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Emil had finished up his day once again and it was nearing 3 am. He quickly got dressed in his clothes, but as he was putting on his shirt he heard a loud thump and a scream. It sounded like Angela. Emil slowly crept out from his room and towards the staircase that led to the office and break room. Then came Mr.Vargas's booming voice "god damnit woman! You have the smallest tasks out of everyone here and yet you still manage to fuck it up! I've lost four girls in the last six months alone!". Emil kept walking down quietly try not to have the floor boards creek beneath him. Emil knew Mr.Vargas would soon snap after loosing all Anya, Chun-Yan, Katya, and Lovina. After Mr.Vargas ranting about how Angela should have kept better taps on the girls he shoved her out of his office. Letting Emil see, once he made it all the way downstairs a large red hand print across Angela's face. He walked over to her with worry like she had once done on his first few days. "Are you alright?" He asked, hoping the slap wouldn't bruise her face. She quickly nodded and whisper in response "y-yes I'm fine. You should head home Emil". He nodded "okay but get ice on that. And Alfred has ibprophen in his bag if you need it". She gave him a painful smile, trying to reassure him she was alright "thank you Emil". Emil turned to leave but the office door opened once again and Mr.Vargas stopped Emil "I thought I heard you. In my office. Now". Emil scurried into his office and sat down on the chair, Mr.Vargas soon walked in after yelling at Angela again. "So, you had a visitor here. She demanded I released you from your contract. I'm sure you know her, Francine Kirkland?" Emil went pale, why would Francine come in here?. Emil slowly nodded "I know her. Sir I don't know why she would come in here". Mr.Vargas got close into Emil's face "your contract with me clearly states you are not to tell anyone about your work here!". Emil tried not to gag from the smell of alcohol "sir! I promise I didn't-" he stopped after Mr.Vargas raised his hand high and swung it towards Emil. Tears pricked his eyes as his cheek stung "don't lie to me. I can tear your life apart Emil Steilsson". Emil put his hand over his cheek and nodded "yes sir, I'll never tell anyone again". Mr.Vargas rolled his eyes "like I'd believe a whore like you, just remember I own you Emil. You are nothing in this town, I could make you just like Chun-Yan. Dead and Forgotten. Emil's eyes widened "please sir, I'll make up for it". Mr.Vargas smirked "oh I know you will". Emil had a pure look of fear as Mr.Vargas stalked over to him "you're going to learn your place" and with that Emil was slammed onto Mr.Vargas's desk "I'll make sure you learn".

Emil tried holding back his tears as he walked into the break room. He looked up at the clock on the wall and saw it was 4:52 am. He jumped seeing Alfred sitting in the room, smoking a cigarette. Alfred slowly looked over "boss kept you so he could fuck you huh?" Emil looked down and just sat on the couch "I hate that man so much". Alfred sighed "we all do. Trust me, you're lucky. What's her face-" Alfred snapped his fingers trying to remember her name "it was something Chinese, but she was Mr.Vargas's personal whore". Emil shivered "I would call myself exactly lucky". Alfred shrugged "well I mean at least he didn't off you like he did to her". Emil raised an eyebrow and looked at Alfred "I thought a costumer did it". Alfred laughed "hell no. Word goes around fast here, and it got out she was going to escape to China". Emil quickly put his face in his hands "what I would do to escape". Alfred leaned his head back on the couch "what we would all do...". Emil pulled his legs up to his chest to try and ignore the pain "so Alfred what are you even doing here so late?". Alfred took another drag from his cigarette "Matthew and me only own one beat up junker car, so I have to wait for him to ride home. There's always this one really tall blonde dude who rents Matthew right after most everyone goes home so we usually stay here all night". Emil wince as he moved "weird, how often does he come in?". Alfred shrugged "about every week or so. He had once used me until he saw Matthew. Matthew says it's cause he looks like his actual partner". Emil looked confused "why not just fuck his actual partner?" Alfred snorted "that's what I said but Matt said it's because his actual partner is cheating on him". Emil rolled his eyes "people these days, but speaking of partners. How are you and Ludwig?". Alfred smiled "good. He's a real gentleman, and even though he knows I work here it doesn't seem to bother him". Emil smiled a little trying to show support "at least on of us has a relationship going". Now it was Alfred's turned to be confused "what? I thought you so landed that Asian kid". Emil shook his head "I don't know. I want to be with him, but I don't want to have sex with him. I just want him to hold me and love me. I can't do that do him, tie him down to someone who won't have sex with him". Alfred flicked his cigarette into the ash tray and looked at Emil "listen, if he actually truly likes you then he will respect what you want and still show you love. I told Ludwig I wont have sex with him for a long while and he said that was okay. You just have to communicate your feelings, as cheesy as that sounds". Emil nodded and rested his head in between his propped up legs "I know you're right and I know he likes me but I love him. I don't know if he'll ever come to loving such a whore like me". Alfred shook his head "you never know till you try". They were both cut off by Matthew walking in "Alfie let's go, I'm tired and apparently my client was not in a good mood today". Alfred slowly got up "okay, Emil you need a ride home? I'm not so sure you want to walk after what Mr.Vargas did to you". Emil sighed in relief "yes please". As they all walked to the parking lot, Emil swore he saw his family car leave the parking lot. He shook his head and brushed it off as his imagination. He got into the back off the car and got lost in thought during the ride, his mind kept going to the bank statements and the missing money. Where could that be going? Emil yawned, he'd asked Lukas about it in the morning but until then he needed a hot shower and some sleep.

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