started to unzip his friends pants. Leon watched as his friend did so, he had to admit Emil was a very beautiful person and he did have a small crush on him but he didn't want Emil to have to do this just to not get in trouble. While this was the most humiliating thing for Emil to do, give his friend a blow job he had to suck it up and do it. And that's exactly what he did, he put his mouth around Leon and went to work.

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