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It was a cloudy Saturday morning and Emil ran the last block to his friends house and knocked. His was greeted by Francine who told him to come in quickly before he caught a cold. Emil quickly walked into Madeline's house and up to her room after Francine had let him in. Madeline had been out of the hospital for a little over a week and Amelia and Emil barley left her alone. He smiled slightly as he walked in, she was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed and her dog sitting in her lap. She was reading a book called Tigers Curse. She'd tried getting Emil to read the series but he wasn't much of a book person. She looked up and waved at her friend "hey Emil". He waved back and sat on the edge of her large bed. "What's up?" He asked her and she closed her book and set it on her nightstand. "Just reading but I have something to tell you" she looked like she had the biggest surprise known to man on her mind, Emil smiled "okay shoot". She nodded and grabbed her laptop and showed Emil."Okay, so when Ludwig went to apologize to Feliciano, Feli wanted to know who he cheated on him with but Ludwig wouldn't say. Then Feli brought up how Gil-...How Ludwig's brother said it was a prostitute and someone we know! So me and Feli have been trying to figure out who it was". Emil went pale as she continued talking "so I've made a list of all the people in our school who could possibly work at the brothel!" Emil wanted to stray her off the path of the brother "I don't know Madeline, some prostitutes don't work at the brothel...". Madeline shook her head "well you see, Feliciano brought up the same point. So I thought about it, no teenager could operate such a sexual business inside of their house without their parents finding out, or if they use a hotel the police would be on their trail and fine them for prostitution!". Emil frowned, Madeline had it all figured out and she'd probably find out soon. "Well why do you guys need to know this prostitute?" Madeline shrugged "Feli wants to know for closure I guess, and if it's some we knows had sex with Ludwig while they were dating why wouldn't they tell Feli? That seems pretty suspicious since they didn't". Emil needed to get her off his trail, or at least blame someone else in the brothel. "I'm actually glad you came, since we can't keep asking Ludwig or talk to his brothel because he's a piece of crap. Feliciano's coming over and we are gonna call the brothel and act like we are renting someone! Once we get the description of the prostitute we'll match it to people in our school!". Emil looked down, he felt his stomach churn in worry. "Madeline I don't know if calling the brothel is a good idea, I mean what if the owner of the brothel tracks your number and finds out your Francine's daughter". Madeline looked surprised and her eyes widened "I-I didn't think about that, but we'll just call from Feliciano's phone". Emil nodded "okay, well um still...". Madeline smiled "trust me Emil, this will be perfectly safe" Emil nodded "well I do now one thing about Ludwig since me and him still talk a little, he went on a date with a guy named Alfred". Madeline looked shock "really? Huh I'm surprised, Feli with Alice and now Ludwig with some guy named Alfred. Do you have a picture of him?" Emil nodded. He quickly pulled out his phone "I'm actually friends with Alfred. I set them up to get Ludwig to stop mopping". He handed Madeline his phone so she could look at the picture Alfred sent him after their third date. It had been going well from what Alfred would say, Ludwig blushes every time Emil brings it up in the newspaper club (which Feli quit right after they broke up).

Alfred Sat 7:00 pm
'Hey Dude, you never told me how awkward he was'

Emil Sat 7:00 pm
'Didn't think I needed to'

Alfred Sat 7:02pm
'Anyways, he's super cute but idk if he's my type'

Emil Sat 7:02pm
'Just go on another date with him, get to know him better'

Alfred Sat 7:06pm

Alfred Tues 1:38 pm
'We just went on our third date and I finally got him to open up. Turns out he might be my type after all. He's cute too 😘. Got a picture with him to!'

 Got a picture with him to!'

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Emil Tues 1:39 pm
'Cute. Also told you so'

Madeline finished raised an eyebrow as she read through the texts. "I feel bad for Feli, but I'm glad Ludwig is happy now". Emil nodded "I'm mostly happy for Alfred, nobody has really found interest in him except Ludwig". Madeline nodded and gave Emil his phone back "let's just hope Ludwig doesn't cheat on him like he did Feliciano or like how dickhead did to me". Madeline was pretty angry at Gilbert for throwing away their long relationship, mostly in part because Amelia would rub her anger off on her. Speak of the devil, her sister barged with her mouth half full of food "yo sis, your friend Feliciano is downstairs eating snacks with mom. You better come get him before she stuffs him full and before he eats all my snacks" Madeline laughed and nodded "okay Amelia". Emil and Madeline got off her bed, and headed downstairs. Madeline carried Kuma who was sleeping with them. This is when Emil's stomach started to sink, now that Feli was here they were gonna call the brothel. They were gonna find out he worked there, and drop him as a friend. They were going to tell everyone, and then everybody in town would now he's a whore. He tried to calm himself down but his gut kept tossing and turning in fear. They're going to find out. Nobody will be left once they know. You're going to be alone. Forever.

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