Survive not Thrive

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Emil groaned and looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom. He was craving a high. Something he had only experienced one time with a costumer with tall spiked up hair. When he was on that drug he felt as though nothing in his life was wrong. He bite his lip wanting to have sex with that man again. He was thrown out of his fantasies when a loud knock was at his door and Matthias walked in. "Hey kiddo, we just got your report card in the mail. Good job! We're proud of you" Emil nodded "thanks Matt...". He had a big goofy grin on his face as his continued to talk "well since you did such a great job, we're all gonna go out for a nice lunch!". Emil gave a slight smile "okay Matt I'll get ready in about an hour". Matt nodded as he closed Emils bedroom door. Emil put his face in his pillow feeling ashamed. His family would be humiliated if they found out what he was doing. They would hate him. They already do hate you. You cost them more money then anybody else. You keep dangerous secrets.
He shook his head and got up. He needed to be calm and collected before lunch with the others. Emil took a shower and put it as hot as he could. Maybe he could wash his sins off? He soon got out as his skin became red and irritated from the burning water. He put on black pants and a white button up. He looked nice but not overly fancy. He smiled wearing the clothes. They were some of Lukas's old clothes but they fit nicely. Though he hadn't had nice clothes in quite a long time, due to not being able to afford them he usually got hand downs from his brother or Tino. He slipped on his shoes and walked downstairs seeing a rare sight of everyone just calmly sitting by each other watching the TV. You can never quit being the whore you are. Look how happy they are. 
Emil shivered at the thoughts his mind was producing, but plastered on a small smile for his family. "Guys I'm ready to go" Matt jumped off the couch at these words "coolio, just let me grab my keys and we'll be on our way".
  They way to the restaurant was nice for Emil. It's been a long time since they all were in the car going out to eat. They were even going to his favorite restaurant which served live squid for lunch and a black licorice ice cream. "So Emil, whatcha want to get?" Asked Matt. Emil thought for a moment "well um can I get the squid? You know only if it's not too expensive..." he drifted off looking out the window. Berwald answered for Emil "you've worked so hard this year, you can get anything". Emil smiled in response. He knew Matthias and Berwald always tried to be fatherly figures towards him, while Tino and his brother were more maternal with him. "We're here~" Tino said in a sing song voice as they pulled in the parking lot of the restaurant. They all climbed out of the small car and walked in. It was chatty due to all the people but it was still nice. They were seated by a hostess, a blonde girl with shorter hair and her name tag said 'Lili'. "You're server will be right over. Can I get you folks anything to drink?". After ordering their drinks she came back a few minutes later with the drinks leaving them to look over the menus and talk. Then when Emil looked up feeling someone staring at him, he saw four business men sitting at a table. He made eye contact with the person he most wanted to see but least wanted to see out in public. It was one of his regulars who used the syringe on him and made him feeling every little touch. He blushed and looked down like he was still reading the menu, but still felt those eyes bore into him. Emil shivered and thanked god when the server came over making a small barrier between him and the man he so desperately wanted to be with at night. He felt anxiety once their server, a man who was intimidating with a similar hair cut as their hostess had left. He met the mans eyes again and the man made a motion with his hand towards the bathroom. Emil watched as the man excused himself from the table and walked to the bathroom. What if the man was just giving him a small wave? What if he did want him to follow him and he fucked him in the bathroom? Then the words by themselves slipped out of his mouth "I'm gonna use the restroom before our food comes". He quickly shuffled over to the bathroom and went inside. He was then forcefully pulled into a large stall. He turned around and saw the man he'd been yearning for. Well not exactly him, but the drugs. "What's you're name? I only know you by the name on your door but it's nice getting to know your whores" after saying this he pulled off Emil's scarf and kissed down his neck. "S-Sir my name ahhh is Emil". The man pulled away "just call me Ned" Emil nodded and was pushed to his knees."I'll pay you double if you give me a quickie right here right now". Emil never had sex outside of the brothel "I-I don't know". "Come on kid, if you're not gonna do it here then I want you to come to my house after your little lunch". Emil thought after a bit "o-okay". The man pulled him up by his collar. "I'll wait for you after your lunch and drive you to my place" after saying that he walked out of the stall. Emil blushed and walked out. How was he gonna tell his family he wasn't leaving the restaurant with them but a person they didn't know. He sighed and walked out of the restroom and back to his table where his food was waiting for him.
    He looked directly at 'Ned' as Matthias paid their bill. As they all got up Ned walked over to them. Oh god oh god was all Emil was thinking. "Oh hey Emil" Ned waved and walked over. He's gonna pull something..."hey Ned" he tried saying as normal as possible. "We should really meet up today for your research paper in history. I mean it is due Monday" he said as though he was Emil's tutor. "Oh um hello there" his brother said. Ned gave a small smile "hello. I'm Emil's tutor. You must be his family?". Matthias smiles "yes, we were actually just congratulating him on what a great job he's been doing this semester". Ned shakes his hand "well he's been working really hard with me. Say Emil why don't you just come over to my house and we'll just finish your research paper". Emil looked at Lukas "you can go just be back before 9". Emil nodded "t-thanks" and walked out to a very nice car. "Woah..." he stared in awe at the nice car. "Well? Get in, I can only fuck you till 9". Emil slipped with ease into the silver car. He felt so unsure, he felt as though he would puke. "N-Ned um last time you...bought me, you used a drug. Can we-". Ned rolled his eyes "you crack whores are all the same". Emil felt hurt by that but kept quiet and looked out the window. Was he really going to let someone who belittles him so, to just have his way with him just so he could obtain the high he craved? Emil became to lost in thought as the car pulled up to a nice house. He was only pulled back into reality when Ned the Dutch looking man, had yanked him out of the car and was shoving him inside the house. "Get the hell upstairs. I don't want my sister to see you" he said with a tone that honestly made Emil fear him more than Mr.Vargas himself. Emil quickly shuffled upstairs as Ned was at his heal, following him to a bedroom where he was pushed into and onto the bed.

Emil felt light. The bed under him held him as though he wasn't sinning. Through the violation that made him sick with regret, he found himself begging for more. Not for the Dutch man himself but for the love he felt. The way his heart was racing and his mind was floating was what Emil craved. The needle no longer felt sharp but as though someone had pressed a rough kiss to his arm. In his bliss, he was ignoring the slaps, and the bruises and even the choking, as he was too lost in his mind to truly feel what was happening in reality. It was a high in which he no longer felt all the pain in his heart. Ned kept injecting him but the high became too much for the young boy along with the penetrations and punishments as Emil found darkness in the pleasure he felt. He couldn't tell if he had closed his eyes or had fallen asleep. His body however no longer wanted to move and his mind drifted along with the high and happiness.

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