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Lovino and Emil sat silently as Feliciano had to leave and go to Ludwig as the emotional toll had been too much for the young boy. Seeing someone he cared about in the hospital brought old, almost forgotten memories of his parents back. Lovino wiped away his constantly falling tears as he stared at his best friend. So many people cared for her, and yet her mind convinced her to do this. His best friend that had saved him from doing something to take his own life, but he himself could not do the same for Madeline. "I knew Gil wasn't good for her...and I knew that Austrian bitch would always do something to get in between Madeline and Gilbert" Lovino said as he looked at Emil. Emil nodded and kept his eyes on Madeline "truth be told...I don't think Anneliese was drunk when she and Gil went up to the bedroom". Lovino sighed and rested his head back "I don't know what I'd do if I got cheated on" Emil nodded "if you know you're going to break the persons heart then why even date them?". Lovino shrugged as he gazed upon the dotted white ceiling "maybe for the thrill?". Emil reached out and grabbed Madeline's hand once again "Madeline, please you got wake up. For us" he eyes were welling up once again as he made he final plead "please". Lovino shook his head "she can't hear you....but don't worry. She'll wake up. Madeline is stronger than any of us, she has to wake up". He usually was very pessimistic about most things but this time he was being optimistic for mostly his own sake, but for everyone else around him.

For the next few hours, Madeline would mutter things but never wake up. Her father and mother returned but Emil, Lovino and Amelia left to get food as they all were having very spaced out meals due to always wanting to be with Madeline. Arthur held Francine's hand as they looked upon their daughter. Her face was gaining some color back, but still held a deathly pale to it. Arthur held a small white dog in his lap, as it slept. It was Madeline's dog Kuma who she loved dearly. It was a gift for her when Arthur first met her and adopted her. Francine thought that would be one thing Madeline would love to see when first waking up so they brought the small chow chow. Francine ever prayed that having her beloved dog near, would encourage Madeline to wake up.

"Feliciano, calm down and breathe. Tell me what's wrong" said the stoic German as he tried calming down his boyfriend. Feliciano hiccuped as he slowly began to calm down as he clutched onto the fabric of his boyfriends shirt "Gilbert cheated on Madeline and she-". Feli was caught off by loud footsteps and Gilbert's voice "I heard my awesome name. What's up Feli?" he made it down the stairs only to look up and see a crying Italian and his glaring brother. Feliciano sat up from Ludwig lap and point at Gilbert "you! I can't believe you! You're not even sorry!". Gilbert looked confused and rubbed away the tiredness from his eyes "sorry about what?" He asked genuinely confused by what his friend meant. He'd never even seen Feli angry before, he's been annoyed in the past but he's never looked actually angry. "Y-you are a cheater! You cheated on Madeline with..." Feliciano felt anger built up in his chest, since his brother always released his anger Feliciano thought he should bottle his up but he couldn't control it this time "with that fucking whore Anneliese!". Gilbert paled "Feli...you can't tell Madeline! I love her..." Feliciano glared "tell her? You already apologized for it to her through text! Which is even worse! You couldn't ever apologize to her in person about how much of an awful person you are!". Gilbert shook his head "I meant that for me being drunk and not studying with her...and how do you even know about me cheating and the texts I've sent her!?" The small Italian pushed Gilbert causing him to stumble a few steps back "well let me tell you something you idiot! She found out about the cheating because you may have been drunk but others around you were sober. And people talk Gilbert so word gets around fast. Also you two are over! You won't be able to hurt Madeline any more". Gilbert's eyes widened, trying to process everything that has been said "n-no no I can't loose her....I didn't mean to! You have to believe me". Feli rolled his eyes "oh really? You didn't mean to have sex with someone who isn't your girlfriend! You cheaters are all the same, horrible awful people". Gilbert shook his head, he was angry at himself for letting Madeline find out he was cheating, he was mad at the fact he even did cheat. His mind raced with thoughts as he balled up his fists and dug his nails into his palms. He looked up and saw Ludwig hugging Feliciano "you hurt a lot of people Gilbert" he said towards his brother. Ludwig was disappointed that Gilbert would even stoop so low, but he wasn't angry as he had done the same to Feli but he vowed never to do it again. Gilbert's anger finally released "you're telling me about how I hurt a lot of people? Well I guess you never told Feliciano about the night at the brothel!". Ludwig looked like he would kill his brother in an instant. Gilbert promised he'd never tell anyone about his mistake. If Feliciano was to ever find out, Ludwig wanted to be the one telling him. Feliciano pulled away from the comfort of his lovers arms "brothel? Ludwig, what is he talking about?" Feliciano looked confused and back at Gilbert as Ludwig looked down at the floor and didn't say a word"Gilbert explain". Gilbert let out a sarcastic laugh "this fucker wants to talk about me cheating? Well let me tell you something Feli, your little Ludwig isn't much better. He's not the shinning armor knight you think. Oh no, he beat the prostitute too! And guess what? The prostitute is someone we all know. So before you call me an awful person I think you should take a step back". Feli froze, why would Ludwig cheat? Sure they've had their fights, but every couple fights. Was he not loving enough? Feliciano felt...numb. He'd cried so much over Madeline that it's almost like all his tears have been used. He turned around and walked towards the door. "Libeling wait-" Ludwig said as he grabbed Feli's wrist. Feliciano ripped his arm away from Ludwig's grasp and opened the door "we're over. I won't stay with anyone who would cheat on me". In Feliciano's mind if he were to stay that would just encourage Ludwig to cheat more knowing Feli would still stay even if he knew he had been cheated on. With that he walked out of the household were he created so many loving memory's. Memory's that would no longer be remembered with love, but with regret and sadness.

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